Panic attack (S&E) 🧸

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Y/N: 12 years oldScarlett: momLizzie: mama——————————————————

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Y/N: 12 years old
Scarlett: mom
Lizzie: mama

It's been the most stressful week in the young Olsen-Johansson's life and it's only Wednesday, two more days to go. She has a lot of homework, so many exams coming up and it's driving her crazy.

She has troubles with eating, sleeping and that didn't go unnoticed by Y/N's mothers. Of course Scarlett and Lizzie are worried about their little girl and are doing their best to make sure Y/N eats and gets enough sleep.

A knock on the door interrupts the young girl in the middle of writing an essay. Her eyes leave the screen of her laptop for a moment, locking them with a pair of green eyes belonging to one of her mothers.

"Sweetheart, how about a little break? Mama and I thought we could watch your favorite movie, play a game or do anything you'd like" Scarlett asks softly, attempting to get her daughter away from studying.

Both, Scarlett and Lizzie, are happy that their daughter wants to be good at school and have good grades, yet sometimes they see how's Y/N tired and stressed, so they just need to get her away from all the school work.

Y/N's just a really hard-working kid, also very shy and quite an introvert which makes the pressure even bigger, especially when she needs to speak in front of the entire class like tomorrow.

And to all of this pressure there's a group of children in Y/N's class who likes to use Y/N's kindness, shyness and inability to say no in their favour, making her do their homework in exchange they won't hurt her.

"Would you mind if we'd do that later? I really need to finish this" Y/N points at the screen, making Scarlett let out a sigh even though she was expecting this answer.

"I really think you should take a break, honey. Promise that once you finish this you come downstairs to take a break and do something with us, yeah?"

"Mhm. I promise, mom" Y/N nods, more so that Scarlett would leave and let her finish the essay.

Scarlett sighs once again, closing the door of her daughter's room, and walks downstairs to her wife while Y/N gets back into writing the essay.

Y/N sighs in relief once she writes the last word. Just a coma is missing and she's finished. But in the exact moment she presses the button, the screen of her laptop goes black.

"No, no, no" The girl mumbles out, desperately trying to switch it back on, but nothing works. It's been charging the entire time, so there's no way the laptop discharged.

A panic takes over her as she stands up from her chair, walking around in circles and thinking about all those things the group of bullies will do to her if she won't give them the essay tomorrow.

It gets harder to breath and Y/N's hands start shaking. Her knees get weak, so she catches a chair for support, accidentally knocking it down and ending on the ground with the chair.

Tears start to run down her cheeks uncontrollably, her lungs not accepting any air as her entire body is shaking.

"Y/N/N, are you okay?!" Lizzie calls as both parents heard a loud noise, both walking upstairs to check on their daughter. "Y/N, honey, are you-" Lizzie stops at the sight of her shaking and crying daughter, immediately rushing to her and Scarlett doing the same.

"Y/N/N, you need to breathe. Breathe with me, honey. Slow breaths with mommy, okay?" Scarlett says, attempting to get her daughter to take a proper breath which fails.

Scarlett and Lizzie share a worried look when nothing seems to work. Tears keep streaming down Y/N's face as she's rapidly trying to take a breath.

"Sweetheart, look at me please" Lizzie places her hands on her daughter's knees on which Y/N lifts her eyes. "That's it, baby. Can you tell me five thing you can see?"

And once again this attempt fails. Lizzie squeezes her eyes shut, trying to remember everything that always helped when Y/N was having a meltdown when she was younger while Scarlett's trying to somehow calm Y/N down.

"Skin to skin! It always helped. Can you take her shirt off?" Lizzie asks, earning a nod from her wife who immediately and carefully removes Y/N's shirt off while Lizzie takes off hers.

Lizzie carefully pulls her daughter close, laying her head on her chest, so she could listen to Lizzie's heartbeat.

"There we go, sweetheart. Mama's got you. You're safe, baby" Lizzie tells her daughter softly, watching as Y/N's breathing slowly gets into normal.

"Would you like to talk about what happened with me and mama?" Scarlett asks when Y/N calms down completely, running her fingers through her daughter's hair and giving her a soft smile.

"I-I was just finishing the essay when m-my laptop died. I-I couldn't turn it on a-and I have so many other things to do. I-I need it o-or they'll hurt me" Y/N admits on which Scarlett and Lizzie share confused and worried look.

"Who will hurt you, baby?" Lizzie questions.

"Brad and his friends. T-they said they will hurt me if I won't do their homework" Y/N confesses, earning a sigh from both of her mothers.

"Sweetheart, you can't be doing homework for other children. They won't hurt you, I promise. Mama and I will make sure of it, yeah? You don't have to worry about it" Scarlett smiles softly, pressing a kiss to her daughter's head.

"I think you've overworked yourself, bubs. No school for today, nothing will happen if you won't have a homework for once and as mommy said, we will make sure those kids won't hurt you, be mean to you or make you to do their homework for them" Lizzie adds, also pressing a kiss to her daughter's head. "Let's just cuddle and watch a movie, yeah?"

The three end up in Scarlett and Lizzie's shared room, snuggling up in the bed and watching Y/N's favorite movie.

Y/N's eyes get heavy a few minutes after the start of the movie though and as she closes them, she falls into a deep slumber which makes both of her mother smile, whisper a few sweet things to her and press a kiss to their little girl's forehead.


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