Secret crush (NR) 🧸

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Y/N: 6 years old
Wanda: 30 years old
Natasha: 32 years old
Story: Wanda comes back from Sokovia after 2 years...

Natasha and Wanda have known each other since their college years. They became best friends almost immediately, but in reality both have way deeper feelings for each other. They're just scared it could ruin their friendship which none of them wants.

Their feelings only grew deeper when Natasha's parents died and she had to take care of her youngest sister. Yelena was 22 back then, already having her own apartment and running her own coffee shop, so the blonde didn't need as much care as the newborn sister. Wanda was there, helping the two sisters with everything, especially with the newborn baby which only made the feelings between Wanda and Natasha stronger.

However, the past two years Wanda spent in Sokovia. Her parents had some troubles with health, but both are good now, so Wanda's moving back, ready to go back to work.

Y/N's been super excited to see Wanda again. She's been asking Natasha about her almost every day and even called her from Natasha's phone if Natasha allowed it.

"Y/N, is the fort gone like I asked you too?!" Natasha calls from the kitchen. Y/N's been playing the whole afternoon, but Wanda should be here soon, so she had to clean her fort up.

Y/N runs to the kitchen where Natasha's cooking the dinner. She hugs the redhead's legs tightly on which Natasha looks down with a smile, running her fingers through Y/N's hair.

"Is the fort gone?" The redhead asks with a smile, raising her eyebrow.

"All cleaned, Natty" Y/N smiles back, lifting her arms up for Natasha who smiles, lifting her little sister up and sitting her onto her hip.

"Wanda should be here in any minute, so I expect you to be on your best behavior, okay?" Natasha says, giving Y/N her stern look.

"Natty, I'm always good" Y/N pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sure you are, детка" The redhead chuckles and kisses Y/N's pout away which makes the little one giggle and cuddle up to her big sister just in the moment the doorbell rings. "That must be Wanda. Can you go to open the door, honey?" The older woman smiles and stands her sister on the ground. (baby)

Y/N smiles, nodding her head and running to open the door. As soon as the door swings open, Wanda smiles widely at the little girl she missed so much.

"Oh my god, hi, Y/N/N" Wanda smiles even more, bending down to Y/N's level. "You're so big. Who allowed my little monkey to grow up when I wasn't here?" Wanda raises an eyebrow, booping Y/N's nose which makes the little one giggle and blush. "Will Wanda get a hug?" She smiles, opening her arms for Y/N. The little girl immediately smiles, wrapping her arms around Wanda's neck. The brunette lifts Y/N up, spreading kisses all over the little face, making Y/N laugh.

"Stooop" Y/N laughs out, trying to push Wanda's face away with her tiny hands.

"Not until you tell me how much you missed me" Wanda teases, continuing the kissing attack.

"This much!" Y/N immediately gestures with her arms, opening them as much as she can.

"I missed you more" Wanda smiles, rubbing the tip of her nose against Y/N's. The little monkey smiles, cuddling up to the brunette who presses a kiss to her head, rubbing Y/N's little back with her hand.

Wanda manages to take off her shoes without putting Y/N on the ground, leaving her suitcase on the hallway as she's staying at Natasha's house for a while, and walks towards the kitchen.

"Now I would like to know... Was Natasha nice to you while I wasn't here?" Wanda teases as she steps into the kitchen, Natasha turning around with a smile on her face.

"No" Y/N giggles, lifting her head up and looking at her sister. Natasha gasps, putting her hand on her chest and playing offended.

"You cheeky little monkey" Natasha chuckles, tickling Y/N which makes the girl laugh and scream for help.

"Nope. Not my little monkey" Wanda smirks, pushing Natasha's hands away. Wanda kisses Y/N's forehead before standing her on the ground. She pulls Natasha into a tight hug. Y/N not wanting to stay behind, she hugs the two women's legs, joining their hug that way. "Hey" Wanda smiles at Natasha as they pull away.

"Hey" Natasha smiles back, staring into Wanda's eyes that she missed that much.

"Natty, Y/N's hungry" Y/N says, tugging on Natasha's sleeve. Natasha smiles in response, lifting her sister up.

"We should do something about it then" Natasha pokes Y/N's little tummy which causes another laugh from the tiny girl.

The three of them take a seat at the table and Natasha serves them the food she prepared. Y/N gets into eating straight away, mumbling to Wanda about everything that comes into her little mind.

The time flies fast and it's Y/N's bedtime already. Y/N runs back into the living room after her teeth are brushed, showing Natasha how well she brushed them.

"Can Wanda tuck me in please?" Y/N asks, looking at her sister and then at Wanda with her puppy eyes.

"Of course, sweetheart" Wanda smiles, sitting Y/N on her lap.

"You don't have to, Wands. She's been clinging to you ever since you came here and I bet you're tired after the way" Natasha smiles.

"Nat, it's fine. You know how much I love this little monkey. I'll be happy to put her to sleep" Wanda smiles, tickling Y/N's tummy, earning giggles from the little girl. "Okay. Say night night" Wanda stands up with Y/N in her arms.

"Ni-night, Natty" Y/N waves to her sister, pouting her lips for a kiss afterwards. Natasha stands up with a smile and gives Y/N a kiss.

"Sweet dreams, детка. I love you" Natasha smiles, pressing a kiss to her sister's forehead. (baby)

"I love you too, Natty" Y/N smiles, snuggling up to Wanda tiredly.

Wanda walks to Natasha's bedroom as Y/N insisted on sleeping there tonight while Natasha makes her way over to the kitchen to clean that place up. Wanda places Y/N on the bed, laying down next to her and the little girl immediately cuddles up to her.

"Will you go on that dinner with Natty?" Y/N asks, staring up at Wanda with her big green eyes and twirling her finger around a strand of Wanda's hair.

"Natty wants to take me out on a dinner?" Wanda asks curiously, hoping it's not just one of Y/N's imaginations.

"Natty told Yelena that she wants to take you out on a dinner, so Lena has to watch me" Y/N answers before laying her head down in Wanda's chest and letting out a yawn.

Wanda hums in response, a smile forming on her face. She'll definitely have a talk with Natasha after Y/N falls asleep


WandaNat/ScarLizzie one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now