Sweet 16 (SJ) 🧸

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Y/N: 16 years old——————————————————

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Y/N: 16 years old

Scarlett smiles, admiring the garden which she decorated for her little sister's 16th birtday. She, as the big sister, has been super excited for today. Her little sister's turning 16, so it needs to be big and perfect. She even sent invitation to nearly the entire Y/N's school.

There's one thing Scarlett doesn't know though. Y/N isn't exactly popular at her school, more specifically... she's more of a loner and the one the others mostly make fun of.

So when no one shows up, it's not really surprise, yet Scarlett doesn't know and it makes her really confused.

"I got it all right, where is everyone?" She asks herself with a sigh, looking at the invitations if she didn't got the time or date wrong.

Ten minutes pass and still no one has come which makes Scarlett really nervous as Y/N should be here in less then 40 minutes.

"Alright, time for plan B" Scarlett sighs out, taking her phone and listing through her contacts.

She calls every single one of her friends that Y/N's met, inviting them over for the party and luckily everyone said they would come.

The first guests arrive soon which finally makes Scarlett relax. And a lot more come right after, so the huge garden finally doesn't look that empty anymore.

Even more guests arrive and now it's about the time Y/N should come. It was hard, but everyone managed to hide behind something and now they're just waiting for Y/N to walk in.

And in the moment she does, everyone jumps out of their hiding spots, shouting 'happy birthday' which makes Y/N jump a little, but then a smile makes its way on her face.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart" Scarlett's, of course, the first one to walk to her sister and pull her in for a tight hug.

"Thank you! Did you do all this?" Y/N questions, a smile never leaving her face.

"My little sister's turning 16 today. We need to celebrate it properly" Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to her sister's forehead before taking her hand in hers and leading her to the others.

Spotting the Marvel cast, Y/N drops her sister's hand and runs to them, pulling all of them in for a hug which makes Scarlett chuckle. Y/N's spent a lot of time on set with her big sister and over all the years she's become pretty close with them.

"I can't believe you're all here" Y/N nearly squeals, her eyes shining and a wide smile playing on her lips.

"Of course we are! We wouldn't miss your birthday for the world!" Chris Evans speaks first which only makes Y/N's smile widen even more.

After talking to every single person who came, it's finally time for the birthday cake. And of course, everyone brings out their phones, filming everything and taking pictures. Y/N's turning 16, this moment just needs to be captured.

Automatically, most of the videos and photos end up posted on instagram or other social media which doesn't go unnoticed by the kids from Y/N's school Scarlett invited in the first place.

No one on the entire school knows Scarlett Johansson is Y/N's sister. Maybe if the kids knew earlier, they would have come. Who knows?

The Johansson family decided it would be better for Y/N's safety, knowing what paparazzi and social media can be like.

It won't matter now though and Scarlett counts with it. She knows Y/N's strong and would never let any bad article, comment or anything similar take her down.

Everyone's eating the cake now, talking, laughing and Y/N's never been happier. Every now and then she just leans to her sister's side, giving her a hug as Scarlett's sitting next to her and that makes the big sister really happy.

It doesn't take long until some kids from Y/N's school show up, standing in front of the house as the security Scarlett hired won't let them in.

"I am such a great cook. I would definitely make a great guest on Cooking with Flo" Y/N states, Florence Pugh letting out a chuckle in response.

Somehow the two ended up talking about cooking and Y/N as a big Cooking with Flo fan just had to try.

"Tell her, Scar" Y/N looks at her sister in a need for a support, furrowing her brows when she notices Scarlett's not really paying attention and looking at the security guy that's coming their direction. "Are you okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah. No worries. I'll be right back" Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead before standing up and walking over to the man. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just a group of kids showed up, claiming they're your sister's friends and were invited. Should we let them in?" He asks.

Scarlett checks the time, seeing it's been nearly two hours since the party started. She glances at her sister, seeing her smile and laugh while talking to the others, a smile making its way on her own face.

"No. Don't let them in" Scarlett decides.

The kids must have seen the photos and videos the others shared. And if this is the reason they showed up, Scarlett doesn't want them to be around her little sister. If they were real friends, they would have come at time.

The man nods and starts walking back, so Scarlett goes back to her little sister, taking a seat next to her. "Are you having a good time?"

"The best! This is the best birthday party ever!"


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