Favorite person (E&S) 🧸

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Y/N: 7 years old——————————————————

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Y/N: 7 years old

The day has finally come. Lizzie's introducing her girlfriend to her little daughter.

Scarlett and Lizzie have been dating for nearly a year now. Lizzie wanted to be sure with her relationship before she would introduce Scarlett to her daughter and when she finally decided it's time, her hectic filming schedule just didn't allow it.

But it's here now and Y/N's going to meet the woman that won her mother's heart. Y/N's been super excited to meet her mommy's girlfriend. She knows a lot about Scarlett from Lizzie, even saw some pictures of her and it's finally about to happen.

One thing leaves Scarlett nervous though... Y/N doesn't hear. Ever since Lizzie told her she's been learning sign language. And to be honest, she's doing quite well, yet she's still a little nervous about it.

Y/N's currently in the living room, playing with her toys while Lizzie's finishing cooking dinner. Hearing the doorbell Lizzie goes to open, smiling at the sight of her daughter while walking around her.

Lizzie greets her girlfriend with a hug and a kiss before she leads her to the living room where the little troublemaker is.

As soon as Y/N notices a movement in the living room, she lifts her eyes from the ground, locking them with her mommy's girlfriend's.

Before Lizzie can start signing her daughter anything, Scarlett stops her.

"I'll do it" Scarlett smiles, taking a deep breath before looking at the tiny girl in front of her. "Hi, Y/N. I'm Scarlett. It's so nice to meet you" Scarlett signs, Y/N immediately smiling widely.

Y/N signs 'nice to meet you too' back, making Scarlett smile even more while Lizzie is completely shocked.

"Since when you know ASL?" Lizzie asks confused.

"I started learning when you told me about Y/N" Scarlett smiles and just this gesture makes Lizzie fall in love with the blonde even more.

Everything goes great, the three have dinner together, Y/N and Scarlett always smiling at each other when they lock eyes.


Scarlett has surely become Y/N's favorite person, beside her mommy of course, and even best friends over the time Scarlett's been coming over every now and then.

The little Olsen is one hundred percent sure that Scarlett is the best one for her mommy and that made Lizzie really happy when Y/N admitted it a few days ago.

Scarlett's over right now, watching Y/N and playing with her as Lizzie needed to leave to buy some groceries as the fridge is completely empty.

Somehow Y/N ends up sitting on Scarlett's lap while playing which the blonde doesn't mind at all. She loves Y/N as her own already and the fact that Y/N feels comfortable around her makes her happy.

All of a sudden Y/N looks up at the older woman, giving her an adorable smile which Scarlett returns.

"You're nicer than daddy" Y/N signs, warming Scarlett's heart while tears fill her eyes.

Y/N's father isn't the best, but also isn't the worst. He stops by every now and then to check up on his daughter, yet Y/N isn't as comfortable around him as she is around Scarlett.

Scarlett can't help but just pull the tiny girl in for a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. And once they pull away, she signs her response. "You're the sweetest little girl I've ever met. I love you, Y/N"

And she means every single word. Y/N really has a special place in her heart by now, just like Scarlett does in Y/N's.

"I love you too" Y/N smiles adorably, melting Scarlett's heart even more.

What they don't know is that Lizzie's already standing at the doorframe. She's seen the whole interaction and she couldn't be more happy.

Both girls notice when Lizzie approaches them, taking a seat next to them.

"I love you both so much" Lizzie smiles, saying it out loud while signing and making both of her girls smile widely before Y/N practically jumps into her mommy's arms to give her a cuddle and show her how much she loves her.

It's safe to say that Y/N's absolutely thrilled about her mommy having such an amazing girlfriend who's so far the best friend she's ever had, except for her mommy of course.

They surely have a bright time ahead of them and all three are more than excited to see what the future holds for them.


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