Something Resembling a Planish pt3

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"It's not like becoming a Dark Lord was ever on my career planning sheet during Hogwarts, so I should get to do something I want to do as well as you."


Percy had to admit, he really liked that idea. Merlin, they both needed mind-healers! "Sure, why not," he shrugged and immediately added the two things that came to his mind first to their list.

"No fair!" Harry pouted deeply causing Percy to smirk at him and really want to kiss that pout away. "I wanted Umbridge!"

"Oh, love, I have more access to her than you do right now," he reminded the man as sweetly as possible. "Plus, it was her proposed legislation that we have to stop with this whole insane trip."

"Fine," Harry did take Percy's hand and place a little kiss to the back of it though. "If she shows up at Hogwarts, then dibs transfers to me though. And don't get caught! I'll storm Azkaban for you, but it should be the absolute last resort."

"Fair enough..."

"Ergh! You are such a nerd!" Harry laughed at the next thing Percy had written down. "Finish your research? You have all the time in the world for that...well, at least until we get killed or arrested by the aurors. Pick something petty, please, or I'll feel bad. I was going to add killing Pettigrew and setting up Remus and Tonks again to the list...I miss Teddy."

"Harry, dear...I was never allowed to tell you what my research was in, and I think it could be helpful to our cause," Percy couldn't help the gleeful look that came into his eyes. Without having to follow the ministry's rules, he could now do all the things he was banned from before...well, still not legally, but at least he wasn't trying to keep his job anymore.

Harry took the last bite of his shepherd's pie and leaned back expectantly. "So...will the all-knowing Unspeakable finally let me in on what he's been doing in the office all day for years now? I know it has something to do with soul magic since I can feel it leeching off of you when you come home...I might not be as good at feeling magic as you, but soul magic is part of my inner-being now."

"Fair..." He nodded, realizing he should have known Harry would be able to detect it. "Yeah, so, my area is inferi...I'm working to give them actual sentience if not their own souls back..."

"You're working in Necromancy?!" Harry gasped in a startled whisper while looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, even if they were behind a privacy ward. "And the ministry sanctioned that?!"

"We're the Unspeakables," he shrugged. "The laws tend to be tossed out regularly in the Department of Mysteries. I know, hypocritical, but it works in my favor at least."

Harry gave him an appreciative look that bordered on lecherous. "I thought you couldn't get any hotter, but then you go and tell me you're a don't happen to have those old horned-rimmed glasses around anywhere, do you? I might just self-implode if you do."

Percy looked around the pub as well before leaning in with a matching grin. "When do you have to get back?" He asked with a raise of his eyebrow. "My flat is just off Diagon."

Harry did some very creative mental math. "I would guess the Order is coming to get me tonight. I remember us flying off on brooms when it was dark, which...clearly not safe. I don't know what they were thinking! relatives won't care or notice if I'm gone all day, I just need to get back before the sun goes down."

Percy grinned even more broadly. " first though. Let's get you that new wand, some age and size appropriate clothes with charms on them, then...we have the rest of the day. I'll tell the ministry I'm sick and skip out on work today."

"Awesome! You just quit your job in the future; you should get a day," the younger man stood and dispelled the ward with a wave of his hand.

"More like I would have been fired and a warrant issued for my arrest," he muttered lowly so only Harry could hear.

"Potato/tomato, or whatever that saying is..." he just shrugged and excitedly pulled Percy by the hand to the back of the pub to access the alley. "I'm suddenly motivated to handle our errands as quickly as possible."

"Bank first you have your key on you?"

Harry paused with a frown. "Did I ever have my key...?" He couldn't remember. He had one in the future, but when had he gotten it? It had to have been after the dragon incident when he'd had reparations and groveling and all that.

"Merlin...fine, we'll get you a blood test too for a new key," Percy grumbled and tapped the bricks to open the wall. "I thought you were less of a hot mess when you were younger, apparently I was mistaken."

Harry just grinned at him broadly. "Yeah...should have warned you...that's probably from trauma that happened from even before Hogwarts...or I was just always this way, not sure which. You love me anyway though," he said confidently.

Percy sighed deeply. "That I do, you prat."

"Love you too!" He threw an arm around Percy's waist, and they strode into a very different Diagon Alley than they were used to in their time.

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