Step-sisters (NR) ❤️

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Y/N: 16 years old
Nat: 18 years old
Wanda: 16 years old
Yelena: 16 years old
Story: Y/N and Nat broke up when Y/N's dad and Natasha's mom announced their engagement...

When my dad announced me that he was getting married, I was shocked. If he's not at work, he's usually just home watching TV or something. So I have no idea where did he meet Melina.

I want only the best for my father and I would be really happy for him if Melina wasn't my girlfriend's mother. Natasha and I had only been dating for a month when my dad told me his soon to-be-wife will be moving in with us along with her daughters.

When I saw Natasha standing on our porch with a suitcase, my world fell apart. My feeling were... still are too strong for the redhead, but because faith decided to mess with us, we can't be together. We're step-sisters now.

It all would be somehow okay if Natasha wouldn't have her new girlfriend over every time our parents leave the house. I know I shouldn't have these feelings, but every time I see Maria near Natasha, jealousy takes over me and I better spend the rest of the day alone in my room.

Dad and Melina are out of the town for a few days, so right now I'm in the living room, cuddled up to my cousin and best friend Wanda on the couch while watching a movie. Wanda and I have always had such a strong relationship, we're more like sisters and we know everything about each other.

"You guys are so annoying" Yelena groans, flopping on the couch next to us. "If Natasha and her girlfriend aren't occupying the TV then you and your girlfriend occupy the TV. I want to watch TV too" Yelena complains with a sigh, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wanda's not my-" I start, but Wanda cuts me off by covering my mouth with her hand so I couldn't speak.

"We're sorry, Yelena. How about Y/N/N and I go upstairs, so you can watch TV?" Wanda offers, her hand still covering my mouth. "Right, my love?" She asks, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I give her a confused look, not because her kissing my forehead, we do that all the time, but because her acting like we're dating. Wanda gives me a stern look which tells me to better agree with her.

"Mhm" I nod. "Sure, we can go upstairs" I smile, handing Yelena the remote, getting a 'thanks' from her in response.

Wanda interlocks our fingers while walking all the way from the living room to my bedroom upstairs. Of course we have to bump into Maria and Natasha on the stairs.

"Babe, we could go to the cinema tonight. How does that sound?" Wanda asks, looking at me.

"Hm. Sure" I answer, remaining confused, but Natasha's look was worth it.

As soon as I close the door of my room, I turn to Wanda who's comfortably sat on my bed by now.

"Okay. Wands, you know I love you, but we're cousins and it's just... gross" I tell her immediately, Wanda looking at me with an amused look.

"You're such an idiot sometimes, Y/N" She chuckles. "Natasha's looking daggers at me every time I come near you. She obviously still has feelings for you and the fact that they think we're dating will only make Natasha jealous and fight for you" Wanda explains.

"Wanda, how many times have I told you that Nat and I just can't be together. We're sisters and it's just weird" I sigh, flopping on the bed next to her.

"Step, you're step-sisters, Y/N. You're not related by blood, it's legal. Plus, I see how much you love her, so as your cousin AND your best friend, it's my duty to get you two back together" Wanda smiles.

"I really appreciate that, Wands, but-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"No buts, Y/N" She tilts her head which is my sign to shut up.

"Fine" I sigh.


Dad and Melina are coming home today which means Maria will finally leave and I won't have to spend days locked in my room.

"I'll see you at school" I smile at Wanda, walking her to the door. She stayed here over the entire weekend, playing on my girlfriend in front of Natasha, Maria and Yelena. I'm still not sure about this, but I've learnt to listen to Wanda, cause she's always right.

"See you tomorrow" She kisses my cheek as Natasha's with Maria behind us. "I love you"

"I love you too" I wave her goodbye and Wanda is gone, soon followed by Maria.

I make my way to the kitchen, taking a glass from the cupboard and filling it with water.

"So you're with Wanda now?" Natasha asks, also taking a glass and filling it with water.

"Yeah. Is anything wrong with that?" I ask before taking a sip of my water.

"... No. Not at all" Natasha clears her throat before answering. The way how tightly she's holding the glass tells me otherwise though, maybe Wanda was right and her plan is starting to work.

I place my glass on the counter, taking Natasha's from her hand as I really don't want it to break and cut her hands from how strong her grip over the glass is.

"Break up with her" Natasha blurts out. I knew how much jealous she can get and honestly I find it quite hot on her, but Wanda and I have only been playing on girlfriends for 2 days.

"What?" I laugh out, sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Break up with Wanda" She repeats, moving to stand right in front of me and putting her hands on the kitchen counter on each side of my thighs, trapping me there.

"And why would I do that?" I ask, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Because I can't see you with her, Y/N" Natasha sighs, her gaze at me softening.

"At least you know how I feel about you and Maria" I sigh. "Natasha, I still have feelings for you" I admit, playing with the rings on my fingers. "It hurts me to see you with her"

"You were the one who broke up with me, Y/N" She sighs.

"Because we're sisters now, Nat" I sigh, now playing with Natasha's arrow necklace. "But I just can't help myself and think about you all the time" I rest my forehead on hers, hoping she won't push me away and will say the same thing.

"Fuck, who am I kidding? I have feelings for you too. I started dating Maria, because I was trying to get you jealous" Natasha sighs.

"Would you... maybe... want to try it again? And go on a date with me?" I ask, shutting my eyes close and hoping for a 'yes'. Natasha nods her head slowly, breathing out a 'yeah' and wrapping her arms around me, hiding her head in the crock of my neck. I smile, pressing my lips to her forehead before wrapping my arms around her neck, hugging my redhead tightly.

It's safe to say that Wanda's plan worked and I have to thank her for that. I don't know how Nat and I will tell our parents if we start dating again, but hopefully they'll take it well. Maybe Nat and I could ask Wanda for help once I tell Natasha Wanda's my cousin and not my girlfriend...


I published the first part of my 'Marvel characters x Y/N incorrect quotes' book. I plan to update every week, so you can check it out if you want <33

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