Not tired (W&N) 🧸

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Y/N: 3 years oldWanda: MommyNatasha: Mama——————————————————

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Y/N: 3 years old
Wanda: Mommy
Natasha: Mama

"Y/N" Wanda sighs, her hands resting on her hips as she's looking down at her toddler daughter.

Y/N shoots her head up, looking back at her mommy who doesn't look really happy about seeing her daughter with a thumb in her mouth again.

Wanda and Natasha only just weaned their daughter off her pacifier, yet the little girl started sucking her thumb instead which, as the dentist confirmed last week, is bad for her teeth.

"Hi, mommy" Y/N smiles, lifting her arms up for Wanda who sighs once again and sits the tiny girl on her hip.

Y/N automatically brings her thumb up to her mouth on which Wanda takes it out with another sigh.

"Mommy" Y/N whines, burying her head into the crock of Wanda's neck.

"Honey, it's bad for your teeth" Wanda explains, receiving another whine as Y/N starts sucking on her other thumb. "Y/N, no" Wanda looks at her daughter sternly, taking her thumb out of her mouth again which only results in tears. "Okay, and now we're crying"

"Baby, you're a big girl now, aren't you?" Wanda questions, sitting down on the bed with Y/N on her lap.

The toddler just lets out a little sniffle, nodding her head as she looks up at her mommy.

"Big girls don't have binkies anymore, do they?" Wanda raises an eyebrow on which Y/N shakes her head no. "That's right. So when Y/N's a big girl now, she doesn't need a binky. Do you remember what the dentist said last week?" Once again Y/N shakes her head.

"He said that Y/N can't suck her thumb either because it's really bad for her teeth. We don't want Y/N's teeth to be crooked, do we?" Wanda asks, but this is not what Y/N wanted to hear.

The tiny girl buries her head into Wanda's chest, letting out more tears on which Wanda sighs and rubs her daughter's back, hoping it would calm her down.


"Mama" Y/N whines, following Natasha like a lost puppy while the redhead's making breakfast for both of them.

"Mama" Y/N repeats, lifting her arms up in the air and hoping Natasha would get the hint.

"Honey, I'll give you a cuddle right when I finish making breakfast for us" Natasha sighs which only makes Y/N whine more.

It's been nearly a month since Y/N's pacifier was taken away and the tiny girl just can't get used to it.

Both, Natasha and Wanda, haven't slept through a whole night since then, they're so incredibly tired, especially since Y/N's cranky every single day.

"Up, mama" Y/N whines once again, jumping up and down with her arms up in front of Natasha, her eyes watery.

"Y/N, come here" Wanda sighs, stepping into the kitchen.

Natasha let her sleep in after another sleepless night, yet Wanda knows it's not easy to do more things at one time when Y/N's in her mood. She just can't let her wife deal with it alone.

Y/N shuffles over to Wanda, her arms still up in the air. With a sigh the brunette lifts her tiny daughter up and sits her on her hip, Y/N finally happy she got what she wanted and can cuddle now.

"You could've stayed in bed and get some more sleep. We'd be okay here" Natasha says, giving her wife a smile.

"I know and thank you, but I can't just leave you here alone with our grumpy daughter" Wanda smiles back. "What do you say, baby? Do you want to take a little nap?" She turns her attention back to her daughter, tucking a strand of hair behind her little ear.

"Nooo, Y/N not tired" Y/N whines, her head buried in Wanda's neck, though the brunette knows her daughter's absolutely exhausted.

Wanda gives Natasha a look, silently telling her she's going to try put Y/N to sleep. She carries Y/N into her bedroom, rocking her back and forth, and hoping Y/N would just fall asleep on the way to the room.

"No ni-night, mommy" Y/N whines as soon as Wanda reaches the bedroom.

Wanda sighs, sitting down on bed with Y/N on her lap. And with another sigh, she rests her forehead against her daughter's head.

She tries to think of something that would get her daughter to sleep and then suddenly an idea pops up in her mind... She has magic.

With a swing of her hand, she uses her magic and creates a red pacifier looking, but not exactly pacifier thing as a substitute for the real one.

With that Y/N finally closes her eyes, peacefully sucking on her new pacifier and finally allowing herself to fall asleep.

Wanda lets out a long breath when she places her now finally sleeping daughter on bed and pulls up the covers to cover her small body.

"You okay here?" Natasha whispers, appearing in the room.

"Yeah, she's sleeping" Wanda smiles at her wife while pointing at the little sleeping trouble.

Natasha's eyes widen when she notices the new pacifier Y/N has, wondering why hasn't Wanda done that earlier, so they could sleep normally instead of walking around the house in the middle of the night with a grumpy child in their arms.

"Wanda, are you kidding me? You couldn't have think of this sooner??"


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