Double birthday (EO) 🧸

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Y/N: 6 years oldLizzie: mamaScarlett: mommy——————————————————

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Y/N: 6 years old
Lizzie: mama
Scarlett: mommy

Opening the door of Y/N's room, Scarlett and Lizzie walk in as quietly as possible. Scarlett's holding a cupcake, 6 written on the icing and a lit candle in the middle.

"Y/N/N, it's time to wake up" Lizzie smiles, taking a seat on her daughter's bed and running her fingers through her daughter's hair.

Y/N lets out a little whine, not wanting to get up just yet, so she hides her head under her bedding which doesn't go without laughs from her mothers.

Lizzie slowly pulls Y/N's covers down, booping the little girl's nose which causes giggles from the tiny girl.

"Do you know what day is it today?" Lizzie teases, pressing a kiss to her daughter's head as Y/N cuddled up to her.

That's when Y/N notices her mommy's holding the cupcake and she realizes. It's her birthday today!

"It's my birthday!" Y/N shouts happily, lifting her arms in the air, both of her mothers cheering along with her.

"Make a wish, baby" Scarlett smiles warmly.

Y/N doesn't wait for even a second and blows out the candles, Lizzie clapping her hands which makes Y/N blush and hide her face in Lizzie's chest. And that doesn't go without another laugh from both mothers.

"Mama!" Y/N suddenly gasps, looking up at Lizzie who playfully gasps back. "It's your birthday too!"

Y/N jumps out of her bed, running to her closet and searching for something which makes both women confused.

"Happy birthday, mama!" Y/N grins, handing Lizzie a birthday card which she made for her a few days ago.

"Thank you, sweetheart" Lizzie smiles warmly, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead and accepting the birthday card. "That's really beautiful, baby" She compliments, making Y/N blush once again.

"Alright, my birthday girls, who wants some breakfast now?" Scarlett asks, Y/N's head immediately turning to the direction of her mommy's voice.

"Me, mommy! Me! Me!" Y/N shouts, practically jumping into Scarlett's arms.

The three make their way to the kitchen, Lizzie carrying her mini birthday twin as Y/N keeps blabbering about something.

"Wow!" Y/N gasps, covering her mouth with her tiny hand, looking around the decorated living room.

Scarlett and Lizzie worked for hours last night to get the living room decorated for their little birthday girl. Of course it's Lizzie's birthday too, but Lizzie just wants to make it extra special for her little monkey.

There's a big 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N' sign hanging across the living room, a big number 6 hanging on the wall and of course some balloons and other decorations.

"You like it?" Lizzie nearly squeals, watching the tiny girl with a huge smile, getting an enthusiastic nod in response.

"It's so pretty!" Y/N grins, her eyes glued to all the decorations.

Y/N gets her birthday cupcake for breakfast and a small birthday pancake. Lizzie has her birthday pancakes as Y/N called them and Scarlett just has regular ones as her birthday is in November.

And when Scarlett announces it's time for presents right after breakfast, Y/N's eyes light up immediately.

"Can I give mama my gift first?" Y/N questions, looking up at Scarlett for approval.

Y/N's been super excited to give her mama the gift she made. Scarlett helped her with it and together they made a mug for Lizzie.

Y/N was absolutely stoked about that idea when Scarlett suggested it, so Scarlett got a mug and colors, and helped Y/N with drawing.

The tiny Olsen-Johansson drew a lot of hearts on it, also a few flowers and butterflies. Scarlett then helped with writing 'the best mama' on it as Y/N's still learning how to write and writing on a mug would be very difficult for her.

"I think that's an amazing idea, sweetheart" Scarlett smiles, making Y/N's smile widen as Y/N immediately runs off for the gift.

She very carefully carries the mug downstairs, her tongue poking out as how much she's concentrating to not break it.

"This is for you, mama" Y/N says shyly, handing her mama the gift carefully.

"Oh, sweetheart" Lizzie smiles warmly, her eyes filling with tears as she kneels down to her baby girl and looks at all the drawings on the mug, immediately recognizing it was made by her daughter. "Baby, that's so beautiful. Thank you so much" She opens her arms for Y/N who immediately hugs her mama.

"Will you drink your coffee from it, mama?" Y/N questions curiously.

"That's a sure thing, honey. Every single morning I'll drink coffee from this special mug" Lizzie smiles, booping Y/N nose which makes the little girl blush and hide her face into Lizzie's neck, wrapping her tiny arms around her mother once again.

Lizzie stands up with Y/N in her arms and carefully places her new mug on the table.

"Thank you" She whispers to Scarlett, pecking her lips with a kiss on which Scarlett responds with a warm smile. "I think it's time for Y/N/N to open her gifts now, what do you think, Y/N/N?" Lizzie teases, poking Y/N's side which causes a squeal from the girl before she shouts a yes.

There's a huge tower of gifts waiting for Y/N in the living room, most of them toys. And much more is waiting for both birthday girls as the entire family is coming in the afternoon to celebrate their birthday. They surely have a lot of celebrating ahead of them.


I'm glad I managed to get this one done on time <33

Happy early birthday to the one who sent me this request!! <33

And happy birthday Lizzie! <33

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