The Black Family Tree pt2

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Fine!" Sirius gave a fake huff and eyeroll at Harry's secretiveness. 

"Wait...we have a family library?"


A couple sliced palms, some ancient Latin, and a small but controlled fire later and one Hadrian Black appeared on the family tapestry in an odd branch off to the side, not really attached to anyone in particular. "It looks like I just showed up out of nowhere, like a stork actually did drop me off on your doorstep," Harry chuckled at the positioning of his name.

"A stork?" Sirius looked at him in utter confusion.

"Er, muggle story, sorry," Harry said in explanation. "Although...I was actually dropped off on the Dursley's doorstep...huh...not sure how I feel about that right now."

"Well, I'm glad you are here with me now. Regardless, families graft people in all the time," Sirius lovingly ran a finger over the name, the only part of the tapestry he liked. "Our family just wasn't one to add, more subtract."

Harry walked over and wrapped his arms around his new cousin, or uncle, or father, or whatever the ritual had made Sirius to him. With his glamour off, they were much closer to the same size. Even if Harry was still a little shorter, he was stockier and more muscular. It was odd, but nice. "Thank you...then and now for wanting me in your family."

"Always, pup," Sirius just hugged Harry back like he was the only thing keeping him tethered to the world.

"Besides, I can't have anyone questioning my favorite cousin," he said with a grin. "You really going to stop by and join in on Order things and such?"

"I will definitely stop by as often as possible," Harry assured him. "As for the Order, I can help out, but not join. While our goals currently do align, I'm clearly a dark wizard, have figured that out, right? I mean...tattooing runes on yourself is runic blood magic...are you ok with me if I'm not completely sold on everything the Order stands for? I know you said you were with me, but I'm not a light wizard..."

"I did actually figure that one out, thank you very much," Sirius rolled his eyes and gave a little nervous chuckle. "Yes, the runes, but also the wards switching to you, that this ritual was clearly dark magic and you expertly cast it with no problem, and the fact you even knew we had a family library that I'm assuming is completely Dark Arts. Harry, pup, my prejudice against dark magic is because I've seen the harm it can do from my family, but after the war...well, I've seen the harm light magic can do now as well. I've seen the harm I can do with light magic. I might not understand, but I'm willing to listen...for you, I'm willing to try."

"That's all I ask, Siri," Harry assured him vehemently. "I'm not asking you to be involved in anything you don't want to. I just want you in my life."

"Well, we're stuck together now!" Sirius smiled and pointed at the new name on the tapestry. "Welcome to the madhouse of my family. I'm sure you fit in better than I do. I think we might both have a touch of the stereotypical Black madness anyway."

Harry laughed and gave him one more hug before reapplying his glamour. "Well, I have packing to do for school, and you have an Order meeting to get to. Try not to start any fights with Snape."

Sirius shrugged. "I make no stealing my whiskey to take to school!" He called out as Harry removed the ward on the door and made to leave.

"Just one?" Harry asked with a pout and really terrible puppy dog eyes. "Kreacher refuses to buy any for me, apparently house elves can refuse an order if they think it's for your own good...I swear he only ever followed about a third of my orders in the future anyway, and he's heading that direction quite quickly already."

"I don't even want to know how you got my elf to serve you...actually, you own the house, I guess that makes perfect sense," he shrugged, not caring at all. He gave in with a sad sigh. "Alright...just one bottle, and you aren't to give any to the actual fifteen-year-olds."

"Oh please, like I'd share with them anyway," Harry scoffed with a laugh to run off and grab the bottle before his godfather changed his mind.

"Merlin, he's worse than me," Sirius grumbled, more concerned than anything else. With one last glance back to the newest member of his family on the wall, he made his way downstairs to try not to fall asleep during the latest Order meeting fiasco.

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