Acting the part pt6

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Sirius is going to start missing his whiskey," Hermione warned him, but Harry just smirked at her, not concerned. There were too many people in the house for Sirius pin it on him. Moody would most certainly be blamed before he was.


The return letter from Percy showed up with Pig just before dinner while Harry was quickly trying to finish off all the homework that young Harry hadn't bothered to even start. He made sure to add in some mistakes and all, but he was sure it was still going to be better than his usual slapped together summer work. It hurt his pride at this point to do as badly as young Harry probably would have.

"Awesome!" He grinned in excitement as he grabbed the little owl out of the air from where he was zooming around the sitting room he and the younger Weasleys were all in while the Order meeting was being held.

"Your owl is a bloody menace Ron," George grumbled at the bird that had almost flown smack into his head.

"He's just enthusiastic, George!" Ginny protested and took the owl from Harry to coo over his tiny, fluffy head.

Harry chuckled but opened the letter distractedly:


Good to hear about R. and H. Wait to fill them in on me until I can be there. I should be able to talk with them in person soon. As for your present, this is more of an addition I'm adding to your school supplies than an actual birthday present. I've been working on a project that I believe will be finished by the Saturday before term. About your guess, I have no idea what you might mean by a pink toad. I don't believe even magical toads come in that color.

Good job today. I was very impressed by your acting.


Harry could feel the amusement from Percy's writing and was really looking forward to seeing him in just about a week. He had absolutely no clue what the man planned to give him, but he was already hoping he could get away from the group long enough to properly thank him for whatever it was.

"Good news?" Hermione asked from where Ron was squarely beating her in wizard's chess.

"Mainly just flirting," he grinned at her. "Not that he'll ever admit it, mind you."

At that, the door opened to the sitting room. "Dinner," Mrs. Weasley stuck her head in to call them all.

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