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I was playing with Lukas and Camille when I heard a voice calling me.

"Claire!" I turned around. It was Zoey. I groaned under my breath before forcing a smile.
"It's so good to see you." She said. I knew she was faking but I didn't want to point it out.

"Is that your son?" She asked while pointing at Lukas.

I looked at her for a while before nodding. She smirked at me and asked annoyingly "What about the girl?"
I shook my head and told her Camille wasn't mine. She nodded again,as if she was taking a mental note.

"Where the fuck are they?" I asked in anger. It has been nine hours since she went to the park with them.
"How am I supposed to know?" Dylan asked with a full mouth.
Liam just looked at me and shrugged.

These two idiots wouldn't be of any help. I can't believe we're even related.

"Look relax. Maybe there's traffic." Dylan said, unknowingly fueling my anger even more.

"Traffic? Since eight in the morning? Open your eyes! It's five!" I yelled in his face. "Bro,chill" Liam said when he sensed the growing tension.
I slumped back onto the chair and let out an exasperated breath.

"Is she picking her calls?" Liam asked me. I shook my head.
"What about her texts?" Dylan asked.

"Look! That shit head called this morning. He's fucking alive. He's not dead. Liam why couldn't you handle just this?" I said angrily.

"I did. I dumped his body in a lake....but how he survived is baffling." Liam answered.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the study. The two followed behind me silently.

"Chad,we need help." I said to my I.T brother through the phone.

Some of the perks of being in a rich family.

I had to blink a few times before my eyes could adjust to the light. My head hurt and my nose was bloody. The room was dimly lit and only the lamp was yielding light to the room.

Lukas. Camille.

I looked round me and found them on another side of the room. Camille had her eyes closed and so did Lukas. Since Lukas had started walking,he was able to sit.
I tried calling them but apparently,my mouth had been taped.

"Aunty Claire!" Camille called out when she woke up. I looked at her and tried to talk.

"Aunty Claire,I'm scared." She cried. I also had tears in my eyes.

I was about to crawl to the two of them when I heard the door creak. I instantly inches back and closed my eyes.

"You're awake?" I heard a male voice ask. I recognise that voice. It was him.

"Mister...please...where am I" I heard Camille ask.

He cackled and said "Somewhere no one will hear you scream!" I squinted my eyes open and saw the literal fear in Camille's eyes. Lukas had awoken and was crying.
"Shut the fuck up!" He screamed. Lukas whimpered and cried even more.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. Memories of all the terrible things he did to me started rushing back and the fear I once had for him also returned.

"Well well well. Look what the cat dropped." He said with an evil smile. His fingers grazed my cheeks and a wave of disgust washed over me.

"If you know what I want to do to you. You would shield their eyes." He said before roughly holding my arm to help me up.

I was welcomed with a harsh back hand slap when I stood up. The skin at the corner of my lip broke open and blood dripped out.
I closed my eyes as he dragged me by my hair.

"Ma..mama!" Lukas screamed. He said his first words! He was crying and tears and snot had stained his face.
"Mama!" He screamed again with outreached hands.

My father held the back of my neck and slammed my head into the wall.
I felt my vision turn blurry. He left me and walked away from me.

"Mommy's tired,so we're gonna leave her." He said to Camille and Lukas in a sickeningly sweet voice.

That was all I saw and heard before everything turned black.

"Dude,I can't find her!" Chad said with a sigh. It's currently midnight and all four of us are not asleep.
"She was with our son,any pick on him?" I asked in desperation. He shook his head and looked back at his computer.

"Sir..." Rebelle looked at me with sad eyes.
"Rebelle..I promise,I'll bring back Camille back."

"I trust you." She answered me with half a smile.

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