The love of her life (EO) ❤️

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NO ONE'S POVY/N takes a deep breath, looking out of the window at all the people with cameras, her girlfriend looks beautiful as ever sitting next to her, holding Y/N's hand and rubbing her thumb over Y/N's knuckles

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Y/N takes a deep breath, looking out of the window at all the people with cameras, her girlfriend looks beautiful as ever sitting next to her, holding Y/N's hand and rubbing her thumb over Y/N's knuckles.

The pair only just arrived to the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness premier. It's their first event they've come as a pair ever. Lizzie couldn't be happier to finally have Y/N by her side when they finally went public with their relationship.

Y/N, on the other hand, has been feeling super anxious. It's just that Y/N's ex-girlfriend was also an actress and whenever Y/N went with her to any kind of event, she just felt horrible.

Y/N was not allowed to speak, not allowed to go anywhere without her ex-girlfriend. She felt like she was being showed like a stupid throphy. 'Just stand still and look pretty' Is what her ex-girlfriend always said.

"Are you okay, baby?" Lizzie asks softly, noticing her girlfriend looks a bit off.

"What? Yeah, all good" Y/N fakes a smile and Lizzie immediately knows her girlfriend's lying. But before she can say anything, Y/N speaks again. "Oh, we're here" She informs, getting out of the car and holding her hand out for Lizzie who accepts it with a sigh.

Of course first comes taking photos and Lizzie practically drags her girlfriend there. Y/N wasn't sure if she should be there as her ex-girlfriend always used to tell her to wait on the side. But Lizzie's just completely different and is proud that Y/N is her girlfriend.

Even in the interviews that come next Lizzie always includes her girlfriend somehow, asking about her opinion or mentioning her whenever she has a chance.

Y/N left for some drinks now though while Lizzie got into talking with Benedict. Handing Lizzie a drink she brought for her, Y/N's met with a huge smile on her girlfriend's face.

"There you are. Benedict, this is my girlfriend Y/N. Y/N/N, this is Benedict" Lizzie says with a huge smile playing on her lips, interlocking her fingers with Y/N's.

"I see. Nice to meet you, Y/N" Benedict smiles. "Lizzie has told me a lot about you"

"S-she did?" Y/N questions surprised on which Lizzie gives her hand a little squeeze.

"Well, of course I did. I want everyone to know I have such an amazing girlfriend" Lizzie smiles, rubbing her thumb over her girlfriend's knuckles, making Y/N blush.

The conversation goes on and Y/N has to admit she's actually having a great time. It's a nice change to be included in the conversation and not receiving death glares for telling something.

Of course Benedict isn't the only one Lizzie wants to introduce her girlfriend to. Lizzie leads her girlfriend to her other friends and co-workers, one by one, introducing Y/N to everyone and having a quick conversation with them.

The time flies fast though and both girls get tired, so when Lizzie suggests to go home, Y/N can't say no and happily agrees.

"Did you have a good time today?" Lizzie asks softly, rubbing Y/N's knuckles with her thumbs.

"Yeah. I really enjoyed the time I could spend with you. Thank you, Lizzie" Y/N smiles warmly.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, baby. I'm glad you were there with me" Lizzie smiles back, leaning in to peck her girlfriend's lips with a kiss.

When the pair is finally back home, the first thing both girls do is taking a hot shower. And after putting on the comfiest clothes they could find, they just snuggle up together in their bed, deciding to watch a movie.

Y/N's head is comfortably resting on Lizzie's chest while Lizzie's hand is rubbing circles on Y/N's back. Every now and then Lizzie places a kiss to her girlfriend's head which never fails and makes Y/N smile widely.

"You can close your eyes, baby. I know how tired you are" Lizzie tells her girlfriend softly, noticing Y/N is struggling to keep her eyes opened to watch the movie.

"I love you so much, Lizzie" Y/N mumbles out, allowing herself to close her eyes and wonder what did she do to deserve such an amazing girlfriend.

"I love you more, Y/N/N" Lizzie says quietly, a smile playing on her lips as she keeps rubbing Y/N's back in circles.

Lizzie surely must be a gift for everything Y/N's been through. She's finally happy and it's all thanks to Lizzie.

And after this day Y/N's completely sure that Lizzie is the love of her life and that there is no one in the whole world she would rather spend the rest of her life with, even though they're dating only for a few months.


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