Movie night (W&N) 🧸

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Y/N: 2 years old
Billy and Tommy: 10 years old
Wanda: mama
Nat: mommy
Story: Movie night on the compound...

It's a movie night on the compound today. Everyone is so excited, especially Y/N as it's her first movie night ever. Wanda and Nat finally agreed that Y/N can go with them since the team is watching The Lion King.

Natasha dressed Y/N into pajamas, cause the little one will most definitely fall asleep during the movie. Meanwhile Wanda went to the kitchen to prepare Y/N's bottle as the little monkey is too small to eat popcorn with the others.

Once Y/N is ready to go, Natasha sits her little one onto her hip and makes her way into the cinema room where the movie will be played.

"Mommy, down" Y/N orders, trying to wiggle out of her mother's strong hold. Natasha stands Y/N on the ground and the little girl immediately runs towards her uncle Pietro, giving him a high five, and then runs to her auntie Yelena. "Up, Lena!" Y/N orders, putting her arms in the air wanting to be picked up. Yelena smiles, hooking her hands under Y/N's armpits and lifting her little niece onto her lap, giving her a cuddle. "Hi, Katie!" Y/N waves to Kate who's sitting next to her aunt.

"Hi, Y/N/N" Kate chuckles, waving the little girl back. "I like your pajamas" Kate smiles, giving Y/N's tummy a little tickle which makes Y/N giggle.

"It's Petey!" Y/N shouts happily, lifting her arms in the air and putting them back down. Y/N insisted on wearing her Spiderman pajamas which she got from Peter on her 2nd birthday. She's a big fan of Spiderman.

Natasha flops on the couch next to Yelena, leaving enough space for Wanda, Tommy and Billy beside her. The couches are big, so there's no need to worry someone wouldn't have a place to sit.

Tommy and Billy are already here, doing silly things with their uncle Pietro. Actually everyone is here, only waiting for Wanda to show up, so the movie could start. The only one who's not attending any team activities is Vision. He hasn't been since Wanda and Natasha announced Wanda's pregnancy with Y/N.

Wanda and Vision were married before, they even had Billy and Tommy together. However, Vision and Wanda's relationship wasn't really working after some time, so Wanda decided to end things. She moved on and found her happiness with Natasha.

"Hi, mama!" Y/N waves happily to her mama when Wanda sits down next to Natasha.

"Hi, baby" Wanda smiles, taking a hold of Y/N's little hand as the todler stretched it towards her, giving the small knuckles a rub with her thumb. Billy runs to the little family, taking a seat next to his mom while the other twin stays with his uncle Pietro. Billy cuddles up to Wanda on the side, already eating his popcorn.

Y/N being curious about what's her brother eating, she moves from Yelena's lap onto Natasha's. "Mama" Y/N points at Billy's popcorn wanting to taste it.

"No, baby. Y/N/N has something way better" Wanda smiles, giving Y/N her bottle and hoping it would satisfy her little one. Y/N reaches for the bottle happily, immediately starting to drink her milk and mumbling how her milk is better than Billy's popcorn.

The movie finally starts and everyone is watching peacefully. Y/N's drinking her milk while Natasha's hands are wrapped around the small body, protectively holding her little daughter. It doesn't take long until the little one closes her eyes, falling asleep and dropping the bottle which falls on the floor. Wanda smiles, lifting the empty bottle and taking a blanket to put it over her little daughter before pressing a kiss to her little forehead.

"Sweet dreams, my little monkey. Mama loves you" Wanda whispers to her little daughter while Natasha smiles, kisses the top of her little girl's head and tightens her grip over her little one protectively.

Y/N is more of a mommy's girl. She loves her moms equally, but Wanda's time is mostly taken by Billy and Tommy, so the little one usually goes to her mommy if anything is wrong.

The movie ends and everyone starts heading to their rooms. Wanda goes to tuck in her boys while Natasha heads to her bedroom with sleeping Y/N in her arms. Natasha places her sleeping daughter to the middle of the bed, whispering 'sweet dreams, I love you so much, детка' and pressing a kiss to her little one's forehead before heading to the bathroom to do her night routine.

Meanwhile Wanda comes in, putting on her pajamas and joining Natasha in the bathroom. Once the two mothers are ready for bed, they slip next to Y/N on each side, both pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead once again before pecking each other's lips with a kiss for a good night.


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