Chapter 25

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Fireworks and Festivals

Kaveh spent the next few days nonstop writing he actually enjoyed it. He asked Albedo if he could illustrate Kaveh book and Albedo agreed.

Yoimiya and Klee were planning out the summer festival and fireworks soon though since the summer festival was about to happen really soon.

Collei, Amber, Tighnari, and Cyno went to Watatsumi island with Kokomi. Gorou the reason he didn't go was because... Yae needed Gorou to help Ms. Hina.

Alhaitham decided to take the time off to walk around inazuma city and explore inazuma Kaveh joined along to get inspiration for his novel.

Kaveh was walking when suddenly he noticed a man running behind him passing him. He soon noticed a man with a dark pinkish red hair color chasing the other. "stop scoundrel!" shouted the man chasing the other. Kaveh couldn't just sit there and watch so he used his dendro powers to hold the man still. The man chasing him caught him walking over to Kaveh. "who are you?" asked the man with dark reddish pink hair. "Kaveh I'm from sumeru, I noticed you chasing that man calling him a scoundrel why is that?" Kaveh asked "my name is Heizou I'm a detective from the Tenryou commission." said Heizou thanking Kaveh for the help.

Kaveh didn't mind helping he actually got a letter from Yoimiya awhile ago asking for help to set up the festivities so Kaveh of course was fine with that. The next day the entire group was helping with the festival. Soon enough they were done and finally the day after they could have fun in the festival.

Kaveh and Alhaitham woke up the next day exploring the festival on Naurukami island. Yoimiya and Ayaka were having a good time hanging out while Thoma and Ayato were drinking Boba. Kaveh ended up meeting Thoma and Ayato since Ayaka was Ayatos sister after all. Sayu and Heizou were gathering clues on schemes while Kiara was out delivering packages. Tighnari, And Cyno did a TCG duel with Arataki NUMERU UNO ITTO! Yae and Kokomi were having a good time talking while Sara was making a dessert for the Shogun. Gorou was completely trying to avoid Yae at all costs however.

Kaveh finally finished his light novel. And handed it in. It turns out he won!

"you have a remarkable great way in writing! Have you wrote a novel before?" asked Yae talking to Kaveh as she have him the mora. "No actually, I've never written a novel before. This is my first time." Kaveh said. "well then, if you ever do go into writing I think you'd Excell well in it. And if you really do take up writing there's a place for you in the Yae Publishing House!" Yae led into a shameless plug in.

Kaveh and Alhaitham ended up watching the fireworks together with Cyno and Tighnari. It was beautiful the lights were like dancing strings in the sky soeing into a beautiful, luminescent, brocade of gold threads and other colors. Kaveh stared and he noticed Yoimiya sitting next to him with Klee leaning on her shoulder sleeping. "you understand right...?" Yoimiya told Kaveh silently admiring the fireworks as they reflected on her eyes, dancing and twirling new designs with every explosion of color.

Kaveh nodded looking back over at the beautiful fireworks blossoming like the Sakuras of Inazuma.

After the fireworks show Kaveh and Alhaitham and the rest of the group went to go pack their bags since they would be leaving Inazuma that night. They had a truly wonderful time.

The skip took hours once again but once they made it back to Sumeru that trip was well worth their time.

Kaveh was excited since his birthday was coming soon! Who knows what a fun day would await him.  When Kaveh and Alhaitham came home though Kaveh had a one intrusive thought that would come in almost everytime he thought or saw or talked to Alhaitham "I love Alhaitham..." that was a replaying thought that would not stop in his head. But one questioned remained. Did Alhaitham like him back.

Alhaitham though his feelings were mutual with Kavehs but they hadn't told each other anything.

Words: 701

Thx for reading!! School is starting for me tomorrow! I may get busier soon so sorry if I stop posting everyday. However if I don't post one day don't worry I probably haven't abandoned it. If I do ever plan to abandon this I'll make sure to say. But I won't cause I love this. Also I forgot to mention but a few days back we hot #1 on #haikaveh!! Tysm for all your support!! You guys ready for some angst soon? Byyee! <3

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