The Black Family Tree

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


Harry tapped his wand on his arm and circled the man, looking him up and down in a minute study. "'s not the perfect solution, but I think it'll work..."

"Really?!!" Sirius Black almost danced in joy with an excited clap of his hands.

"Don't get too excited. If you run into anyone who actually knew you at this age and they get a close look, I bet they could figure it out," Harry tried to squelch his glee some. "It's safe for the muggle world and general wixen from a distance, but maybe not Diagon or Hogsmeade, or at least wear a hat or hooded cloak if you do need to go there."

The glamour spell Percy had taught Harry really was just for making a person look like a younger version of themselves. With the spell on Sirius, he looked in his early twenties, which was a far cry from his current weathered and gaunt self, but there were a lot of people who knew him at that age still around. They had been able to tweak it slightly though so that his hair was now a sandy brown and his eyes were more a standard blue than the odd Black family grey-blue they were before.

"Even so pup, just going out to Tesco or for a pint with Moony is so much more than I have currently," Sirius's grin didn't fall in the slightest.

"Well, I'm still going to work on the Polyjuice for instances where you might need to be around people who knew you at this age," he decided. "What do you plan to tell Remus anyway? I'm not so sure we should pull him in just yet. I think joining us will be an easy sell if he'll actually hear me out and watch a couple memories I have, but I was thinking that it might be better to take care of the Voldy problem first before then. I don't want Dumbledore to know just yet, and I think he might think it necessary to tell him."

Sirius scoffed and removed the glamour before plopping into an armchair. "I'll tell Moony I found the spell in a dusty old book. I don't understand keeping Dumbledore in the dark though, but I also realize I know absolutely nothing about your plans or history at this point anyway. If you give him a good enough reason, I'm sure Remus will support you though," he then pouted at Harry with large puppy dog eyes. "Why does Moony get to see memories and I don't? I'm your godfather."

Harry winced and sat on the couch beside where Sephie was napping. "Believe me, Siri, you don't want to see the memories. Remus is sold on this whole two sides of the war thing and Dumbledore's way is the right way. Don't get me wrong, he has good reason to support the man who gave him opportunities when no one else would, so I'm not judging him," Harry explained while Sirius frowned, trying to absorb his reasoning.

"So, my point is, I know that it's going to take those memories to convince him to break away from all that. I have absolutely no doubt he will, I have the ace in the hole on this one, but...those memories are not ones I'd wish on really don't want to know."

Sirius's frown deepened even more at that. "Harry...are you really alright? I mean...I clearly don't know anything about what you've gone through, but I'm getting the idea that maybe I should be more concerned than I have been."

Harry gave him a sad smile and a shrug. "I was doing better before I came back here," he said, knowing it was true, even if he had been a mess then too. "I think I'll be able to get past the worst of it once I get used to all the dead people walking around alive though."

Sirius closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before standing and moving over to sit beside Harry and Sephie on the couch. "I'm going to need you to check in to tell me how you are doing," he instructed very seriously. "You said that you can sneak out, can you come by here like once a week just so I can see you? I don't know how to get you past the Order, but I'll find a way if you can get here."

Harry chuckled as an idea came to him. It would be nice to drop by and see Sirius regularly, and he had already established a cover to do that unintentionally. "Just tell them your cousin is in town and he's amenable to helping out the Order and won't turn in his favorite older cousin to the aurors," he said with a mischievous grin.

"With your hair long, you do look like you could be a part of the family," Sirius gave it some thought and an equally mischievous grin. "Mother and Grandfather both were brutal when it came to cutting people out of the family, so it wouldn't be too shocking for there to be a cousin people hadn't heard much about."

"I generally use the name Hadrian Black in the future for my business dealings anyway," Harry informed him, already now planning his double life outside of school. Percy was going to hate this. "I've used it here in Diagon and wasn't questioned on it, even the goblins wouldn't question it since it actually is part of my legal name."

At that Sirius looked extremely confused but not upset. "Erm...I get Hadrian...I vaguely remember Lily wanting to name you after a Roman emperor for some reason, but how did you end up with my last name? I'm clearly fine and even happy about it, but just how?"

"Huh..." Harry raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Well, I guess you haven't made your will yet. In the future/my past, you made me your heir. Left me everything, even your name so that the family could live on."

Sirius chuckled at that. "Well, guess I got my head out of my arse and did something smart eventually then. I think I'll go ahead and put together that will...I might also see about formally adopting you into the family since we can't take away a name you already have. That just wouldn't do. Plus, I'm planning on not dying very soon anyway."

"It's a simple ritual," Harry told him, now extremely excited to more completely be accepted into the family. As the only one left with the name, it hadn't ever been a problem that he wasn't a Black by blood, but it had always been a small regret of his. Although...he was technically more accepted by the family magic than Sirius was now, so...

"Er...I should probably mention that I own the house," he said sheepishly. "Clearly, that changes nothing about you living here or even the Order, but should know. The wards switched over to me as soon as I stepped over the threshold."

"Even the house likes you better than me," Sirius fake pouted, clearly not too broken up over that. "I can't believe I didn't notice...Well, seems this ritual is more a formality then...let's go get a Hadrian Black added to the ugly family tapestry!

Sirius jumped up and motioned for Harry to follow him, presumably to the sitting room that contained the tapestry. "What do we need? Probably some blood? Maybe a potion?"

"I'll grab the book from the library, but I think I remember it's just some blood, a chant, and possibly burning some drawn runes..." he stood, trying to remember the ritual he'd studied and even had to perform once for a family as part of his mastery. It had been a while, but he was still pretty sure he remembered it, but it was always best to check instead of accidentally cursing themselves or something though.

" said you used the name in your business dealings...what exactly is or was your business, pup?" Sirius slung an arm over his shoulder and steered him towards the door with a questioning raise of his eyebrow.

"Er...just this and that...erm, let's just focus on the ritual for now. Why don't you go find a silver dagger, and I'll go find the book in the family library," Harry tried to deflect, clearly not fooling Sirius any at all.

"Fine!" The man gave a fake huff and eyeroll at his secretiveness. "Wait...we have a family library?"



Sorry guys for taking so long to update I've been so occupied I almost forgot about the book.

I actually I already had the chapter in my draft but forgot to publish it. 😅

So again sorry for making you all wait  to make up to you guys I'll post the next chapter  in the next 24 hours. 


Author out~

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