Little protector (WM) 🧸

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Y/N: 6 years old——————————————————

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Y/N: 6 years old

A loud gasp escapes Y/N's lips as soon as her house made of lego falls on the ground. The little girl has been playing in her room when suddenly a red magic ball formed in her hand and flew away, hitting her lego house.

"Cool!" She grins, happy that she can be like her big sister Wanda now.

Speaking of Wanda, the older Maximoff is currently in the gym, training with Steve. Y/N knows her sister needs to know about it and the little one really wants to train with Wanda and become an Avenger just like her sister.

Y/N immediately sprints to the gym, knowing her sister is there. As soon as she steps in, she sits down on a bench, loving to watch her sister train and completely forgetting why she came to the gym in the first place.

Though suddenly Steve raises his voice at Wanda on which the little Maximoff furrows her brows, a pot forming on her face. Y/N's very protective over her big sister, so Steve not being nice to her sister is making her really angry.

Once Y/N notices a few tears escaping her big sister's eyes, that's it for her and she immediately makes her way over there, standing in front of Wanda with her arms crossed and a pout on her face.

But because Y/N is still really small compared to Steve, he doesn't even notice her which makes Y/N even more angry.

"Stop making sissy cry!" Y/N shouts, stomping her foot which makes the ground under Steve's feet turn into liquid, causing him to fall down into it.

Wanda gasps, protectively wrapping her arms around her little sister and pulling her back a little bit while Y/N just puts her hand over her mouth, trying to hold her giggles.

"What have you done, Wanda?" Steve asks irritated, trying to get back on the floor, the weird form of the liquid not really allowing it.

"Don't be mean to Wanda!" Y/N shouts with a pout, not liking the tone of Steve's voice and stomping her foot once again.

The liquid turns back into its previous form, trapping Steve completely while Wanda's just standing there completely shocked.

"What are you doing?!" Steve raises his voice, still trying to get out, but can't move at all now.

"I said-"

"No, no, no, that's enough, honey" Wanda's quick to lift her little sister up, sitting her on her hip and holding her close before she can stomp her foot once again.

"But I don't like when someone's mean to you, Wanda" Y/N pouts once again, twirling her little finger around a strand of Wanda's hair.

"Honey, that's really sweet of you, but we can't use our powers on friends, even if they're sometimes mean" Wanda explains, tucking a strand of hair behind her little sister's ear. "When did you even get those powers?"

"Just now! I was just about to tell you. Now we can train together!" Y/N grins, kicking her legs happily.

"Hello? I'm still here" Steve reminds.

"Okay, bubs. It's time to free him" Wanda orders.

Y/N looks at Steve who still seems to be really angry and just shakes her head with a giggle.

"What do you mean no, missy?" Wanda raises an eyebrow, making Y/N giggle once again.

"When I'm not being nice you always sit me on a step, so Steve has to stay here, because he wasn't nice to you" The tiny girl reasons, looking at her sister seriously.

"Seriously? Get me out of here!" Steve orders, crossing his arms over his chest and not believing his ears right now.

"No" Y/N shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest as well.

"What's going on here?" Natasha asks, appearing in the gym as she just got back from the store and was about to train for a bit.

She gotta try really hard not to laugh when she sees Steve stuck up in the floor, not being able to get out.

"Ask this little monkey, it's her job" Wanda sighs.

"Oh, really? You did this, Y/N/N?" Natasha asks, a chuckle escaping her lips at the sight of mad Steve stuck in the floor.

"How about some help instead of making fun of it, Romanoff?" Steve rolls his eyes.

"Can you let him go, sweetheart?" Natasha asks softly, tucking a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear.

"No" Y/N shakes her head no, crossing her arms over her chest again.

"And why is that, missy?" Natasha raises an eyebrow playfully.

"He was very mean to Wanda. She even cried" Y/N explains seriously.

"Well, but that's not nice, is it? I think Steve is very lucky I wasn't here otherwise he'd end up much worse than just stuck in the floor" Natasha says, giving Steve a glare for making her girlfriend cry. "I don't know, Steve. Maybe we should just leave you here" She teases, making Y/N giggle.

"What?! You can't be serious right now" Steve's eyes widen, watching the three girls in disbelief.

"Just get him out already" Wanda jumps in, knowing her overprotective little sister and overprotective girlfriend would let Steve here for god knows how long.

"Alright" Natasha sighs. "I might have bought you a little something in the store, детка. So how about you let Steve out and I'll give you that little something?" Natasha offers, knowing Y/N can't say no to presents. (baby)

"Hmmm.... Okay, but can I sleep with you and Wanda today?" Y/N asks, pulling out her best puppy eyes on which Natasha lets out a chuckle.

"Alright, I think we can make an exception. What do you think, Wands?" Natasha questions, looking at Wanda who smiles and nods.

"We can, but now let Steve out, honey" Wanda stands her little sister on the ground, placing her hands on Y/N's small shoulders.

"But how?" Y/N asks, looking at Wanda with hope she'd help her while Steve's eyes widen, already thinking he'll stay there forever.

"Oh... Close your eyes, honey" Wanda tries to help, kneeling down to her little sister when Y/N does what she was told. "Okay, now you need to really concentrate. You need to think really hard about what you want to do"

Y/N does what her sister said, thinking really hard about getting Steve out of the floor and after a few minutes, the floor around Steve turns into liquid once again, so Natasha's quick to help him out.

"Good job, honey" Wanda smiles, pulling her sister in for a hug and pressing a kiss to her little cheek.

"Natty, what did you get me in the store?" Y/N asks impatiently, making Natasha and Wanda let out a small laugh.

"Alright, you cheeky little girl. Come with me" Natasha chuckles, taking Y/N's tiny hand in hers and leading her out of the gym.

Wanda follows the pair, leaving soaked Steve in the gym. One thing is sure now... everyone should know not to mess with Wanda otherwise Y/N will teach them a lesson.


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