The Bishop girl (WM) ❤️

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Y/N: 26 years old——————————————————

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Y/N: 26 years old

"Y/N Bishop, why in the world do you have just one fork? Now I know where Kate gets that from" Yelena sighs, shaking her head while carrying a pot full of mac and cheese she made.

"I'm just one person, Yelena. Besides, you kinda invited yourself over, I wasn't expecting you at all today" Y/N tells her back. The girl was just enjoying her coffee when her sister and Yelena suddenly bursted through the door of her apartment.

"Once you hear why Kate and I came, you'll be glad we did" Yelena says, sitting down at the table and opening her mouth to say more. "We-"

"You'll be so happy! I can't wait to tell you!" Kate squeals, cutting Yelena off and actually making her older sister curious.

"Can you guys just tell me what's going on already?" Y/N asks them impatiently, her leg bouncing up and down from how curious she is right now.

"The three of us are going to Tony Stark's party tonight!" Kate squeals.

"Oh my god! Really?!" This time is Y/N the one to squeal, her eyes shining.

The sisters, Y/N and Kate, have had this dream to become ones of the Avengers ever since they saw Clint and Natasha fighting for New York. Kate's role model has always been Clint and that's actually why she got into her Archery thing while Y/N's has been Natasha, so she got more into fighting. And now the younger sister is actually about to become an Avenger which is the coolest thing ever for the older sister.

"I need to get ready!" Y/N rushes to her room, immidiately opening her closet and throwing her best suits and dresses on her bed.

"We'll pick you up later!" Yelena calls from the kitchen, so Y/N calls 'okay' back and get back into choosing what to wear.

After trying on everything the girl decides for her favorite black suit as she doesn't feel like wearing dress tonight. But of course she needs to do her make-up and hair first, so that's what she does before actually dressing up. She does wear heels to her suit though and then just sits on the couch and waits until Yelena and Kate pick her up.


The three arrive to the party... finally, and Yelena with Kate immediately drag Y/N to where the Avengers are standing and talking.

"Guys! This is my older sister Y/N" Kate blurts out immediately on which everyone stops talking and looks at the older sister, making her nervous.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Steve. Kate has told us a lot about you" Steve breaks the akward silence, giving Y/N a smile and stretching his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too!" The girl smiles back, shaking his hand.

Y/N repeats this with most of them and they immediately include her in their conversation which finally makes the girl relax.

Her eyes land on the only present Avenger she hasn't met yet though... Wanda Maximoff. She's sitting at the bar alone, sipping her drink and she definitely looks like she needs some cheering up.

"I'll be right back, I'll just go for a drink real quick" Y/N tells her sister, earning a nod, so she heads to the bar. A simple "Hey" Is how she greets Wanda, giving her a smile as an attempt to start a conversation.

"Hi... Sorry, I'm not really in the mood for a conversation" Wanda sighs, making Y/N furrow her brows.

"Yeah. I've noticed. That's why I came here... for a drink and to cheer you up" Y/N gives the witch another smile before telling the guy behind the bar her order.

"Sorry, who are you?" Wanda asks, scanning the unknown girl with her eyes which makes Y/N shift uncomfortably a little bit.

"I'm Y/N Bishop, Kate's older sister" She introduces herself.

"Right, she speaks about you a lot. I'm Wanda" Wanda says, finally giving Y/N a small smile.

Of course Y/N knows why is Wanda sad... what happened between the famous pair... that Vision cheated on Wanda a few months ago and they broke up. Kate's been telling her older sister everything that's been happening on the compound.

That's the reason behind Wanda's not so cheerful behavior. Y/N isn't even surprised when Wanda's ex-boyfriend is currently on the dance floor with a few ladies.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Wanda... Hey, don't you think it's too loud here? Don't you maybe wanna go for a walk or something?" Y/N asks the Avenger to try to get her away from here, so she'd stop staring at her ex-boyfriend. It might be too fast, but it's worth a try, right?

"... Okay" Wanda sighs and stands up, starting to walk away, so Y/N is quick to follow behind.

The pair ends up on a balcony with the most beautiful view on the entire city which leaves Y/N breathless. She walks closer to the edge, her mouth opened at the sight.


"I know, right? I always come here when I need a moment alone" Wanda confused, a smile visible on her lips.

"I like your smile, you should smile more" Y/N says on which Wanda's cheeks turn a bit red.

Wanda shakes her head, trying to get rid off the nice feeling she's currently having. Ever since Vision cheated on her, Wanda just decided that she'd never fall in love again. She truly loved him and he betrayed her.

Vision was supposed to be her soulmate, the person she'll grow old with, but he just had to do this to her. Thanks to that, the witch slowly stopped believing in love, thinking that maybe she's just destined to stay alone after what happened to her parents, then her twin brother and now to her relationship with Vision.

"You're shivering... Here, take this" Y/N smiles warmly, taking off her suit and putting it over Wanda's shoulders.

"Thank you" Wanda smiles, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she locks eyes with the Bishop girl.

The nice feeling appears again, making Wanda wonder if love really doesn't exist. Maybe it's not how she thought? Maybe it was supposed to happen like this and someone else... maybe even the girl in front of her... is the one she's supposed to spend her life with...


I'm still confused about what golden retriever energy actually is, but I hope I'm at least close😅

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