A New Friend pt4

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Empaths are highly sought after by both sides of the war and the ministry. They wanted her to be able to decide what she wanted to do with her life instead of it being decided for her."


"If Luna is too close to Harry, well, you all have an idea of how terrible that would be for an empath to experience without being prepared first," Percy said and threw an arm over Harry's shoulders now that he wasn't brewing anymore.

Harry snorted in agreement. "I've been constructing Occlumency shields for years, and I've gotten better since I first started during my mastery. I can construct some better shields around that trauma since the original are now gone...shields that are more mentally healthy," he added firmly at Percy's disapproving look.

"I know how to not completely bury memories now and can just distance them. I didn't know how to do that nine years ago when I was trying to function and just wanted to rip out the memories...I think we can all agree that it's good that at least I didn't obliviate myself, which I did consider for a second. I'm slightly healthier than that. Give me some time though, and I'll keep away from Luna until I won't hurt her by being close."

Ron sighed and rubbed his temples. "So, we keep Harry and Luna away from each other while trying to convince everyone he isn't insane since the Prophet is already painting him that way while also trying to keep him from doing anything stupid..."

"It's a busy year," Hermione just smiled with a chuckle.

"What?" She raised an eyebrow when everyone looked at her. "It's still better than last year."

Harry nodded slowly, remembering his fourth year. "Still better than my original fifth year probably too."

"Wait!" Ron held a hand up, a shocked look on his face as he remembered what Harry had said about his partner. "Harry said you killed our original DADA professor!" He stared open-mouthed at his brother who was a complete wimp and would never do absolutely anything considered illegal.

Percy just looked at his partner and raised a questioning eyebrow. Harry huffed and rolled his eyes. "I told them no such thing. I heavily implied some things, and they may have gone from there."

Percy shrugged, not really caring. "I have no regrets," he said darkly before squeezing Harry's hand and going to his desk to find his lesson plans for his first class. "I did what had to be done. You may not agree with my methods, but I did what was right, and you don't have to trust me on that, but I ask that you remember that we're at war. The rules you live by no longer apply."

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