A New Friend pt5

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"The rules you live by no longer apply."


Harry put a hand on Percy's desk and bent over with a gasp. "My runes as deactivating," he said in almost a sob. "I only have a couple minutes...erm, my first class is Charms, so at least Flitwick knows I don't actually need his class. DADA is next...Percy, can I take your office for a couple periods? I think I can fix my shields by Transfiguration."

"What do we tell Flitwick?" Hermione asked with wide eyes at how the emotions were trying to flood her friend once more.

Tears were running from Harry's eyes, and he sat on the floor and curled up in a ball. Percy sighed and bent over to kiss his head before taking the wards off his door. "Come on, leave him be. We have class anyway," he herded the two teens towards the door so Harry could work on dealing with his emotions in peace. He looked back at his partner with a wince. He was going to be so sore when he finally got up off the stone floor.

"Flitwick?" Hermione reminded Percy as they stepped out of the office and Percy warded the door behind him for Harry's privacy.

Percy stood there thinking and tapped his wand against his leg. Ron was just looking at him speculatively. "What do you look like under there?" He mused, trying to look through Percy's glamour.

His older brother just smirked at him. "Not as out there as Harry. I'm not a big fan of needles," he chuckled.

"Tell Flitwick that Harry isn't feeling well...tell him that a past illness hit him again. If you say it significantly enough, he'll realize what you're trying to tell him. If he doesn't, just tell him to talk to me, and I'll clear it up later. See you in DADA!" He gave them a little wave and a wistful look at Ron again before turning on his heel and striding off to his first year Hufflepuff/Slytherin class.

"Merlin, this is all so strange," Ron grumbled as he and Hermione began walking to their Charms class. "I can't believe Harry's dating my brother!"

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