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"Felix,please I'm begging you! Please...please!"

I heard my mom scream. I was scared. I wanted to block out the sounds of her screams but I didn't know what to use. I had locked the door to the bathroom. The only room that was my refuge to hide from the beast I called my father.

The silence died down a bit but it wasn't safe to go out.


"Open the fucking door,bitch!" I heard my dad scream from outside the bathroom.
"N-no,if I-i do,you'll...you'll hu-hurt me!" I said,the words failing to form well.

I placed my tiny hands on the door. As if it would do anything.


I heard the door opening and I knew I was done for.

"I told you to open the door. Didn't I?" My father asked with a sadistic smile on his face.

"I-im sorry. Please dad,I'm sorry!" I begged him.
I knew my words will Fallon deaf ears anyways.

"Come here!" He said,screaming at me. I stood there looking at him in fear before walking towards him.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me out by it. I was in pain bit I knew the worse was yet to come.

"Strip!" I heard him say. I looked at him with tears in my eyes before taking my shirt off.

Don't cry Claire,this isn't the worst thing he has done to you!

I told myself this whenever he did this.

I felt a sharp pain in my groin when he entered me. Since there wasn't any foreplay,that place was drier than the Sahara and because of that,every thrust hurt like crazy.

"Dad please,it hurts" I begged him between cries.
I felt him pull out before releasing his seed on my tummy.

After he did this,he wore his jeans and walked out as if nothing happened.

I was left alone in the room. Bleeding and dirty. I felt disgusted with myself. I walked to the bathroom and rinsed my body and scrubbed until my skin turned red.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw all the scars I had gotten over the years.

I wanted to cry. To die,to hurt myself but I couldn't. The last time I tried it,he caught me and beat me till I couldn't move.

"We'll have guests later,dress up. In a NICE dress" He said,putting emphasis on the nice.

"Yes...father" I said while nodding.

My father was an elite businessman and had a lot of partners aiding his business.

We always made sure to look like the perfect family outside.
But we weren't.

I stood at a corner,far away from the guests and all in all,people.
I have been struggling with anxiety since I was little but my father couldn't be bothered to care.

"Claire,come meet Mr. Yoshida" My father said,holding my waist tightly. I could feel his nails digging into my skin but I didn't want to talk.

"Hello,Miss Claire,it's a pleasure to meet you" The man said.
I smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Don't fuck this up" My dad whispered in my ear.

My dad left me with the man and went to talk to his other business partners.

"Miss Claire,I would like you to meet my son, Elron."

I smiled at the gentleman and said "A pleasure to meet you,Mr Elron."

"The pleasure is all mine,care to dance?" He said with a charmer's smile.

On the dance floor,we were extremely close and I wasn't the least comfortable.

"You seem like a pretty girl,Claire. How would you like to warm my bed tonight?" He asked me without a hint of shame.

I slipped out of his hold and slapped him before walking away.

I won't be anyone's bed warmer!

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