Loyal pt. 2 (WM) ❤️

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Y/N: 24 years old
Story: Y/N and Wanda go to look for Shadow...

A few days have passed since Tony's party and the two girls have never been more in love before. Although, Y/N can't take her mind off the little black kitten that was outside alone that night.

"Y/N, are you listening?" Wanda asks, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's neck from behind while Y/N is sitting on the chair, deep in her thoughts.

"Hmm? What?"

"I asked you if you'd stay the night" Wanda explains and presses a few kisses to Y/N's cheeks.

"Sure" Y/N smiles, turning her head to the side and pecking Wanda's lips with a kiss.

"Are you thinking about that cat again?" Wanda sighs and sits down on a chair next to Y/N.

"She was there all alone, Wands. She didn't even have a collar. I just can't stop thinking about it" Y/N admits with a sigh.

"You are the sweetest person in the whole universe" Wanda smiles warmly, interlocking her fingers with Y/N's. "Do you want to go and look around again if the kitten isn't there?"

"Really?" Y/N asks, her eyes shining.

The girl hasn't stopped looking for the little creature and every day walks around the Stark tower, trying to find her fluffy friend.

"Yeah. I know you, Y/N. You won't stop until you find the cat" Wanda chuckles, standing up and pulling Y/N up with her.

"You're the best girlfriend ever!" Y/N squeals and gives Wanda a hug, pulling her in for a kiss right after.

"Okay. Come on, honey" Wanda chuckles at her girlfriend's excitement, dragging her away to the garage.

As soon as Wanda pulls over in front of the Stark tower, Y/N rushes out of the car which makes Wanda let out a chuckle.

"What was the name again? Shallow?" Wanda asks, walking to her girlfriend.

"I've told you like a million times. It's Shadow" Y/N sighs, scanning everything with her eyes to find a sign of her little friend.

"I know, I was just messing with you" Wanda chuckles, playfully nudging Y/N's shoulder with hers. "Oh there!"

"Where?!" Y/N asks excitedly, looking at the direction Wanda's pointing her finger.

"I'm sorry, I was just kidding" Wanda laughs, receiving just a whine from her girlfriend.

"Stop doing that or I won't give you any more cuddles and kisses today" Y/N teases, knowing Wanda can't be without cuddles and kisses until the end of the day.

"You wouldn't" Wanda looks at her girlfriend, crossing her arms over her chest and knowing damn well Y/N can't be without a cuddle or a kiss for a long time either.

"... Damn it, you're right, I wouldn't" Y/N groans, making Wanda let out a chuckle.

"Let's just go looking" Wanda chuckles, interlocking her fingers with Y/N's and walking around to find the kitten.


"Y/N/N, we've been walking around for hours, let's just go home please" Wanda whines, pulling her girlfriend away,

"Wait, wait, wait! There!" Y/N squeals as quietly as possible to not scare off the little black kitten. "Hi, Shadow" The girl says softly, kneeling down to the kitten and petting her behind ears.

"What now? What will you do with the cat?" Wanda asks from afar, afraid she'd scare the cat again if she goes any closer.

"Well... first of all, I'm gonna take Shadow to the vet. Just to make sure she's okay and then..." Y/N looks at Wanda, giving her the best puppy eyes on which Wanda's eyes widen. "Come on, can we keep her? Please"

"Honey, do you-"

"Please. Taking a responsibility for Shadow could be a little training" Y/N tries again.

"Training for what?" Wanda asks, giving her girlfriend a confused look.

"Training for the future... you know, if we'll want to have children together" Y/N explains on which Wanda smiles.

"We're together just a few months and you're already thinking about kids?" Wanda teases, her smile never leaving her lips.

"Why not? I know you've been thinking about it too. Natasha told me" Y/N smiles back.

"I'm gonna kill her... Alright, let's take Shadow to the vet" Wanda smiles, shaking her head and holding her hand out for her girlfriend.

"So we can keep her?!" Y/N squeals, interlocking her fingers with Wanda's while holding the little kitten in her other arm.

"What else can I do with you?" Wanda chuckles, receiving a wide smile and a squeal from her girlfriend.


After visiting the vet and making sure Shadow is completely okay, Wanda and Y/N stopped at the pet shop to buy everything they need for their new little family member.

Now they're setting everything up in the compound which makes Wanda think whether or not is the right time to move in together. She's been thinking about it for a while and to be honest, Y/N's been too.

"Baby?" Wanda questions, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend from behind and pressing a kiss to Y/N's cheek.

"Hmm" Y/N hums in response, a smile forming on her face when Wanda presses another kiss to her cheek.

"I've been thinking... now that we have a kitten together... how about we move in together?" Wanda asks with a smile on which Y/N turns around in her arms, wrapping arms around Wanda's neck.

"You would really want to?" Y/N asks with a huge smile.

"Of course I would. I love you, Y/N. And everyone here in the compound likes you. I'd love to have you here with me all the time. Plus we've already set everything up here for Shadow, so" Wanda smiles warmly.

"I would love to move in with you. I love you too, Wands"


They found Shadow!! <33

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