Rescued (WM) 🧸

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Y/N: 17 years old——————————————————

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Y/N: 17 years old

"I'm going in" Wanda announces through her earpiece, making her way inside another hydra base with the intention of finding her little sister.

It's been several years since Wanda saw her for the last time, but when she found out that her sister is alive and still with hydra, she didn't waste a single moment, took the team and went to save her little sister.

Walking further and further, lower and lower, Wanda comes across a room. Her heart nearly skips a beat, seeing it is a lab.

Wandering around, her heart stops. She spots a young girl laying there unconcious, some cuts on her face, probably from a fight, her familiar face bringing tears into the witch's eyes.

"Y/N/N, can you hear me? Please, wake up" Wanda says, her voice cracking as she's trying to wake up her little sister. "Please, Y/N/N, wake up" Wanda begs, tears running down her face when nothing works, but Y/N's heart is still beating.

"Guys, I have her, she's unconcious. She's still alive, we need to get her to Doctor Cho immediately. I'm taking her to the jet" Wanda announces through her earpiece, lifting her sister up bride style. "I'm not letting you die"


Y/N sighs, stepping into the bathroom to take a shower. She only just returned from her morning run, even though everyone on the compound is still asleep.

It's been two days since the Avengers rescued her from hydra. Because Y/N's just as stubborn as her older sister and refused to go out to fight the Avengers and her sister, hydra punished her. Luckily Wanda found her just in time.

Fresh out of the shower, Y/N puts on some clothes Wanda gave her and heads to the kitchen for breakfast. No one is there yet, so she makes something quick for breakfast and quietly eats it.

"What are you doing here at 6 in the morning? Didn't Bruce and Doctor Cho tell you to rest?" Wanda rasps out. She had a bad feeling, so she went to check up on her sister only to find her room empty.

"I'm fine, Wanda. But why isn't anyone up yet?" Y/N asks, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She's used to her routine, thinking everyone is following the same one like she was told. So the fact that no one's here or even awake really confuses her.

Confused is not the only word Y/N would use to describe her feelings. She's used to following orders and the fact that now there's no one telling her what to do makes her scared. She has no idea how the real world actually works.

"It's 6 in the morning, Y/N/N. You won't find here anyone that early. Well, Natasha and Steve sometimes go for a run, but it's still early" Wanda explains, walking over to her sister. "You don't have to wake up that early, honey. Now you get to decide what you want to do and when" She smiles softly, running her fingers through Y/N hair. "Well... once Cho says you're fine. So eat your breakfast and we're going back to bed. You need to rest"


"No buts, Y/N. You were really badly hurt" Wanda raises an eyebrow, giving her sister a serious look.

"I wanted to go to the gym" Y/N sighs out on which Wanda gives her another serious look.

And just like Wanda said, she drags her sister back to bed once her breakfast is finished.

Y/N was just a little girl when her siblings joined hydra to get their revenge. She doesn't remember much from those times, but one thing she could never forget... her big sister's cuddles.

To make sure Y/N stays in bed and to keep an eye on her, Wanda lays down next to her sister, opening her arms and hoping Y/N will give her a cuddle. After all, they only just reunited after so many years...

Remembering how amazing cuddles her older sister gives, Y/N shyly moves closer to Wanda and cuddles up to her, making the older girl smile widely.

"You have your life in your own hands now, Y/N/N. You can do whatever you'd like whenever you'd like" Wanda assures her younger sister, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Is there anything you'd like to do? I mean... when you'll be completely fine"

"Hmm... I've always wanted to go shopping" Y/N mumbles out, making Wanda smile.

"Okay, we can start with that then. I can take you shopping. We can make it our day, hm?" Wanda suggests, receiving a nod and a smile from her sister. "I know everything seems scary now, but I'm always here for you and I will show you everything"

"Thank you, Wands. You're the best big sister I could ever wish for" Y/N mumbles out, bringing a wide smile to Wanda's face.

Y/N surely has a long way ahead of her, until she understands everything. But luckily for her, she has Wanda who is determined to show and explain to her little sister everything. There's nothing more Wanda would want for her little sister than to have a normal life... at least as normal as possible after everything Y/N's been through.


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