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NO ONE'S POV"Hey, guys, it's Y/N and welcome back to my YouTube channel" Y/N smiles, greeting all of her subscribers

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"Hey, guys, it's Y/N and welcome back to my YouTube channel" Y/N smiles, greeting all of her subscribers.

"For this week's video... I decided to... pull out a few pranks on my sister Lizzie" She announces, making a mental note to add an applause later.

"You, guys, wanted Lizzie to be in my videos, so I thought that this would be a great opportunity. She won't be really happy about it, but what wouldn't I do for you, guys" Y/N sighs, adding a chuckle at the thought of all those pranks she's prepared.

"Alright. Right now I'm at Lizzie's house. She's still at work and will be for a few more hours, so I thought that it would be such a great idea to wrap her entire bedroom in wrapping paper. So let's start with that" She announces, taking the camera and walking upstairs to her sister's bedroom.

She bought tons of red wrapping paper this morning and already brought it to the room, so now she just needs to wrap everything. Oh boy, Lizzie won't be happy...

After filming a few more scenes, she gets to work, wrapping every single item in Lizzie's bedroom into wrapping paper.

It takes hours, but now it's finally done and to be honest, Y/N is actually pretty proud of her work.

"Well, this is the final product. I think it looks quite awesome. What do you think, guys?" Y/N questions, showing the room from every possible angle on camera.

"I mean... Lizzie's definitely going to kill me, but I really like it. It actually looks so cool. Oh boy, she's definitely going to make me clean this up" She sighs with a chuckle, filming a few more scenes before going back downstairs.

She sits on the couch, thinking what could she entertain herself with until Lizzie arrives. She's planned 2 pranks on her sister.

The first one is wrapping Lizzie's entire room in wrapping paper which she only just finished. And the other one is to fill her sister's car with balloons, but that needs to wait until Lizzie arrives home.

"Oh, hi, Y/N/N" Lizzie smiles, stepping into the living room where Y/N still is. "What you're doing here?"

"Well, I thought I'd come to surprise my sister and guess what. She wasn't home" Y/N says, standing up to give her sister a hug.

"I'm happy to see you. I'll just change real quick and be right back, so we can catch up on everything" Lizzie presses a kiss to her little sister's forehead, earning a smile and a nod from her.

Just in the moment when Lizzie starts walking upstairs to the direction of her bedroom, Y/N grabs her camera and follows her sister.

"Oh. My. God. Y/N! What did you do?!" Lizzie says as soon as she opens the door of her bedroom, her voice filled with anger.

"What? You like it? I think it looks good. I thought your room needs a bit of a color, you know. And red really suits you, so you're welcome" Y/N teases, only to receive a death glare from her sister, her head even tilting slightly. "Oh no, the headtilt. If these are the last few seconds of my life, I just want to say that I love you, guys, and-"

"You better clean that up right now, Y/N. I have a few friends coming over in like 3 hours, so you better hurry up" Lizzie states, patting her sister's shoulder before walking out of the room, forgetting why she went here in the first place.

"Alright, I guess I won't get any appreciation for my work, so let's get into cleaning" Y/N sighs, putting the camera on the nightstand and getting into work.

It takes much less time to clean up than it took to make it and Y/N's now carrying tons of wrapping paper to her car.

And then comes the last prank... filling Lizzie's car with balloons. She has some blowed up balloons in the trunk of her car already, so now she needs to blow up the rest and put them into Lizzie's car without her knowing.

And that successfully happens. She places Lizzie's car keys right at the same spot she took them before, flopping on the couch and waiting for the right opportunity.

"I need to head out to buy some drinks. You want anything in the store?" Lizzie questions, taking her car keys.

"I'm good, thanks" Y/N smiles.

"Alright, I'll be back soon" Lizzie announces, walking out of the door and Y/N's quick to follow with her camera in her hand. "Y/N, I swear to god-"

"Surprise!" Y/N cuts her sister off, receiving just a glare from her.

"Y/N, I need to go to the store" Lizzie sighs. "I'm taking your car, this better be cleaned up until I come back. And don't even think about pulling another prank on me" She warns, raising an eyebrow.

"You're no fun" Y/N sighs, taking her car keys out of her pocket and giving them to her sister.

"I love you too"


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