Tea with a Professor pt7

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


Percy shook his head and chuckled, turning to go and figure out how he wanted to arrange the furniture in his new rooms.


Harry made it through two days with no major mishaps. His old wand was sluggish and didn't like him as much, but it did work, so everything was fine there. Transfiguration, Charms, and Divination were all very boring and easy for Harry since Flitwick was decidedly ignoring both him and Percy (while watching them) as he decided what he wanted to do. Potions was easy as well, but he had to remember to keep his head down and not engage with Snape and not brew a perfect potion either.

DADA had been really good. Percy had started them out on a solid lesson in shielding charms that was informative, appropriate, and which they all really needed to know. Not even Ron or Hermione had anything bad to say after the class, and they still didn't know Percy's relationship with Harry yet. Ron was still grumbling about Percy, but Hermione tentatively decided to wait and see what the older Weasley was going to do with his lessons.

Harry was confused what Ron's issue with Draco Malfoy was though. Well, he knew they had issues, but Ron seemed to be staring at the blond more and looking between the two of them often. Harry had been avoiding the future Death Eater as much as possible since he remembered him being quite a bit of a prat in their fifth year. They had eventually put everything behind them and become sort-of friends before Draco mysteriously disappeared with most of the other former Death Eaters, but at 15, well, Harry was perfectly fine just avoiding him until he killed off Voldy and needed to convince the heir to join his movement. What Ron was thinking was beyond Harry's understanding though, and Ron just brushed him off whenever he asked.

It was two days into the term when Harry remembered what it was he forgot though...or rather what he'd been steadfastly repressing in his brain. It had been bugging him since the train that there was something he should have remembered or realized, but his brain had buried it deep, so he hadn't figured it out yet. Sephie had been napping when they left the tower for breakfast on Wednesday morning, so he'd left her behind to collect later. He, Ron, and Hermione were just about to walk into the Great Hall when a flash of gold caught his eye and the world stopped.

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