Happy birthday, mama! (SJ) 🧸

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Y/N: 9 years old
Story: Scarlett comes home after a stressful day to find a surprise waiting for her...

Ever since Scarlett woke up today, the day has been a complete hell. Firstly, Y/N's babysitter cancelled as she's sick. Y/N being the hyper child she is, Scarlett just couldn't take her to the set with her.

After desperately calling all of her friends if they couldn't watch her daughter for the day, Lizzie was thankfully free and immediately came to watch her favorite niece.

That wasn't the only problem Scarlett had to solve for the day... she had troubles with her car, so she arrived late to the set. Her phone died and the filming was also very stressful, Scarlett just didn't have the best day.

Now she's finally on her way back home while Y/N and Lizzie are preparing everything for Scarlett's arrival.

After Scarlett left this morning, Y/N and Lizzie baked a birthday cake for the birtday girl. Y/N made a special sign saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!' that is now hanging in the living room.

"Your mom just pulled over" Lizzie announces with a smile, so you rush for the gift you got her and then stand with Lizzie under the sign.

A sigh of relief leaves Scarlett's lips as she shuts the front door after the horrible day she's had. She walks towards the living room, furrowing her brows as it's suspiciously quiet here.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Y/N and Lizzie shout as soon as they see Scarlett, making the blonde jump a bit.

"Oh my god" Scarlett chuckles, putting her hand over her chest and smiling when ber daughter hugs her tightly.

"Happy birthday, mama" Y/N repeats, looking up at her mom with a sweet smile.

"Thank you- wait... It's my birthday?" Scarlett asks surprised, completely forgetting today's date.

"You're so silly, mommy. Of course it's your birthday" Y/N laughs, shaking her head. "Come, you have to open your gifts" The 9-year-old says, taking Scarlett's hand in hers and dragging her to the couch.

"Honey, can I have something to eat first?" Scarlett lets out a chuckle, sqeezing her daughter's hand a little bit.

"Cake!" Y/N gasps. "Auntie Lizzie, can you help me please?" The girl rushes to Lizzie who's been watching the two with a smile.

"Baby, I think your mama would like dinner first. We'll have the cake later, okay?" Lizzie smiles softly, running her fingers through the little blonde's hair.

Y/N whines in response, she's really excited to see her mom's reaction on the gift she got her. Scarlett mouths a 'thank you' to her best friend who gives her a smile in response.


Scarlett finally ate her dinner, so now it's time for the cake that Y/N's been eagerly waiting for. Knowing how clumsy Y/N is, Lizzie better brings in the cake and Scarlett blows the candles.

"We made the cake, mama. Do you like it?" Y/N ask with a cute smile, looking at her mom while sitting comfortably on her lap.

"It looks so beautiful, honey. Thank you so much. You really didn't have to though" Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead.

"Oh come on. It's your birthday. Y/N wanted to make your day special and I was happy to help" Lizzie smiles warmly, running her fingures through Y/N's hair and receiving a smile from the little monkey.

"Mama, we need to eat some of the cake now, so you could finally open your gifts" Y/N says, looking at her mom and aunt seriously.

"You're right. We need to taste the cake" Scarlett smiles, pressing a few kisses to Y/N cheek which makes the girl laugh.

Once each of them eats a piece of the cake which Scarlett really liked, by the way. Y/N drags her mom back to the living room, so she could finally open her gifts.

"This is for you, mama!" Y/N grins, handing Scarlett the little box wrapped in a wrapping paper along with the card she drew for her earlier.

"Thank you, sweetheart" Scarlett smiles, bending down and kissing Y/N's forehead before taking the gifts and opening the card first.

Y/N wrote a little note in about how much she loves her mom which brings a few tears into Scarlett's eyes.

"That's so sweet. Thank you so much, baby" Scarlett pulls her daughter into a hug immediately, giving her a few kisses to the top of her head.

"That's not all, mommy. You need to open this too" Y/N chuckles, pointing at the gift Scarlett still hasn't opened.

"What could that be?" Scarlett teases, slowly opening the little box and gasping when she sees what her daughter got her.

Y/N got Lizzie to take her to the mall last time she was watching her and together they got her a silver necklace with Y/N's name on it. Lizzie knew there's nothing more Scarlett loves than her daughter, so this seemed to be a great birthday gift.

"Do you like it, mama?" Y/N asks sweetly, watching her mother's reaction carefully.

"It's so beautiful, baby. I love it. Thank you so much" Scarlett smiles, trying not to cry so she wouldn't make Y/N think she didn't like the present, because she absolutely loves it.

Scarlett puts the necklace on immediately, with Lizzie's help of course.

It's getting late though and Lizzie has to leave. She, of course, has a gift for her friend, but she's gonna give it to Scarlett at the birthday party the Marvel cast is planning for Scarlett on Friday.

Scarlett and Y/N decide to have a movie night then, so they cuddle up on the couch and watch Frozen as both girls like this movie.

Scarlett smiles when her daughter closes her eyes, falling asleep just a few minutes after the start of the movie. She kisses her little girl's head, whispering a few sweet things to her. Maybe the day wasn't as bad as it looked like it would be after all...


Happy birthday, Scarly!!! <33

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