A Portrait's Blood Oath pt4

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


Harry thought he heard a mumbled, "Malfoy," from Ron across the table, but he had absolutely no idea why he would or how Malfoy was relevant at all.


The house was completely silent with just slight creaks from it being an old building and from the wind. Harry left the room where Ron was asleep with a light spring in his step. He hadn't seen Kreacher yet, and he missed his ornery friend. Plus, he had business with the House of Black that he wanted taken care of as soon as possible.

He made a detour through the attic where he knew there was a pocket-sized portrait in a box that would be useful for the future. The occupant was, of course, missing when he slid it into his pocket. He knew exactly where to find the occupant and planned to head straight there next. A wordless spell had him moving silently through the house, not even leaving shadows in his wake.

"Who's there?!" Walburga Black barked out from her painting in the entry hall when she felt the wards shift slightly as Harry stepped in front of her portrait.

He dispelled his disillusionment and his glamour with a smirk at the painted woman still inexplicably tied directly into the wards of the manor. It was why her portrait could never be removed. "Hello, Walburga," Harry drawled with a warning glare in his eyes.

"Who are you, and why are you master of my wards?" She hissed at the young man in front of her. She'd felt the wards change to someone earlier in the day, but she had not seen his dark wizard in the house at all. He looked like he may be a member of the Black family, but she could not place who he was. Whoever he was, he must be very powerful though for the house to choose him over her disappointment of a son who was actually the next in inheritance order. The Black Manor was mildly sentient and would choose a master that would ensure its survival and ability to maintain its magical wards. She already felt the family magic strengthening after just a few hours of being connected to this man.

Harry pulled the small portrait from his pocket. "I'm from the future where I am master of Black Manor," he told her, causing the stern woman's eyes to widen in surprise, especially as she took in her small portrait. "I know you then...you incorporated the ward stone's magic into your portrait...not something usually done in polite society or strictly legal," he smirked even more widely at her. Like Voldemort, the hateful woman had a desire for immortality. Walburga at least just made it to where her legacy had to live on, and her portrait would never be removed instead of doing something as vile as creating a horcrux though.

She glared at him for that. "You must be my grandson. Sirius is your father? I'm surprised he would allow you to study the Dark Arts, but I can feel your magic in the wards."

Harry rolled his eyes at her. "No, I'm Harry Potter...I am Sirius's heir, but more importantly, as the ward holder, you will serve me now."

"I serve no one, young man," she sniffed indignantly. "Ward holder or not, you have no right to order a lady of House Black around, especially as a Potter," she said as if the name were a swear word.

"Ah, but you already promised me your allegiance," he couldn't help the little chuckle at that. While they may have worked past their overt animosity in the future, he still really didn't like Walburga. "Your portrait in the future said to invoke your blood oath to the Dark...You are sworn to serve the Dark, and as the rightful Dark Lord by magic, you serve me."

The woman actually looked a little afraid and impressed as his words confirmed the oath that still rang through the blood she'd woven into the painting. "You mean to take over from Lord Voldemort?" She crossed her arms and studied the man more. He looked formidable, and his magic spoke to great power, but could he actually win against Voldemort? "I am less than impressed with your odds in this endeavor," she concluded.

Harry just chuckled and waved her concern away. "Regardless, I expect you to keep an eye on the inhabitants of this house. I will be asking for regular updates, especially as your portrait is primely placed to hear the Order meetings." Silencing wards didn't affect something in the wall itself, like a portrait unless it was intentionally put over the portrait. No one had ever questioned that Walburga heard all and knew exactly what was going on in the house at all times.

She sneered at him, but she was bound by the vow she'd made to magic as an idealistic youth. "At least someone else is standing against these Light fools, even if I do not believe you will succeed against this time's Dark Lord."

"I already have," Harry shrugged and put her small portrait in his pocket with a smirk and a flourish. "I think I'll greatly enjoy doing it again this time much more though."

"Consider having a portrait painted," she called after his retreating form. "There is a nice place in the sitting room you could have it placed when he kills you!"

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