The best decision (WM) 🧸

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Y/N: 11 years old——————————————————

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Y/N: 11 years old

"And then Peter landed on our window and everyone started running there. Our english teacher was so mad. It was so funny" Y/N giggles, happily telling Natasha what happened at school today while holding her hand and walking around the compound as the redhead only just picked her up from school.

"How could be a mad english teacher funny?" Natasha chuckles, squeezing Y/N's hand a little bit.

"He always does a funny face when he's mad. Like this" The little brunette pouts her lips and scrunches her face, showing Natasha the face of her angry english teacher on which Natasha can't help but let out a laugh.

"Let's find your mom, cheeky. I bet she'll want to hear your story too" The redhead smiles, leading Y/N to the kitchen where will they most definitely find Wanda.

As expected Wanda is in the kitchen and baking cookies which makes Y/N squeal happily immediately because her mom makes the best cookies ever.

"Mama, can I help?!" Y/N rushes to Wanda, wrapping her arms around her and looking up at her with the sweetest smile and puppy eyes.

"Hello to you too, baby" Wanda chuckles, bending down and pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.

"Hi, mommy. Can I help? Please, please" Y/N tries again.

"I'm almost done, but of course you can, honey. Go wash your hands and then you can help me" Wanda watches her daughter with a smile as her mini me runs away to the bathroom.

It takes only a few minutes until the girl is back, ready to help her mom with the cookies. And so she does, helping Wanda with the last round of cookies while telling her the story that happened at school today.

"And done" Wanda announces, closing the owen to let the cookies bake. "Homework time" She announces which doesn't go without a whine from her daughter.

"But my homework is stupid. I'm supposed to do a family tree, but I only have you" Y/N mumbles, a pout on her face as she crosses her arms and sits down on a chair.

"Well, what about uncle Pietro? Or your grandparents? I'm sure we'll think of something. I'll bring some photos, hm?" Wanda smiles warmly, kissing the top of her daughter's head.

While Wanda is in her room, looking for the photos. Y/N's in hers for a paper and crayons, so she could make the best family tree.

They meet in the kitchen again and sit down at the table. Wanda takes some photos out of the box she keeps them while Y/N's just watching her curiously.

"Look. Here's uncle Pietro and me" Wanda smiles at the memory, showing her daughter the photo.

"What happened there?" The little monkey asks curiously.

"We took the picture on the day I found out that I'd be having a baby"

12 years ago...

Wanda walks out of the bathroom, her eyes puffy from crying. She's only 17, how can she take care of a baby?

"Wanda, what's wrong?" Pietro rushes to his sister, wrapping his arms around her when Wanda bursts into tears again.

Not being able to say a single word, Wanda just hands his brother the positive pregnancy test she's been holding.

"I'm gonna kill him" Pietro's jaw clenches from how mad he is, anger building up in him on the thought of his sister's ex-boyfriend, so he turns around, ready to leave and find that guy.

"No, no, please don't" Wanda catches his arm in the last second.

"Wanda, he hurt you. He won't get away with nothing" Pietro sighs.

He's always hated that man, especially after he cheated on his sister. But Wanda's still heartbroken from what he did to her. She doesn't want to see him again, she can't see him again.

"No, please, no. I don't want to see him again" Wanda cries out, holding her brother for her dear life.

Pietro wraps his arms around his sister protectively, allowing her to cry into his shoulder while he's thinking about what will be the best for his sister.

"I'm scared" Wanda whispers after a while, her voice breaking. "How will I take care of a baby?" Another few tears escape the young girl's eyes as she's looking at her brother and hoping he'll come up with something.

"You have me, Wanda, and I'll always be here to help you" Pietro says softly, pulling his sister in for another hug. "We'll get through it together, yeah? You have nothing to worry about. I'm here with you" He tells his sister, keeping his arms wrapped around the scared girl and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Look, let's take a picture and one day we'll be happily looking at it with the tiny one"

Pietro takes the polaroid camera the twins own, holding it as far as he can, so both of them would be in the photo. He counts to three, both smiling as he presses the camera.

"... What if I won't be a good mom?" Wanda suddenly sighs concerned, sitting down on a couch and burying her head into her hands.

Pietro immediately sits down next to his sister, rubbing her back. "You're the most caring person I know, Wanda. You'll be the best mom ever. He's so lucky to have you as a mom"

"He?" Wanda questions, looking at her brother and raising an eyebrow. "What if it's a girl?" She asks teasingly on which Pietro rolls his eyes playfully.

"Either way, I can't wait to cause troubles with him... or her" Pietro says, finally making Wanda let out a small chuckle and making her think that maybe it won't be that bad.

She'll have her tiny human who will love her... another little member to her small family. Her brother's excitement is definitely helping her to decide what to do... because in that moment Wanda knew that keeping the baby will be the best decision she can make.


WandaNat/ScarLizzie one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now