A New Friend pt10

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"You do realize he's a light wizard, right?" Snape put down the glass and asked Harry with a dry glare over at the redhead.


"Actually, no..." Harry frowned. "I would have said you were grey, but you're definitely dark now, love, aren't you?"

Percy put an arm over Harry's shoulders and leaned back. "Dark enough," he shrugged. As a necromancer, he was as dark as they come...well, except for Harry who definitely beat him out as (probably) the Master of Death or something along those lines. "You have to admit, my family would most definitely assume I'd joined Voldemort if I told them though. I doubt they understand the difference between Dark Arts as a balance to Light and what the Death Eaters are twisting the practice into."

Snape slowly shook his head before taking another sip of his drink. "Percy Weasley," he said yet again with a shake of his head. "I don't know who I was expecting to see with Hadrian, but it wasn't you..."

Percy just smirked. "If you look at my lesson plans, I'm actually teaching Defense against all types of magic, not just the Dark Arts," he added.

"That...that is actually a very good idea," Snape nodded slowly before looking back over at Harry. "Before, what I was asking you about what your cousin has told you..."

"That you're a spy?" Harry raised an eyebrow and smirked at the man who glanced over to Percy with worry in his eyes. "Don't worry. Percy and I are fully supportive of you, of the Order taking down Voldemort, and I would help, but I doubt I'm Order material," Harry motioned to the runes visible on his neck and arms.

"It's in court records from the first war," Percy reminded the man. "Frankly, I'm very impressed you were able to sell Voldemort on you being his double agent instead of Dumbledore's when everyone knows you were a spy for someone."

"Please call him the Dark Lord or something besides that," Snape winced yet again at their continued use of the name.

Harry's eyes flicked to where Percy's Unspeakable mark was covered and wondered if the spell had been tweaked to cause Death Eaters pain when someone said the name around them. "Does it actually cause you pain, or do you just not like it?" He asked to clarify. "Because, he is most assuredly not Magic's Dark Lord, so I refuse adamantly to call him that. I can, however, call him Voldy or Tom or something like that if I'm actually causing you pain."

"Well...you are very well informed," Snape looked at him, impressed that he actually knew the Dark Lord's real name, something he thought only himself, Dumbledore, and probably Potter knew at this point. "And yes, it feels like we're being burned whenever it is said."

"I'm sorry then. I will avoid that name in particular going forward," Harry nodded at him firmly. "Now, this is supposed to be some kind of security interview or something, isn't it? What do you want to know?"

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