The necklace (NR) ❤️

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Y/N: 9/23 years old——————————————————

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Y/N: 9/23 years old

"Y/N!" Natasha whisper calls, making her friend turn around.

Y/N and Natasha have been best friends ever since Natasha and her family moved right to the next house.

Natasha knows this will have to end one day, but deep down she hopes it won't. Her friendship with Y/N is one of the few real things in her life and it gives her hope that maybe one day she'll be living a normal life.

"Hey, Nat" Y/N smiles after spotting her best friend, jumping off of the swing and walking closer to Natasha.

"I have something for you. Close your eyes and give me your hand" Natasha smiles on which Y/N furrows her brows but does as her best friend said.

"It's not a spider, right?" Y/N asks, making Natasha let out a chuckle.

"No, it's not a spider" The blue haired girl assures, placing a necklace she made into Y/N's palm on which the younger girl opens her eyes immediately. "I made you a necklace" Natasha says, nervously watching Y/N's reaction.

"It's so pretty! I love it!" Y/N smiles widely which makes Natasha relax and return the smile. "Thank you! Can you help me to put it on?"

"Sure... Y/N, I want you to know that you'll be my best friend forever. No matter if we live right next to each other or on the other side of the world" Natasha tells her best friend honestly, but before Y/N can respond, Melina interrupts their conversation.

"Natalia! Dinner!" Melina calls from the other garden.

"Okay, I gotta go. See you later" Natasha smiles, giving Y/N a quick hug before disappearing.

Y/N smiles, placing her hand on the necklace before getting an idea. She rushes home and straight to her room, immediately searching through her drawers to find some beads.

Once the beads are found, the young girl immediately gets into making a necklace for Natasha. Just like for the older girl, this friendship means everything to Y/N.

The necklace making gets interrupted when Y/N's mom calls the girl for dinner. She wants to give Natasha the necklace today though, so they could match tomorrow, so she eats the dinner as quickly as possible and rushes to finish the necklace.

Luckily, it's not that late when Y/N finishes making the necklace and with a huge smile on her face she walks to the next house where Natasha lives.

Her eyes widen though when she finds there a few police cars. She walks to the first police officer, worried something happened to her best friend.

"What happened? Is Natalia okay?" The girl asks, her eyes filling with tears when the police officer tells her they most definitely won't come back...

14 years later...

Ever since the day Y/N lost her best friend, the now adult has never made a single step without having the necklace she made for Natasha in her pocket or bag.

The necklace Natasha made for her has turned into bracelet over the years, but that doesn't change the fact it's Y/N's favorite piece of jewelry she owns. Y/N still hopes that one day she'll have the opportunity to give her best friend the necklace she made for her.

Y/N has been living in New York for a few years already. She moved here for university, but that has never stopped her in finding her friend. Wherever she goes, she looks on people and hopes Natasha does the same, that maybe one day they could find each other that way.

The girl sighs, checking up the time on her watch. She's nearly done with her shift at a café where she works. It's been such a long day with so many annoying customers. She just can't wait to go back to her apartment and straight to bed.

"What can I get you?" Y/N asks without lifting her eyes to look at the customer, worried it'll be someone rude again.

"Black coffee, please" The woman answers politely which makes Y/N relax a little bit.

"Mhm. Anything else?" Y/N questions, looking up at the women after a few seconds of no answer. "Are you okay?" She asks the woman who seems to be deep in thoughts.

"I. Hm. Y-Yeah. Sorry, I just... Where did you get that bracelet?" The redhead asks, staring at the piece of jewelry wrapped around Y/N's wrist.

"... Nat?" Y/N questions, her voice full of hope.

"Y/N, I... is that you?" Natasha asks shocked, not believing her own eyes.

"I've missed you so much" The younger girl admits, tears already filling her eyes.

"I've missed you too" Natasha says honestly, tears also forming in her eyes.

"I-I have something for you" Y/N remembers and walks to Natasha. "Close your eyes and give me your hand" She repeats the words Natasha told her a while ago, tears escaping both girls' eyes.

"It's not a spider, right?" The redhead plays along, making Y/N chuckle.

As the necklace is now way too small to actually be a necklace, Y/N wraps it around Natasha's wrist just like she wears hers now. The redhead smiles in response when she opens her eyes.

"I made it right after you gave me mine. I went to give it to you that evening, but you were gone... Please don't do that ever again" The younger girl sobs out, wrapping her arms around Natasha and hugging her tightly.

It takes a moment for Natasha until she wraps her arms around the crying younger girl. It's been a few years since she hugged someone. Actually, beside her sister Yelena, the last person she hugged was her best friend 14 years ago, so it's understandable that it caught her off guard when Y/N pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, Y/N/N. I won't leave you again, I promise" Natasha whispers, tears running down her cheeks.


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