Love triangle (WxN) ❤️

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NO ONE'S POV "Hey, Wands" Y/N smiles, sitting on the barstool next to the brunette

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"Hey, Wands" Y/N smiles, sitting on the barstool next to the brunette. "What are you up to?"

"Well, hey there. I'm still working on my mission report... just like 10 minutes ago when you asked" Wanda lets out a quiet sigh. She know Y/N has a crush on her, but she likes someone else.

"There you are" Natasha smiles, stepping into the kitchen as well. She's been looking for the girl she likes ever since she got back from the store.

"Hey, Nat" Wanda smiles warmly, receiving a small smile from the redhead.

"I got you something" Natasha's smile widens when she locks eyes with Y/N's, holding a box of Y/N's favorite chocolates behind her back.

"Okay, I'll leave you two here" Wanda sighs, taking her laptop and leaving.

"No. Wanda, wait!" Y/N calls, sighing when the brunette doesn't come back.

"I got you your favorite chocolates" Natasha smiles, handing the box to Y/N.

"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to" Y/N eventually gives Natasha a smile back.

Don't get her wrong, she loves Natasha... but as a best friend. Y/N likes Wanda, Wanda likes Natasha and Natasha likes Y/N. That's a love triangle with no escape.

"I also got you this" Natasha admits, showing Y/N a little teddy bear which is holding a tiny heart she got in the store along with the box of chocolates.

"Nat" Y/N sighs. "We've talked about this, I-"

"I know. But when I saw it, it just made me think of you and I had to buy it for you" Natasha explains. "I was hoping that we could go out together? Tomorrow maybe? As friends, I mean"

"... fine. I have nothing to do anyway" Y/N sighs once again. "But as friends" She raises an eyebrow, earning a nod and a smile.


"No, did you really?" Y/N laughs out, listening to Natasha's story about some of her missions.

Natasha and Y/N went out for dinner... as friends like Y/N wanted. They had a great time, talked a lot, laughed a lot. But now they're walking back home, they're evening coming to an end as they enter the front gate of the compound.

"I did, it was really funny. You should have seen his face" Natasha laughs along, Y/N's laugh being her absolute favorite sound.

Y/N's laugh dies down suddenly and she stops walking. Natasha tilts her head in confusion, stopping to walk and turning back to look at the girl.

"What's wrong?" She asks, noticing the tears that are filling Y/N's eyes.

Y/N doesn't say anything and just runs inside the compound which confuses the redhead even more. Natasha looks around, wondering what got Y/N so upset and then she sees it... Wanda and Vision... kissing.

Natasha's blood boils at the sight. She knows Y/N likes Wanda, but right now she's more jealous than ever before.

She doesn't know what to do first. If she wants to go after Y/N and comfort her... if she wants to go and yell at Wanda for hurting Y/N... or yell at Vision... or maybe just yell at both?

In the end she decides to go check up on Y/N. The yelling can wait and all she wants is to make sure Y/N is okay.

Ever since that moment Natasha completely switched her behavior towards Wanda. They were friends before, except the fact that Wanda had the biggest crush on her, but now the redhead's super cold towards the witch, and also because Y/N's trying her best to win Wanda over.

Y/N has been cooking breakfast for Wanda, giving her flowers, always leaving sweet notes and Wanda's favorite snacks for her, but it still doesn't seem enough.

The poor girl doesn't know what more to do. She would love to take Wanda out, but her asking always ends up in rejection.

"Y/N!" Wanda calls from the kitchen.

And even though she doesn't sound happy at all, Y/N smiles and happily makes her way to the kitchen, not knowing what's coming for her.

"Hey, Wands" Y/N smiles brightly at the sight of her favorite girl, giving her a wave.

"Y/N, how many times have I told you to stop giving me things?!" Wanda asks, her voice slightly raised as she's pointing at the chocolate bar on the kitchen counter, a note attached to it.

"I went to the store and saw it. I know it's your favorite, so I just bought it for you" Y/N explains, her face dropping in disappointment.

"What's happening here?" Natasha questions, now standing behind Y/N, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Nothing" Wanda scoffs, crossing her arms as well.

"It's not nothing. I just don't understand. Why can't you give me one chance, Wanda?" Y/N blurts out, her anger finally showing.

"Because I just don't like you, Y/N. What's so hard to understand? I like you as a friend, but nothing more" Wanda responds quickly, Y/N's eyes filling with tears. "Besides, have you ever noticed Natasha's head over heels for you? Do you know how lucky you are?"

"... You like Natasha?" Y/N asks, her eyebrows furrowed at the realization while tears are running down her face.

It takes a few seconds for Natasha to process everything that's happened over the last few minutes before she finally speaks up.

"... Well, but in that case we're in love triangle with no escape"


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