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I guess it was over. She left.

"Is mommy gonna come back?" Lukas asked innocently. I felt my eyes sting and I blink to clear the tears.

"I don't know." I answered. I had tried calling her multiple times.

Lukas looked at me with glazed eyes and his innocent look reminded me of her.

"I want mama!" He whined.

I didn't know what to do. I should have stood up for her. I should have helped her.

"Rebelle,please take care of Lukas,I'll be back."

I drove quickly to my father's house. When I got there,the only one present was my mother.

"Where is he?" I asked in a tensed voice.

"He..he just went out. He'll be back." My mom answered. I could sense her  uneasiness from where I was.

"Do you want some tea?" She asked while trying to hold me.

"No,but I'll wait." I answered flatly.

Just as I sat down,my father entered the house.

"My boy,how are you doing?" He asked happily,as if he didn't just ruin my life.

"Spare me the crap!" I sneered.

"El!" My mother scolded. My father glared at her and she kept quiet.

"I know why you're here." He answered and sat down.

"Whiskey?" He asked and took a glass out of his cabinet.

"I don't drink,and it's 11 in the morning."

He smirked and took a sip.

"That girl isn't good for you. You know that."

"You don't know her!"

"You knew it was all contracted,yet,you touched her...and had a child with her." He said and took another sip.

"You never said anything like that."

I was getting annoyed,and if I wasn't careful,I would've punched him right in the face.

"I clearly remember telling her father that the marriage would be purely contracted and that,it was purely business. You will leave the girl alone,or I'll disown you!" He said in one breath.

My eyes widened when I heard what he said.

"My grandson will study here and when he's 13,he'll travel to America to further his education."

"You can't make my decision for m-"

"You're only 22! You're barely a grown adult. You better shut it and listen before I do something I'll regret!"

I clenched my jaw and looked at him. This man was trying to dictate my whole life.

"You'll leave that girl and marry another. We can't have a tainted portrait in our gallery and you know that."

"Claire is not tainted!" I yelled.

"How do you know that?" He asked with a smirk.

"I do because I love her."

"Would you love her if I told you that,I have been inside her?"

I lunged at him pulled into his collar.

"What the fuck did you say?"

"She doesn't know of course. She was drugged. She was amazing." He said mockingly.

All I saw was red. I punched him and he fell to the ground. I kept punching him till he was barely recognisable.

"Elron,stop! You'll kill him!" My mom begged.

"No,he deserves to die!" I yelled,still punching him.
She finally managed to pull me away from him. My knuckles were stained with blood.

"He knew what he was doing to her,he was part of it."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Calm down. Please calm down,if you don't, you'll kill him!" She begged.

"Let him! Let him die! If he does, that'll be better. He touched her! He fucking touched her!" I yelled.

My father stood up and pointed towards the door.

"Get out! Get the fuck out of my house!" He yelled.

I snickered and walked out of the house.
I wanted all of them to suffer. I didn't know she had gone through all of that. She never wanted to talk about it. I get it now.

That bastard had done so many horrible things to her. It's even a miracle she's still alive.


I'll be leaving for The UK in a few weeks and I didn't know what to pack.

"What if we go for shopping?" Joey asked without taking his eyes off the TV.

That sounded nice. "Sure. I need new boots anyways." I said and sat beside him.

He ruffled my hair and said "Okay,black or white?"


"The boots. Black or white?" He smiled.

"I want maybe brown." I answered. I didn't want to seem opportunistic.

"Why are you saying it like that?" He asked while looking at me.

"Okay,I don't want to seem opportunistic,that's why."

"Oh, Claire,even if you want a whole department in the mall,I'll get it for you. I don't mean to sound like "That Guy." If you get what I mean."

I understood what he said clearly.

"It's fine. I know you have a lady-friend." I smiled.

"How did you know?" He asked,clearly shocked.

"Well,I'm not blind. And plus your phone has been blinking a lot." I shrugged.

"Okay,miss detective,go get dressed and let's go." He said and tickled me.


"What about these boots?" Joey asked,showing me a pair of knee high boots.

"No,it's to lengthy." I answered and looked at their pairs.

"What about these?" I asked showing him a shin length pair of boots."

"Well if you want it." He said and took it from me.

He paid for the boots and a few other things. I got sneakers,shirts,skirts and jeans.

"You'll look great in these." The cashier complimented as he paid the bill.

"Thanks." I answered with a smile.

"She has good eyes." Joey joked when we got out of that department of the mall.

I spotted a cotton candy stall from the corner of my eye and I immediately wanted one.

"Can I have candy?" I asked childishly. "Hmm,sure." Joey answered and I pulled him the stall almost immediately.

"It's too sweet." I whined when I licked a bit of it.

"You'll eat it since you said you wanted it."

"You know I will." I joked and took a bite out of it.

We were walking to his car when I heard a familiar voice.


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