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I couldn't believe in a matter of time,I'm gonna be called momma. I was elated as well as afraid. I wasn't raised with love. I had to live in constant fear of being beaten to death. Will I even be able to give the child that much love?

I looked at the man who was hugging me while sleeping and there was this happiness blossoming in my heart. Be as it may,I was kind of happy that I was carrying his child.
I looked at his face and there was a faint stubble on his chin. I extended my hand to touch it when suddenly,


"You scared?"

"You weren't asleep?"


He smiled and I felt content with myself.


He got off the bed and picked the call.
I realised how quickly his expression changed before he walked out.

He came back after a while and said "Your dad said we should come over for dinner."

I shook my head and shrank in the bed. "No,I don't want to go."

"Calm down Claire." He said "I'll be with you,I'll not tell him anything."
He held my hand and kissed it.

"Okay. Okay." I said after calming down. If I had to be honest,I really missed my mom and surprisingly,my father as well. I most especially wanted to know if my mom was alive,if she was well,if she ate right or even if she had broken a limb or not.

"What's your favourite colour?"


"Your favourite colour?"

"Red..I like red a lot." I answered with a smile.

He nodded and walked away.

I got off the bed and look at my reflection in the mirror. For once, I was happy with what I saw. I saw a scarred and nasty body alright,but I wasn't ashamed again.

"Elron?" I called out after I had finished bathing. No response. Maybe he's gone out. I walked to the closet and my jaw dropped when I saw what was inside.

Red dresses. Some gowns,some maxi dresses as well as others.

"You like?" I heard someone ask me from behind.
"Yeah." I said while nodding.
"Come here." He said with extended arms.
"I don't bite." He said when he sensed my uneasiness.
I calmed down and walked towards him before being enveloped in a big hug.


Oh my God!

As I was hugging her,her body felt soft in my hands. She was fragile. She had this distinct scent of strawberry and lavender and I kind of liked it.

I released her after a while and smiled contently at her. I couldn't believe I was going to be a father.
I always pushed away that thought with Zoey since she wanted to focus on her business. But now that it was so close,I realised how badly I wanted one.

"Let's get ready."


The drive to the house was mostly quiet because we couldn't find anything to talk about. I looked at Claire who was dressed in a simple red maxi dress that covered her back and legs. I couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful she looked in that dress.

"...Hi baby...you okay in there?" I heard her whisper to her belly. I kept my eyes on the road and occasionally looked at her while she talked to the little baby in her.

"We're here." I said to her.
She stopped and looked at me for a while. I could sense her fear and I felt kinda bad for her.
"Calm down. I'm here." I told her before helping her get out of the car.

"El!" I was greeted by a hearty welcome from Felix. I could imagine how many times he worked on that smile before meeting us.
"Felix." I said trying my best to keep my composure. Claire held onto my hand tightly when we walked into the house.

"Hi darling." Her father said to her. "Hi..father" She said, tightening the grip she had around my hand.
"Oh Darling" I heard her mother greet from up the stairs. She looked paler than when I met her months ago.

"Mother!" Claire cried out before walking to hug her.
"Sorry I missed your birthday,dear." Her mother said and I winced at her words.
"It's okay mother." Claire said with a sad smile.

I felt bad for my mother. I knew what she might be going through but she still managed to fake a smile. I could see the sadness in her eyes and how she had lost a ton of weight but I decided to brush it off.

„Madame, Sir, das Abendessen ist fertig“ (Madame,Sir,Dinner is ready.)
The German maid,Gitte said. It had been long since I had seen her. She knew what we went through but she never knew my father raped me.

My parents nodded and we were led to the dining room. As much as the food looked nice,I didn't have the appetite to eat much. I sat down and Elron sat right beside me,holding my hand under the table.
There was a little conversation during the dinner,mostly business and its issues.

"Does he treat you well?" My mom asked me. I smiled and nodded slightly before saying "He's changing."
My mom looked at me with a sad smile before saying "He's cheating. He's cheating on me. With some Irish redhead." I wasn't shocked but it still hurt that my own father dared to treat my mother like that.
"Mom.." I said before stopping. I hugged her and the tears that couldn't fall for so long finally sprang out like a broken geyser.

"I'm pregnant."


"How is she?" He asked me. We were currently standing on the balcony having some "guy time". I sipped my whiskey and said "She's alright."
"She's a beauty isn't she?" He asked with a smile as if she was some sort of car.
"She is." I answered. I was trying to set my boundary with Felix but I guess he was too blind to realise it.

"If I may ask,how is she in bed?"

And with that question,he had crossed the line.
"With all due respect Felix,how my wife behaves in bed is our personal issue." After I said this,I left the balcony. I wouldn't stand there for him to make a fool out of her.

"She's a good girl." Her father said while holding onto her waist. I could sense her uneasiness from where I was sitting but in order to not make things suspicious,I decided to keep my cool.
Her eyes read "Help me" but I couldn't help but sit down.

"I just learnt some few minutes ago that,in a few months, we're gonna be grandparents!" Her mother said excitedly. I was shocked and so was Felix. He looked at me and I saw how Claire winced.
I smiled and nodded.

It was around 9 when we left the house and throughout the exchange of goodbyes,Claire couldn't wait to leave there. I hurriedly ended the conversation and drove out of that place before she would breakdown right then and there.

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