Tea With a Professor pt3

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"My godson," Harry began, a hollow and haunted look in his eyes. "Ron, Hermione, Draco, Kreacher, and they were all directly connected to ministry action. There were many others before then that we hope to stop like Severus, Colin Creevy, Fred Weasley, Lavender Brown...the list just keeps going..."


"Dear Hecate," Flitwick closed his eyes in dread before downing his scotch and pouring them all another.

"We're going to take out Voldemort much earlier this time," Percy nodded and put an arm around Harry's shoulders supportively. "Stop the fear and what he did before it gets bad once more."

"You're going to need to do more than that," the Charms professor put down his cup and crossed his arms, studying them. "What is your plan?"

"It's more of an idea than plan..." Harry started with a grimace.

Flitwick's eyes cut to Percy with a raised and disbelieving eyebrow. Percy huffed and rolled his eyes. "I literally learned about the time travel plan minutes before we were performing the ritual. Of course, Harry jumped right in without anything solid to work from."

"Hey! I had a plan but then you insisted on coming," Harry gave him a fake glare. "I was only going back in time six years; you took us back twelve. That's a big difference to a plan!"

"Your plan was to just cause chaos...that's not a plan, love," Percy gave him a long-suffering look.

"It sounds like you're going to need help," Flitwick cut in before they could start bickering. It really was like watching an old married couple. "I realize the first step will have to be taking out the Dark Lord...I assume you know how to do that?"

Harry crossed his arms and smirked at that. "Been there, done that, can do it much faster this time," he assured the man. "Plus, I already got us some help."

"If you mean my brother and Hermione, please remember they are only 15 in this time," Percy reminded him with a significant look that clearly stated no teenagers would be involved in as much dangerous activities as they had been the first time around.

"Yeah, well I have Sirius and the house elves on board as well, plus Flitwick if he wants," Harry gave the man a hopeful smile.

"Sirius Black?" Flitwick instead asked disbelievingly. "I heard a rumor he might be innocent, are you claiming that is true?"

"Definitely!" Harry nodded firmly. "Killing Peter Pettigrew is also on my list just as a warning if that's a deal-breaker for you."

"What do you mean by having the house elves?" Percy cut in to ask before Flitwick even seemed to get over his shock. "Don't you just mean Dobby and Kreacher?"

Harry nodded and helped himself to a bit more scotch. "Well, yeah, Dobby and Kreacher are the only ones really sold on the whole me taking over as a Dark Lord bit, but Winky is tentatively a yes. She wants to see a better plan first before committing to anything. Apparently, the Hogwarts Head Elf is sort of a leader in their community, and she's reaching out to all the head elves of private families to put together a list of demands before the community as a whole signs on. They haven't said no yet though."

Both men looked over to Flitwick to see his reaction to Harry's nonchalant slide-in of their main plan of taking over the Dark Lord position. Flitwick poured another splash of scotch in his teacup and nodded, downing it in one. "You do seem to fit the criteria," he remarked and leaned back in the chair with his eyes closed. "So that's the plan, isn't it?"

"Yeah...that's the core anyway," Harry agreed as they waited on his response.

"Albus will be a problem," the half-goblin remarked, his eyes still closed as he seemed to be processing. "What do you plan to do there?"

"Whatever it takes...whatever is necessary," was Percy's answer, not surprising Harry, but clearly surprising Flitwick whose eyes shot open in shock.

"And what may I ask have you been getting up to all these years, Mr. Weasley?" Flitwick seemed to decide that question was remarkably necessary now. "I doubt you taught DADA the first time you lived through 1995, so what are your qualifications, and how may I ask did this position conveniently land in your lap this time around?"

"I'm an Unspeakable," Percy pulled off the leather band around his left wrist and held out the mark for Flitwick to see. "I'm sure I can keep up with Hogwarts students enough to teach DADA."

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