Romanoff's baby sister pt. 2 (NR) 🧸

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Y/N: 7 years old
Nat: 32 years old
Story: Nat and Yelena prepare a birthday party for their little sister...

It's been a few weeks since Natasha and Yelena brought Y/N to the compound. The little girl got along really well with all of the Avengers and she even goes to school. Y/N isn't exactly thrilled about it but she found a few friends, so she's always excited to see them.

It's Y/N's 7th birthday today and both of her sisters are super excited about it. Both want to make the day special for their little sister as it's her first ever birthday outside of the Red Room. Natasha even invited Melina and Alexei to come over.

Y/N's been asking her older sisters about their parents. It's one of the topics the kids at school talk about and it made Y/N wonder what happened to her parents. Natasha explained her little sister everything and even talked to Melina and Alexei who are super excited about being introduced to Y/N as her parents.

"Wakey, wakey, Y/N. You have a big day ahead of you" Natasha smiles, sitting on Y/N's bed and running her fingers through Y/N's hair.

"It's Saturday, Natty" Y/N mumbles after letting out a groan, turning her back at Natasha.

"It is, but it's your birthday today. Or do you want me to tell everyone we won't be celebrating your birthday?" Natasha teases, tickling Y/N's back which makes the tiny one laugh and move around the bed to escape Natasha's tickles.

"We celebrate birthday?" Y/N looks at Natasha confused, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"We do. We celebrate getting one year older every year" Natasha smiles, brushing Y/N's hair out of her face. "And I think Wanda's making some special birthday pancakes for you, so we should go before Steve eats them all" Natasha teases. Y/N giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. "Come on, my big birthday girl" Natasha chuckles, lifting her sister up and sitting her onto her hip.

Natasha carries Y/N to the kitchen where all the Avengers are already waiting. Y/N rests her head on Natasha's shoulder, playing with Natasha's arrow necklace.

"Happy birthday, Y/N!" Everyone shouts as soon as the pair steps into the kitchen. Confused Y/N shoots her head up, wondering what's happening.

"Happy birthday, baby sister" Yelena walks over to the pair, stealing Y/N from Natasha's arms and giving her a hug. Y/N smiles, her cheeks darkening as she's not used to all the attention she's currently getting.

"There's my little birthday girl" Wanda smiles, taking Y/N into her arms and also giving her a hug. "Would my little monkey like to have pancakes for breakfast?" Wanda asks the little girl, her smile growing bigger when Y/N nods with a smile.

The team eats Wanda's delicious pancakes for breakfast, chatting while doing so. Y/N's mumbling something to Wanda who listens carefully with a smile on her face while eating her own breakfast.

Once they're all done with eating, Natasha takes Y/N's hand in her own, leading her little sister to the living room where are all of her presents waiting, the team following them. Y/N gasps when she sees the entire living room filled with presents and looks up at Natasha who gives her a warm smile, telling her to go and unwrap them.

Y/N shyly walks over to the first present she sees, carefully unwrapping it and gasping when she finds a toy web shooter Peter got her.

"Natty! Lena! Look! I can be like Petey!" Y/N grins, showing her sisters what she got. "Petey! I can help you to catch the bad guys now!" Y/N says, running to Peter and hugging his legs.

While Y/N's opening her presents, Melina and Alexei finally arrives. Natasha sneaks out of the living room when Y/N's overwhelemed with her new toys, and goes to greet her parents.

WandaNat/ScarLizzie one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now