A Portrait's Blood Oath pt5

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Consider having a portrait painted," she called after his retreating form. "There is a nice place in the sitting room you could have it placed when he kills you!"


Next, Harry strolled into sitting room to grab a bottle of firewhisky from where he knew Sirius hid them in the roll-top desk. Armed with alcohol, he made his way to the Black Library in the far corner of the third floor where no one's eyes ever strayed if they were not accepted into the manor's wards. Honestly, he wondered if Sirius were even able to see it. He had barely held the wards and would probably not be interested in a Dark Arts library regardless.

Harry took in a deep breath, the familiar dusty and earthy smell of the library calming him with the slight ozone tinge of dark magic just at the corner of his senses. He, Hermione, and later Percy had spent so many hours in that library that it'd become a safe haven for him. Importantly, he knew a certain house elf that would be magically notified that he'd entered the unused space though. Kreacher had always taken on the library as a personal point of pride that none of the Order had ever entered nor thrown out any of the artifacts it contained.

Harry hadn't had time for more than a sip of the whiskey before the ancient Black family house elf popped into the library with a dark glare, probably expecting that he was going to have to run Sirius out of the space. "Hello, Kreacher," Harry took another steadying drink before smiling at the elf he'd missed as much as he had Dobby.

Kreacher stood utterly still, his large, yellow eyes wide in shock. "Yous are the wizard wearing the glamour of a child," he remarked. Harry's eyes widened at that. He was fully aware that Kreacher would have been watching everyone from the shadows, but he hadn't known the elf would be able to see through the amazing glamour he'd been wearing.

It didn't matter though. Harry sat on the dustless, and luxurious red-velvet armchair to be closer to Kreacher's height. "I am. I'm from the future. I came back to change things for all of us."

Kreacher slowly nodded. "Kreacher felt the Dark Master claim the wards. Bad master Sirius could not hold wards of ancient dark magic. Has the Dark Master come to restore the glory of House Black."

Harry's grin turned terrifying as he nodded in agreement. "I'm here to restore the glory of the Dark as well as House Black and wixen society. I will be your and everyone's Dark Lord."

Kreacher almost squeaked as he shuffled into what resembled a bow for the ancient elf. "The Dark Master should know, there is another false Dark Lord. Kreacher's master Regulus served him before he turned from the true way."

"Oh, I know, Kreacher," he grinned even more ferally. "Kreacher...let's talk about Regulus..."

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