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I got out of bed and threw on a pair of sweats. Claire wasn't in the room. I walked downstairs and found her in the kitchen. She was wearing my shirt and it was kinda cute how baggy it was on her.
"Good morning." I said as I hugged her from behind. She jumped a bit before smiling.
I placed Lukas in his feeding seat and sat down.
I saw how she blushed when she looked at me. She placed my food in front of me and went on to feed Lukas.

"Do you want to start working with me again?" I asked,trying to break the ice. "I do but,Lukas will have to be older." She answered. After she fed him,she sat down and had her breakfast. I wanted to tell her what Dylan had told me about her birth but I couldn't stand to see her sad again.

"Today no work?"



"Wanna make another baby?" I asked playfully with a smirk.
"Hey!" She blushed. I pulled her in for a kiss and left her only after she was breathless.

I held onto Claire with one hand and held Lukas. She was a crying mess. Tears were also pooling in my eyes. I wiped it away and help Claire up.

"Maman!" She cried out. She closed her eyes when they lowered her mother's body. I looked up and the sky had turned grey.
"Come on." I said and helped her to the car. Throughout the drive,her sniffles and the giggles of Lukas were the only sounds that filled the car.

"El,can I hug you?" She asked me that evening. "Sure." I said. I could feel her tears staining my pyjama shirt. "Claire." I shook her. "Hmm?" She answered while drying her tears.
"Claire,I promise...I'll protect you and my son. Nothing will happen to the both of you." I said. I hugged her and heard her whisper "I love you" I smiled and kissed her.

I had to admit it. I was sad. I had lost the only family I had.
I saw her die right before my eyes. That was messed up. Luckily,I had my son and Elron.
"Claire?" Elron called my name softly. I looked into his blue eyes and hummed in response. "I've been thinking and I want us to start afresh. Get married all over again...with real vows." He said. I blushed and nodded. He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Enough! My mouth hurts." I said when he broke the kiss. He chuckled and said goodnight before hugging my waist.

I woke up and found the bed empty on one side. Elron wasn't in bed but guessing by the warmth still lingering in the bed,it hadn't been long since he got up.

"Shh...shh..mommy is still asleep." I heard him whisper when I got downstairs. I smiled to myself and walked to the two of them.

"How was your night?"

"It was okay."

He smiled and leaned closer for a kiss but was blocked by my hand.
"No more kisses for you." He frowned and said "Lukas, mommy's being a bully. What do you think I should do to her?" in a cooing voice. Lukas smiled at him and his little dimples showed. His smile warmed my heart and I smiled with tears in my eyes.
"Hey..hey,what's wrong?" Elron asked me. I shook my head and smiled at him. "I..I just miss my mom." I answered sadly. He placed Lukas in his walker and hugged me. "It's okay." He whispered. I hid my face in his broad chest and breathed in his scent. I felt a sudden comfort overwhelm me when I did so.

"Wanna go on a date?" He asked me. "Sure. But what about him?" I asked pointing to the giggling baby in his cot.

"je peux prenez soin de lui, madame" Rebelle said with a smile. "Camille will come over later. She can play with him." I nodded and said "Sure. But please don't feed him anything containing too much sugar or he'll have a sugar rush."
She nodded and walked to the kitchen.

I looked in the mirror and smiled at who I saw. I wasn't that fearful girl a few years back. I was now a wife as well as a mother.
"You look good." Elron said while standing by the doorway. I looked at him and said "Thanks." He hugged my waist and asked "Ready?" I nodded and said "Yeah,let's go."
He pulled me outside and into his car. "I have a surprise for you later."
"What is it?"
"It won't be a surprise if I told you,would it?"
He frowned and said childishly"I want to know." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
He grinned and drove off to the restaurant we were going to have our date.

Claire ate only a little portion of her food and that had me worried. The last time she was like this was when she was pregnant with Lukas.
"Is the food good?" I asked her. She nodded and said "It is but it's too spicy. Spicy foods are not for me."
I waved at a waiter and when he came I said " Please,get me one of your sundaes please.
He nodded and walked away. She looked at me and I said "You don't like spicy food so the next alternative is ice-cream." She smiled at me and looked around. I noticed how her smile didn't reach her eyes like if usually did. And how her eyes had a bit of sadness in it.

"Let me excuse myself a bit." I said to her.
She nodded and smiled again.

My ice cream was presented and I began to eat it when Elron's phone chimmed. He had given me the password to his phone so opening it wasn't cumbersome.

.....Claire Dotson. Born to Tristan Dotson and Anna Dupont.


I looked at the message and anger began brewing in my heart. He knew and he didn't want to share it with me?
I quickly placed the phone down and continued eating my ice-cream.
"I'm back." He said with a smile. I forced my nicest smile and said "It's tasty,want to try?"
He shook his head and said "No,I'm full." I nodded and continued eating my ice-cream.
We left the restaurant around nine. He held my hand but I brushed his hand away and when he asked me,I just complained of tiredness.

"What about that surprise you promised?"

"Like I said,I'm tired." I answered sharply.

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