Upset (W&N) 🧸

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Y/N: 4 years old
Billy and Tommy: 6 years old

Y/N shuffles into the living room with a huge pout on her face, holding a teddy bear in her hand and dragging her legs towards the redhead who's sitting on the couch.

Natasha doesn't notice the tiny body and keeps her gaze on the TV. The moment she realizes is when Y/N buries her face into the redhead's thighs.

"Детка, what are you doing?" Natasha chuckles, hooking her hands under Y/N's armpits and sitting the tiny one on her lap. (baby)

Y/N looks at her, pout still present on her face on which Natasha playfully pouts back. And on that Y/N wraps her tiny arms around the redhead's neck and buries her face there.

"What got you so upset, baby?" Natasha asks softly, rubbing the little girl's back and holding her close.

"Mommy" Y/N mumble out.

"Mommy made you upset? What did she do to you?" Natasha asks playfully, an amusing smile playing on her lips.

"Mommy said: 'no, Y/N/N, I have to cook, go play with Billy and Tommy'" Y/N explains, pulling out her best acting skills. "But Billy and Tommy don't want to play with me" She sighs dramatically and drops her tiny hands on her lap.

"Well, but you haven't asked me, have you?" Natasha raises an eyebrow with a smile, making the little girl smile back.

"Will you play with me, mama?" Y/N asks with the sweetest smile, making Natasha let out a small gasp.

This is the first time Y/N's ever called her that, the first time anyone has ever called her that. Her and Wanda are dating for 2 years and she wouldn't expect any of Wanda's children to see her as a parent.

Billy and Tommy are older and even before Y/N was born, Wanda was thinking about eventually leaving Vision. To be honest, a robot who has no idea about human emotions is not a good partner.

But Wanda found out she was going to have another baby and tried to save her relationship with the robot, but it just didn't work, so they broke up. Well, and 2 years ago she got together with Natasha and she couldn't be more happy.

The fact is that Y/N is actually the first one who accepted Natasha when Wanda announced their relationship. She only just turned 2 back then, but that doesn't change the fact that Natasha was and is one of her favorite people.

Not like the twins... Vision seems to have quite an influence on them, so liking Natasha definitely isn't even close to how they feel about her. But Natasha keeps trying and hoping that some day it'll get better.

"Of course, I'll play with you, sweetheart" Natasha smiles, giving the tiny girl a little cuddle, and presses a kiss to the top of Y/N's head. "Let's find some toys"

Natasha stands up, sitting Y/N on her hip, and starts to walk to Y/N and the boys' playroom.

"Mama, you and mommy are my favorite, FAVORITE ever" Y/N says enthusiastically, making sure the word 'favorite' is loud enough while kicking her small legs happily.

"Yeah?" Natasha smiles as the little one nods. "Well, you are my favorite, favorite too, детка" She tells Y/N back which immediately brings a smile to Y/N's face as she cuddles up to the redhead. (baby)

"What troubles are my favorite girls causing?" Wanda teases, spotting the pair walking around the kitchen.

That's enough for Y/N to bring back the pout she had previously on her lips while Natasha just chuckles at the sight of Y/N's cute little face.

"Aw, what's wrong, my little monkey?" Wanda pouts back playfully, giving her daughter's tummy a little tickle.

"Well, I've heard that mommy upset her. Am I right, детка?" Natasha says, letting out a little chuckle as Y/N nods her head with the pout still present on her lips. (baby)

"What did mommy do to you, malysh?" Wanda asks playfully.

"Mommy didn't want to play with me and said: 'no, Y/N/N, I have to cook, go play with Billy and Tommy'. But Billy and Tommy don't want to play with me too, mommy" Y/N explains dramatically.

"Well, someone needs to cook the dinner, baby. What would we eat then?" Wanda asks softly with a smile before pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.

"That's okay, mommy. Mama will play with me" Y/N's pout gets replaced by a sweet smile immediately.

"I need to cook, bubs, remember?" Wanda repeats, giving her daughter an apologetic look, but Y/N just shakes her head.

"Not you, mommy. Mama" The little one explains like it was the most obvious thing ever, pointing at Natasha and swinging her legs happily.

"Oh, mama will. I see" Wanda smiles warmly, locking her eyes with Natasha's who smiles widely back and rests her head against Y/N's before pressing a kiss to the tiny one's head.

"Have fun, you two. I'll call you on dinner" Wanda smiles, placing a kiss on her daughter's small nose that looks exactly like hers before pecking her girlfriend's lips.

Natasha just smiles back and carries Y/N away, so they could play like Y/N wanted. She's definitely excited about having a playdate with the tiny troublemaker, even more so to be her mother, help Wanda with raising her and see her grow up.


Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was so tired xd

Anyway, it's MY BIRTHDAY!

I'M 20 TODAYYY!! <33

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