Peter?! (W&N) 🧸

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Y/N: 14 years old
Peter: 16 years old
Wanda: mama
Nat: mom
Story: Y/N finds out Peter is Spider-man...

This year has been crazy for Natasha and Wanda. Their daughter Y/N has started high school which both women hate, cause their little girl is growing up. Especially when their little girl started talking about this one boy from higher grade who also happens to be her friend. It's obvious that the girl has a huge crush on him.

Wanda finds it sweet that her daughter has a first crush, but Natasha hates it. Y/N's her little girl and she wants to stay it like that for as long as possible.

"What are you guys doing after school?" Ned asks his friends. Peter and Ned have been Y/N's closest friends ever since she met them her first school day. Just like the two boys, she's not really popular. Yes, her mothers are Avengers, but the girl is using a fake surname just to stay safe as her mothers wanted it.

"I got that job at Stark's" Peter says on which Y/N furrows her brows. Peter has mentioned a few times something about his Stark's intership, but Y/N still hasn't figured out what that is. She's pretty sure her uncle doesn't employ kids at Stark's industries.

"What exactly are you even doing there?" Y/N question, trying to figure this whole thing up. Once she's after something, she won't stop. That's something she got after Natasha.

"You know... just stuff they tell me to do" Peter shrugs, but it's definitely not an answer Y/N wanted to hear.

"Like what?" The girl asks, curiousness getting the best out of her. She could just read his mind and find out as she has powers like Wanda, but she has a deal with her mama not to do that. One time she did it to pass a test and Wanda somehow knew right after the girl came home, so Y/N decided to better respect her mother's wish.

"Just some stuff. Hm.. I-I gotta go now or I'll be late. See you later!" Peter waves and leaves, leaving Y/N completely confused.

Y/N makes an excuse why she can't come with Ned and makes her way out of the school. Her aunt Yelena is already waiting in the car for her, so the young witch just slips in the passenger seat.

Yelena isn't one of the Avengers just yet, so it should be fine if Y/N is seen with her. The blonde agreed to help in some fights, but she only just got out of the Red Room a few months ago, so she's still enjoying her life without any commitment such as the Avengers.

The two make it home safely and Y/N immediately goes to the kitchen, knowing her mama is there by the smell of her favorite paprikash.

"Hi there, my little monkey" Wanda smiles at her daughter who hugs her mama tightly, receiving a kiss on a forehead.

"Hi, mama" Y/N smiles back before turning around and spotting Natasha sitting on the bar stool. "Hi, mommy" She smiles at her other mother who gives her a smile back and greets her back. "Mama, can I have that when is done?" Y/N asks with puppy eyes, pointing at the paprikash Wanda's been cooking.

"Sure, baby" Wanda smiles before turning her attention back to the food.

Y/N makes her way to Natasha's arms, hugging her tightly while Natasha kisses the top of her daughter's head. There's nothing Y/N loves more than hugs from her moms.

"How was at school?" Natasha asks with a smile, running her fingers through Y/N's hair.

"Boring as usual" Y/N sighs before remembering the thing with Peter. "Although... I think Peter's lying about his job at uncle Tony's, cause he's been acting super weird about it when I asked him"

"Guys, we have a new Avenger. Tony wants us all in the meeting room" Steve informs before disappearing. Wanda turns off the stove as her paprikash is done and together with Natasha and Y/N walks to the meeting room.

Y/N sits between her moms, getting cuddles from both of them immediately. Tony then walks into the meeting room with the boy Y/N only just said goodbye to at school.

"Guys, this is our new Aven-" Tony starts, but gets cut out by the youngest one of them.

"Peter?" Y/N asks, Peter locking his eyes with his friend.

"Y/N? Wha-What are you doing here?" Peter asks confused, Y/N also tilting her head in confusion.

"Me? What are you doing here? You're the new Avenger?" Y/N blurts out, surprised her friend hasn't told her anything.

"Yes, squish" Tony agrees, using his nickname for Y/N which makes the girl roll her eyes. "If you let me finish I'd tell you that Peter Parker is our new addition to the team. You might know him as Spider-man" He finishes, making Y/N even more confused. Peter is Spider-man?!

"You are Spider-man? Why didn't you tell me anything? You're my best friend" The confused girl blurts out, Natasha hiding her smirk as she'll be able to control what's going on between her daughter and Peter now.

"I see... so this is the Peter" Wanda smirks, Y/N giving her a glare and Peter tilting his head in confusion.

"Wait. What are you doing here?" Peter asks again.

"Kids, you can talk about this later" Tony rolls his eyes, getting impatient.

Y/N rolls her eyes too, leaning to Natasha who wraps an arm around her little girl and kisses the top of her head. Tony explains how will everything work, how will it be with missions for Peter and stuff which isn't exactly interesting for Y/N as she's not an Avenger... yet.

Once Tony is done with his speech, Y/N is ripped out of her daydreaming and follows everyone out of the room, rushing to Peter.

"Why didn't you tell me anything? How did you even get the powers? Oh my god, does Ned know?" Y/N blurts out as soon as she reaches Peter.

"Me? Why didn't you tell me anything? What are you even doing here? You're not an Avenger and you don't have powers" Peter says, looking at Y/N completely confused.

"I do have powers... I'm just not allowed to use them. I would beat your ass in less than 10 minutes" Y/N says, pulling out a smirk similar to her mothers' smirks. "And I live here, my moms-"

"Y/N/N, honey, do you want the paprikash?" Wanda calls from the kitchen, cutting Y/N's sentence off.

"Yes, please! Thanks, mama!" Y/N calls back.

"Just so you know, if you land your hands on my daughter, I'll beat your ass myself. And I don't care you're only 16" Natasha being the overprotective mother she is, she warns Peter, wrapping her arm around Y/N protectively.

"Mooom" Y/N groans in response, mentally slapping herself for talking about Peter in front of her overprotective mothers.


I didn't know how to end this...

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