Acting the part pt3

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Wonderful!" Arthur smiled back at him. "Well...finish your porridge there and we'll head on out just as soon as possible."


Harry was certain they'd left earlier than when he did this the first time around. The twins and Ginny were still asleep when they'd left and Ron had only been awake because Hermione had woken him up, anxious to get the books on mind-magic from Harry. If nothing else, Harry was excited to see Percy again. Yes, he'd seen him the day before, but he also didn't know when he'd get to see his partner again before Hogwarts. Honestly, it would be easier for him to sneak out of Hogwarts than Grimmauld where people were actively keeping an eye on them, though even then, he knew Kreacher would cover for him.

So, it was with much more ease that Harry walked into the ministry, not really concerned about his trial, and not currently wanted for anything actually criminal. Normally, in his time, he just avoided the ministry at all costs, but he was also very good at covering his tracks for the more criminal activities he was engaged in, so he might be suspected of quite a few things, but he also wasn't currently being investigated...according to Neville anyway who should know.

"Wand please," the witch at the front desk asked with her hand out to Harry.

With an internal smirk, Harry passed over his old holly wand, his new ebony one strapped to his leg but also easily accessible if needed. Percy had done the same with his new aspen wood wand with banshee hair for the core. The wand shop in Knockturn really was more imaginative in their components than Ollivanders. Harry hadn't tried to cast anything with his old wand yet because of the trace, but it also just didn't feel comfortable in his hand anymore, so he wasn't hopeful that it'd work well for him. He did hope he could still use it for class at the very least though.

"Now for a tour," Arthur Weasley smiled broadly at him, excited to show someone around where he spent most of his days. "I think we should end with my office. Anywhere strike your fancy that you want to see first? Maybe the Department of Magical Games and Sports? We have plenty of time before your hearing."

"Actually..." Harry took his old wand back and turned towards the lifts. "Could we maybe see the room the hearing will take place in? I'd like to get an idea of the know, nerves and all...It might help calm me down some."

Arthur gave him an understanding look before turning to look for someone. "Of course, let's just find someone from that department, and we'll make sure of the location. Sometimes these things get moved around. Ah, there's Percy..." he trailed off with a concerned frown appearing on his face.

Harry had already turned and tried to squelch the smile tugging at his lips. Percy's glamour was not as extensive as Harry's since he hadn't changed overly much since he was nineteen. He'd filled out a little more, his face had developed a few lines, and he'd grown out his hair, but overall, he was still recognizable as Percy, unlike Harry. Because of this, Harry could tell that Percy hadn't even covered everything, probably to begin to pull back his glamour over time as people got used to it. Harry couldn't exactly remember what his partner looked like at nineteen, but he was fairly certain that Percy had made his nineteen-year-old hair a little longer and was slightly more built instead of rail thin. He'd also completely ditched his glasses, not even going to attempt keeping up that ruse.

Put together, the changes weren't overly dramatic, but Arthur Weasley still seemed to notice that there was a difference in his son. "Dad...hi," Percy breathed out as he stepped up to them.

Harry couldn't remember when exactly Percy and his family had started to be on bad terms, but it was definitely during his fifth year at some point, and he was guessing it had already happened by the stern look on Mr. Weasley's face at his son's approach. "'ve grown out your hair a little..." he said, a frown still tugging at his lips. "And your glasses...did you get your vision fixed? That's very expensive."

"Er, yeah," Percy remarked awkwardly, stopping his hand from reaching up to tug on the invisible end of his even longer hair. "I've been saving up a long time for the vision thing. I never really liked my glasses."

Arthur nodded slowly, seeming confused about why they were even having this conversation. "Is there something you need from me, Percy?"

Harry did step behind Arthur to dramatically roll his eyes at his partner and give him a significant look. He was being weird and needed to get it together. Clearly, this was not normal behavior for the father and son at this point in time.

"No," Percy ignored him and focused on his father. "I just heard that the location and time of Harry's hearing has been moved. It's in courtroom ten, and you should probably head that way now to make it. I'll walk with you if you want."

Arthur frowned and looked at his battered watch in disbelief. "But this is hours early...and why a courtroom...?"

"I don't know. I'm only there to take the minutes as Minister Fudge's assistant," Percy shrugged very convincingly in Harry's opinion.

"Well...I guess we should head that way then, Harry," Arthur finally just shook his head and headed towards the lifts. "Erm...thanks for telling us, Percy," he added on with an almost hopeful look in his eyes that definitely broke both Harry and Percy's hearts.

"Just doing my job," Percy responded, not able to meet his eyes.

Harry felt a slip of paper slide into his hand when Percy walked by him to enter the lift to head down to the courtroom. He stifled a grin and put the paper into his pocket to read at a less conspicuous time. He avoided looking at Percy who was fiddling with his briefcase, then his black leather armband that covered his Unspeakable mark, then had to stop himself from touching his hair again...Harry was certain his partner was nervous about more than just seeing his father again in the past, but he wasn't sure what it was that was bothering him and definitely couldn't ask.

The silence of the lift was so palpable that Harry actually let out a sigh of relief then the doors opened to the Department of Mysteries. Percy did as well, but Harry knew it was for very different reasons. This was Percy's safe haven, it was where he was most comfortable, even if he was pretending to not be an Unspeakable in this time. "Just this way..." Percy cleared his throat and motioned them down the black, marble hallway to courtroom ten.

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