Different, but perfect (NR) ❤️

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NO ONE'S POV"Look at that Foxy, now we're officially Avengers" Y/N says excitedly, petting her cat behind ears

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"Look at that Foxy, now we're officially Avengers" Y/N says excitedly, petting her cat behind ears.

She's finally moved to the Avengers compound today and is more than excited to start her new life as an Avenger. It has always been her dream to become one of the Avengers and be able to help other people. And it's finally happening.

Y/N watches with a smile as her cat walks over to her new friend Liho, a black cat that belongs to Natasha. It's kinda funny how Foxy and Liho are similar to their owners.

Liho is more of a loner, she doesn't really like anyone besides Natasha. Most of the time the cat is somewhere out of sight and alone. Kinda like Natasha. The redhead joins the team if she needs to, but she's happier in the gym on in her room where she has time to think and has no one around.

On the other hand, Foxy is such a friendly cat who loves human touch and is more than happy when someone's petting her. Y/N is also very friendly, loves to be around people and her absolute favorite thing is cuddling.

Who would say that absolute opposites like Liho and Foxy could be such good friends. But you know what they say... opposites attract.

"Oh, there you are. I've heard you also have a cat, so I just wanted to tell you that Liho's not really fr..." Natasha stops when she sees her cat happily playing with Y/N's.

"I think they like each other actually" Y/N smiles, glancing at Natasha before looking back at the two happy cats.

A little shocked Natasha sits down on the ground next to the newest Avenger, watching their cats play. What shocks her even more is that both cats make their way over to Y/N, wanting her to pet them which Y/N happily does.


Over the weeks Y/N's spent on the compound, Liho's behavior towards Foxy hasn't been the only surprise.

Liho grew to like the new Avenger quite a lot. And to be honest, Natasha did too. She often finds herself thinking about Y/N or finding every opportunity to spend time with her.

Anything like this has never happened to Natasha before and she has no idea what to do. If she should just admit how she feels, or if she shouldn't say anything? What if Y/N doesn't feel the same?

Of course, Y/N does. She loves spending time with the redhead. But she is absolutely clueless and doesn't see the way Natasha looks at her. She's noticed Natasha's nicer to her than she is to the others, but she thinks it's just because she's new here.

"I don't know, Wanda. We're completely different. I don't even think she feels the same way" Natasha sighs, taking a sip from her coffee.

The redhead's currently in the kitchen, talking to Wanda who's the only one who knows about Natasha's feeling for the newest Avenger. Everyone else is either somewhere around the compound or somewhere outside. Y/N went out shopping this morning, so Natasha doesn't have to be worried she would hear her conversation with Wanda.

"Look at it from a different point of view. Look at Liho and Foxy. They're so different and yet they won't make a single step without each other" Wanda starts, pointing at the two cats that are walking around together. "Just like you and Y/N. You two might be different, but you are perfect for each other"

"But what if you're wrong? And she's just being friendly?" Natasha asks unsure, making Wanda roll her eyes playfully.

"Nat, I see the way she looks at you. She definitely likes you. Just ask her out and you'll see I'm right" Wanda says confidently.

"Hey, guys! What are you up to?" Y/N smiles brightly, stepping into the kitchen with a few bags, some filled with clothes and some filled with food.

"Hi there. We're just talking. But you seem like you had a successful shopping day. What you got?" Wanda asks with a smile.

"Well, I got some clothes. I especially love the cute dress I got. And I stopped for groceries, cause the fridge is nearly empty... again" Y/N says. "Oh, and I got some treats for the cats" She smiles, taking out the cat treats and showing it to both girls. "Foxy and Liho are gonna love it!"

"I'm sure they will, детка" Natasha chuckles at Y/N's excitement, watching as Y/N's cheeks turn red on the name she called her. (baby)

"Well, I'll go to give them some" Y/N informs, quickly walking over to the cats and petting both behind ears, hoping Natasha hasn't noticed anything.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you two here. Go get her" Wanda says just for Natasha to hear, winking at her before turning around and walking out of the room.

Natasha takes a deep breath before standing up and walking over to Y/N and the cats, taking a seat next to the girl.

They just watch their cats for a bit, eventually petting them behind ears until Natasha finally gets the courage and starts speaking.

"Wanda thinks the cats are like us" The redhead blurts out on which Y/N tilts her head in confusion.

"Well... I mean, kinda I guess" Y/N shrugs, not understanding Natasha's point.

"What I meant to say is that they're completely different, but they're such good friends" Natasha explains, receiving a hum in response. "Just like us... Y/N, I don't know how people do it. I'm trying to tell you I like you" Natasha sighs. She's never confessed her feelings to anyone and it seems harder than she thought.

"Y-you do?"

"Yes. I... I was hoping that maybe you would go out with me? Like a date?" Natasha asks nervously, waiting for an answer.

Y/N opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. She's been imagining this moment for so long and now when it's finally here, she's too shocked it's actually happening.

"I'm sorry, just forget I asked" Natasha says after no response from Y/N, bringing her back to reality.

"No, no. I-I like you too. I would love to go on a date with you, Nat" Y/N quicky catches Natasha's hand, stopping her from standing up.

"Really?" Natasha better asks to make sure, receiving a warm smile and a nod back.

"Of course, going on a date with you would make me the happiest girl on the entire world"


WandaNat/ScarLizzie one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now