The Rebellion pt5

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


Harry grimaced. " more thing on the to-do list."


"Yeah...the list that currently reads: don't die, solve Voldemort issue, establish a following, overthrow the ministry, don't die again," Percy trailed off with a shake of his head. "Try not to have complete meltdowns every time we see someone we've lost..."

"Merlin...I'm not the person that should be doing this," Harry sat back down on the floor and wrapped his arms around his knees. "I'm not going to be able to hold it together. Neville should have been the one..."

"That's why we're going together," Percy walked over and physically pulled him back up to standing. "You don't have to do it alone, and you know that, while Neville is apparently a dangerous badass, you are the only one of us that actually fulfills the whole Dark Lord requirements."

Harry snorted. "'s not my fault that dying turned my core dark...probably the Hallows as well."

"Reading almost everything in the Black library was a bit more intentional though," Percy kissed the top of his head with a smile. "Now...if we're going to do this, let's just do it. I'm more concerned about the Unspeakables coming after us than the aurors since Supervisor Davids apparently knows what we're doing."

"Eh...he seems to approve at least," Harry shrugged but still picked up his silver knife and sliced a gash in his palm. "You want to do it, or you want me to?" He held out the knife to Percy.

"Are there like a thousand elements to this ritual?" He grumbled, picking up a clean knife instead and slicing his own palm with a wince.

"You have no idea...I've been putting this together for over a year," Harry dripped three drops of blood in the middle of the circle. "You next...this is the time to back out if you want. You're committed once you add the blood."

With an eyeroll Percy added three drops of his own blood to the middle of the circle. "I have a feeling I was committed from the day I moved in here after Ron was taken."

"See you on the other side then," Harry gave him a quick kiss before unfolding a parchment with a very long spell in Latin on it and began to chant.

He couldn't felt like all the air was forced from his lungs and he was being crushed in a vise. Then, he was too large, he was stretched over all space and time. He had no body. Was his soul anchored to anything anymore? Then...there was nothing, no thoughts, no feelings, nothing. With a painful crash, he finally drew in a deep, painful breath and clutched at his suddenly solid once again chest. 

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