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"Ah!" I yelled when I was thrown onto the floor of "our" bedroom. My dress was torn and makeup was messed up. I felt him drag me by my hair and hit my head onthe wall.
There was numb buzzing in my ear.

"You whore!" He screamed.

"El..Elron...Elron please" I knew I made a mistake when I called him by his name.

"What did you call me?!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed. My second error.

"You dare to scream at me?" He spat out.

"Get up!" He screamed while holding my upper arm with a right grip. Pain spread out through my whole hand but he didn't care.

He threw me onto the bed,and said "I'm going to break you in ways you didn't know existed my love." While holding my cheek. I wanted to scream but he had taped my mouth shut. Tears flowed out of my eyes seeping into the crevices of the tapes and into my mouth. I felt alone. Again. This reminded me of the time I was at my father's house. Fear gripped me.

"Who was he?" He screamed.

"Who the fuck was he?!"

Tears flowed out of my eyes the more and when I felt that he would do something,he just left me on the bed.
He walked into the room with a cuff and I begged him through muffles to stop.

He ripped off the tape and along came pieces of my lip skin. I could taste blood on my lips but the throbbing pain was nothing.


I heard the cuff lock and I was at his mercy.
"You're a pathetic human being,Claire" he sneered.

"A bloody whore!" He continued.

I felt the tiny barrier I had built around my heart break down. I wriggled in the cuffs as if that would help in any way. "Sir..please" I begged.

"Come to think of it,I haven't copulated with you since we got married." He said flatly.

My pupils dilated when I heard what he said. I shook vigorously when I felt him hold me down. He screamed at me to shut up and I fearfully obeyed.

"Oh sweet,slutty Claire" he whispered. He lifted my dress and tore off my undies. I screamed when I felt him forcefully enter me.
"Ugh" he grunted. I just laid on the bed as if I was a corpse. "Claire?" He hit my cheek.
I looked at him and he laughed saying "Thank God. I thought I was fucking a corpse."

After he finished,I sat in a corner of the room with my knees in my chest and cried my heart out. He just walked out as if he didn't just rape me.
I walked to the bathroom and scrubbed my skin till it was a scarlet red. I looked at myself in the mirror as I did always and the pain that was in me flowed out in the form of tears.

I slept on the floor again although the doctor specifically warned me not to.

"On the bed" he commanded.

"Hu..huh?" I asked half dazed.

"On the bed" he said while tapping the bed.

I crawled into the bed but slept as far away from him. I knew if I rolled again,I would fall off the bed.


I looked at her frail sleeping figure and an instant wave if guilt hit me. I couldn't believe I did it. I raped a human being. It was my anger. I let the anger take over and I let it control me. I could see the sadness she was experiencing even when she closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry" I whispered before closing my eyes.

I woke up to find an empty bed. I stood up from the bed and something distinct on the bed caught me eye.

A blood stain.

Was she a virgin?

I shrugged of the thought and walked out of the bedroom.

"Claire!" I yelled her name.

I didn't know why but I just did.

"Si..sir?" She responded.

"How....how old are you?" I asked her.

I could feel the tension in the air.

"Nineteen." She whispered.

"What?" I yelled.

"Nineteen. I turned nineteen yesterday." She answered.

I was shocked. I raped her on her birthday.

"How's your hand?" He asked.

I saw her look at it and then at me. "It's okay,sir."

I began to feel weird when she used that word. I nodded and walked past her.

"Should I ready breakfast,sir?" She asked.

"No,today,no work." I answered.

She nodded vigorously and walked to the kitchen.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. Yesterday was her fucking birthday. No wonder she was smiling when she came downstairs. And I did such a heinous thing to her.


At the current moment,I hated it when my phone rang.


"Hi,Mr. Yoshida."


"This is Joey Lunkeat,can we meet up?"


"Café Coco"

"Okay,does nine o'clock sound good to you?"


I knew who he was. He was the fucking perv that hugged my wife yesterday and made me do that to her. Maybe he wanted to meet me and apologize for what he did yesterday.

"I'll be out for a while." I said after I took breakfast. She nodded but she kept her distance from me. I didn't blame her. I kissed her cheek and left. It was only after I entered the car I realised what I did.

He kissed my cheek. I touched that part he kissed anf tears welled up in my eyes.

He did that terrible thing to me and now he dares to kiss my cheek.

I walked to the bedroom and took off my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt terrible.

Bite marks,scratch marks,cuts,stitches as well as burn scars were what decorated my body. Some were self inflicted and others were from the abuse I had suffered from my dad as well as Elron. I looked at my wrist and it was a bright red. The tears blurred my vision and I wiped it away. I looked at my thigh and saw the cut I got as punishment when I tried to kill myself.



Elron walked in the famous "Café Coco" and saw him.



They both greeted themselves. Elron wore no smile on his face when he sat down but Joey was the opposite.

"Mr. Yoshida,you may be wondering why I wanted to talk to you"

Elron nodded.

"It's about your wife" Joey said.

Elron's eyebrow twitched and he said angrily "Keep her name out of your mouth!"

Joey chuckled and said "Relax..relax. I don't like her. Well she is my friend but I don't like her."

It was after he said that that Elron came down.

"She was being abused."

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