Potty training (S&E) 🧸

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Y/N: 3 years oldScarlett: mommyLizzie: mama——————————————————

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Y/N: 3 years old
Scarlett: mommy
Lizzie: mama

It's been a few days since Scarlett and Lizzie started potty training their daughter. It's been pretty hard at the beginning, but Y/N's been doing a lot better now.

Y/N and Lizzie are currently home alone. Scarlett had to leave for work this morning, though she should be home soon.

"Did you have a nice nap, baby?" Lizzie asks her daughter who's sitting on her hip, Y/N's head resting on Lizzie's shoulder.

"Mhm" The little girl just nods quietly and snuggles up to her mama, still tired which makes Lizzie smile and press a kiss to her daughter's head.

Y/N only just woke up from her nap, so Lizzie's carrying her to the kitchen, sitting her into her high chair before giving the tiny girl a snack she's prepared for her earlier.

"When will mommy come?" Y/N questions, taking a bite from the toast Lizzie prepared for her.

"Mommy will be home soon, honey" Lizzie smiles warmly, her smile widening when she spots Scarlett standing at the door frame and watching her two favorite girls.

"Mommy's home now" The blonde informs on which Y/N immediately turns her head to see if the familiar voice really belongs to her mommy.

"Mommy!" She grins, holding her arms up for Scarlett on which Scarlett can't help but smile and lifts her daughter up onto her front.

"Hi, baby. How was my little girl? Were you nice to mama?" Scarlett teases, receiving a nod and a smile from her little girl. "Yeah? Should I ask mama about it?"

"Surprisingly sweet as sugar today" Lizzie smiles, already walking to greet her wife with a kiss before booping her daughter's nose, earning a giggle from her.


After Y/N eats her snacks, the little girl can't wait to play with her new toy she got a few days ago.

"Honey, if you stop moving I'll be able to get you dressed faster and you can go play" Scarlett chuckles, attempting to dress her daughter into sweatpants.

Once Y/N's finally dressed, Scarlett carries the little girl over to her toys, placing her down, so she could finally play.

"Don't forget you don't have a diaper, baby. If you need a wee come tell me or mama, yeah?" Scarlett asks, raising an eyebrow to show she's being serious.

"Mhm. Can I play now, mommy?" Y/N asks impatiently, looking at her toys and sitting down immediately once Scarlett nods, starting to play.

The blonde shakes her head with a chuckle, sitting down on the couch and soon getting joined by her wife. The two start talking about their days as they usually do, watching their daughter playing peacefully.

It doesn't take long until Y/N feels this uncomfortable feeling in her tummy, thinking whether or not should she tell her moms. She looks at her toys, deciding to keep playing as she's been super excited about playing with her new toy the entire day.

Only about two minutes later Y/N knew that was a bad idea already, not feeling comfortable at all now.

"Mommy!" Y/N whines, both her mothers immediately turning their heads to look at their daughter.

"Y/N" Scarlett sighs, noticing why's her daughter upset. "Honey, why didn't you tell us?" She asks softly, noticing the tears in Y/N's eyes.

After getting no verbal response, just tears, Scarlett lifts her daughter up and carries her to the bathroom to give her a shower while Lizzie cleans everything and joins her two favorite girls in the bathroom.

"Honey, I know you wanted to play, but you need to tell me or mama when you need to wee, yeah?" Scarlett says softly, tucking a stand of hair behind her daughter's ear.

"Mommy's right, Y/N/N. The toys will wait for you, baby" Lizzie adds, giving her daughter a warm smile. "You need to tell us next time, yeah?"

"I'm sorry" Y/N mumbles, letting out a little sob.

"It's okay, bubs. There's no need for tears, Y/N/N. Mama and I aren't mad. It's okay, accidents happen" Scarlett tries to comfort her little one, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"How about we snuggle up on the couch and watch any cartoon Y/N chooses? Does that sound good, sweetheart?" Lizzie suggests, receiving a quiet nod from her daughter.

The family makes it back to the living room. Lizzie goes to prepare some snacks while Scarlett looks for some blankets and Y/N plays with her toys for a little more.

Once the snacks are prepared and blankets are found, Scarlett, Lizzie and Y/N get comfortable on the couch, cuddling while watching a cartoon Y/N chose for them.

Lizzie and Scarlett share a look time to time, both smiling when they notice how hard is their daughter trying to keep her eyes opened. The tiny one will surely fall asleep in any minute...


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