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"You okay?" Joey asked when he looked at me. I could sense that my eyes were swollen and red.

"...Claire,wait." Elron yelled,gaining the attention of passers-by.

"Joey,let's go." I said and tried to walk away quickly.

Elron sped up and managed to hold my wrist. I tried to remove my hand but I wasn't successful.

"Claire,even if I have to follow you to the UK,trust me I will. All I want is you forgiveness. I'm sorry for what I've done. I really am and I'm paying for it,every single time you're not by my side. If not for me,for the sake of our son. Please." He begged,his eyes tearing up.

To be honest,this was the only time I had seen him like this.

"Elron,please. This hurts me more than it hurts you." I turned to face him properly. "Your dad was right,I'm tainted. Used. Trashed. I can't be with someone like you. Someone as perfect as you. I'm sorry. Please forget about me. Like I said,Lukas will grow up. He'll forget he ever had a tainted human being as a mother. Please,forget about me."

The tiny barrier I had built around my heart came crushing down as I said this. I was hurt,I was in pain and most of all,I was scared. Scared of what people might say. What they might think.

Although he had been put in jail,what he did to me will still be a part of me. No matter how hard I try,no matter the amount of therapy sessions I booked,I could not forget about it.

"Claire..." He said and let go of me hand.

I felt a tiny body hold my leg.

"Mommy,don't go." Lukas said and looked at me with glazed eyes.

I wish I could stay. But this city was filled with too many bad memories. I had to move on.

"Listen to me,mommy loves you. I always will. Mommy cares for you. But I have to go. I'll always be with you....in here." I said tapping his chest. He placed his finger there and smiled at me.

I took a tiny teddy bear out of my pocket and placed it in his hand.

"Use this to remember mommy,okay?" I said and kissed his forehead.

I looked at Elron and apologized one last time.

"I'm so sorry." I said and allowed the tears to drop.

".....I forgive you. But I will never forget you." He said and walked away with Lukas.

Joey hugged me as I cried silently.

"I'm sorry." Joey said.

"Was I *hic* wrong?" I asked.

"Claire..." He said,as if avoiding the question.

I looked at his vanishing figure and a seering pain spread throughout my chest.

It was over. And it was my fault.


To be honest,I cried while writing this. I'm soo sorry for the late update.

Even if this is the end,it isn't the end. Book two will be published in a while.

💕 KA

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