Chapter 14

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Knocked out

Warning: Drunk! also I have never been drunk/intoxicated, so sorry if it may not be good!

They started to eat happily but then Kaveh excited to see if he could beat Alhaitham ordered 2 bottles of wine one for him and one for Alhaitham.
(don't worry traveler is paying lol.)

Kaveh began to drink confidently engaging in the conversation everyone knew Kaveh had to get drunk at some point. Even though he was an alcoholic he for some reason still acted like a lightweight. Alhaitham though didn't get drunk still drank slowly talking a lot to. Kaveh finished his bottle in a matter of minutes chugging it down he still tried to act sober yet was starting to feel tipsy.

He ordered another bottle and so did Alhaitham since Alhaitham decided to drink faster since he didn't want the traveler and a man he just met Zhongli wait for him to finish awkwardly.

Kaveh began drinking more and more once again going so fast you could say he chugging he was no longer sober now he felt little bit drunk but still tried to hide it a little bit.
He continued to drink and got another bottle by the time he finished that one Alhaitham finished his second unphased he knew by Kavehs third drink he had to get drunk. And Alhaitham was right Kaveh was super drunk. Since he was already tipsy from the 1st bottle. Kaveh cheeks were even blossoming a pinkish red color because of the alcohol. "I will take Kaveh back up to his room it's late and well, I'm afraid he'll drink more than he could handle."

Alhaitham took Kaveh by hand hoping Kaveh could stand but Kaveh didn't which he didn't mind he got Kaveh on his back and started walking towards the chamber.

Once they got up alhaitham helped Kaveh get to his room. This time they were sharing rooms again. They didn't have to but they had gotten so used to being near each other they couldn't help but feel weird alone in their rooms. Alhaitham dropped Kaveh in the bed as he got ready for bed Kaveh was just wiggling around like an animal.

"haithammmmm." Kaveh whined loudly to Alhaitham. "what?" asked Alhaitham not taking it seriously. "I'm coldd!" Kaveh complained. "get in your pajamas."  Alhaitham said.
"no..!" Kaveh complained like a little kid. He grabbed a pillow and put his arms around it pouting at Alhaitham. "your so meeeeeeeaaaaaan!" Kaveh whined over and over. "do you want me to change you?" Alhaitham smirked mockingly. "WHAT N-NO!!" Kaveh let out a small hiccup

embarrassed by Alhaitham's question. "if your so cold here." Alhaitham said a little annoyed tossing his cape to Kaveh. Kaveh went under and started trying to sleep.

5 minutes later

"IM COOOOOLLDDD!! Kaveh complained whining again the entire time letting small hiccups. Alhaitham walked towards his bed but was stopped by Kaveh by grabbing his wrist." haithammmmm saty here with me I'm cold." Kaveh pouted towards Alhaitham. " fine. " Alhaitham got in Kavehs bed. "can we cuddle? I'm cold." Kaveh asked. Even though he was already cuddling up against Alhaitham. Kaveh was drunk so let up tons of hiccups Alhaitham could smell the wreak of alcohol on Kaveh feeling bad for the architect. He had no self control did he? Kavehs blonde hair looked beautiful to Alhaitham. But the as Alhaitham was drifting to sleep he heard sounds. Sniffles she looked down to see Kaveh crying quietly. "dad..." Kaveh said drunkly yet sadly. Kaveh was drunk and it was true when people are drunk they sometimes let out there feelings like Kaveh did the other night a few years back. "Alhaitham... I miss you." Kaveh said softly still crying letting out hiccups. Alhaitham looked down could he had been thinking about their time when they were no longer in the Akademiya but didn't live together yet? Probably. Kaveh continued to cry vulnerable." I-I love you... " Kaveh said not realizing his words. Alhaitham stopped for a moment to listen carefully. "i love you haitham..." Kaveh mumbled softly Alhaitham was shocked. He hugged Kaveh tightly. He looked at Kaveh.

He realized how beautiful Kaveh was and couldn't help it anymore. Alhaitham got closer to Kaveh face and kissed him. They started kissing each other Kaveh not realizing anything. Alhaitham pulled out embarresed. He decided to try to go to sleep.

The next morning Kaveh woke p noticing "ALHAITHAM?!?! " Kaveh stared at Alhaitham. Why was he in his bed? Kaveh checked everything. It was all normal. Kaveh got up remembering he was drunk and Alhaitham carrying him up here but didn't remember anything else.
Alhaitham woke up afterwords thinking Kaveh would say something annoyed or weird by the kiss. But nothing Kaveh acted normal. "Could he have been to drunk to remember? " Alhaitham thought. It was definitely a possibility with the way he was acting.

Words: 820

Thx for reading sorry if this was bad lol T¬T   byyeee! <3

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