The teacher (WM) 🧸

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Y/N: 5 years old——————————

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Y/N: 5 years old

"Y/N, come on. We don't have all day. I need to go to work" Wanda sighs, attempting to get her daughter out of the car.

"Nooo" Y/N cries out, holding tightly onto her car seat while Wanda's trying to lift her up again.

Ignoring her daughter's cries, Wanda finally manages to get Y/N out of the car, carrying her to the classroom.

Natasha furrows her brows when she sees her girlfriend appear in the classroom, immediately standing up and walking to her.

"Hi, is everything okay?" She asks, noticing Y/N's pout, puffy eyes and wet cheeks. "Oh no, what happened, Y/N/N?" She asks softly, placing her hand on Y/N's back, only for Y/N to push her hand away.

"That wasn't nice, Y/N. What do you say to Natasha?" Wanda raises an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, Natasha" Y/N mumbles out.

"That's okay" Natasha smiles at the little girl, not receiving a smile back as she normally would.

It's been only a few days since Y/N started going to school, but ever since then her relationship with Natasha has only gotten worse. She loves Natasha, she's her second favorite person after her mommy, but she still can't accept the fact that her mommy's girlfriend is her teacher for the next few years.

"Alright, honey. Have a good day" Wanda stands Y/N on the ground, giving her a smile even though the little girl is just pouting with her arms crossed over her chest.

Wanda lets out a sigh and just kisses her daughter's forehead before telling her girlfriend goodbye and leaving the classroom.

Natasha glances at the little girl with concern. She would want nothing more than to comfort her, but she knows too well that it would only get worse, so she just leaves the tiny troublemaker alone.

Meanwhile Y/N's now sitting on her seat in the first row, wishing she would be taller so she could sit in the back of the classroom.

Natasha knows Y/N's upset, but when the lesson starts and Y/N doesn't do anything else than staring out of the window she knows she needs to have a talk with her.

"Y/N, can you come here for a moment?" Natasha asks softly right after the first lesson ends and gets a shake of a head from the little girl.

"Alright" The redhead sighs to herself and makes her way over to Y/N.

"No, go away, Natasha" Y/N whines, her little eyes filling with tears. "Don't want to talk to you" She pouts, looking up at the redhead who's a little clueless about what to do.

She wants to comfort the tiny girl, but that could result into a meltdown and Natasha definitely doesn't want that. Or she can just let it be and have a talk with Y/N back home.

She decides to leave the talk at home and goes back to her desk, checking Y/N up every now and then to make sure she's alright.


When the endless school day finally comes to an end and all of the children leave with their parents, besides Y/N as she's going home with Natasha of course, the redhead walks to Y/N's desk where the little girl keeps sitting.

"Sweetheart, let's go home, yeah?" She says softly with a smile.

"Want mommy to come for me" Y/N mumbles out, not looking at the woman in front of her.

"Honey, mommy is still at work you know that" Natasha sighs, knowing this won't be as easy as she thought it would be. "Do you want to tell me what got you so upset today, bubs?" She tries only to get a shake of a head in response.

"... How about we stop at ice cream on the way home, hm? Would that make you feel better?" Natasha knows this never fails, Y/N just can't say no to ice cream and luckily for Natasha, it works this time too and she gets a small nod from the little trouble.

Y/N jumps down from her chair and follows Natasha out of the classroom, and to the car. Natasha sighs in relief when Y/N's secured in the backseat and she's sitting behind the wheel.

Just like Natasha promised, she drives them to Y/N's favorite ice cream parlor. That makes Y/N smile for the first time today, especially when she gets her favorite flavor.

Now both girls are sitting on the bench nearby the ice cream parlor, Y/N's swinging her legs and happily eating her ice cream while Natasha's watching her with a soft smile.

"Now, how about you tell me what's going on, honey?" Natasha asks just when Y/N finishes the sweet treat.

"Nothing" The little girl mumbles out, avoiding any possible eye-contact with the redhead.

"You know I can tell when you're lying, sweetheart" Natasha raises an eyebrow on which Y/N lets out a sigh. "You can tell me anything, you know that, sweetheart"

"... I don't like that you're my teacher" The tiny girl mumbles out quietly, hoping Natasha didn't hear it.

"Why so, sweetheart?" The redhead asks softly, placing her hand on Y/N's back and giving her back a little rub to comfort her.

"You're my mommy's girlfriend" Y/N says, finally looking up at Natasha.

"I am, and you and I are really good friends, aren't we? Isn't it fun we get to spend more time together?" Natasha smiles, trying to cheer up the little troublemaker.

"It's weird" Y/N pouts, so Natasha playfully pouts back and boops Y/N's nose which finally causes a giggle from the little girl.

"It has some benefits, I can help you with homework" Natasha teases which catches Y/N's attention.

"Really?" Y/N asks curiously.

"Of course, but only if you promise me there won't be any more tears before school" Natasha raises an eyebrow playfully, earning a nod from the tiny Maximoff.

"I promise, Natty" Y/N smiles, making Natasha smile back.

"Good. Should we go home and watch a cartoon together before mommy comes back home from work?" Natasha smiles, running her fingers through Y/N's hair, earning an immediate nod.

And that's how Wanda finds them when she comes home, her two favorite girls cuddled up on the couch, watching Y/N's favorite cartoon. Wanda surely can't wait to join her girls for a movie night and cuddles.


I've spent my entire weekend by listening to ttpd <33

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