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My heart was pounding when I managed to get out. My hair was drenched and my eyes were blurry.

"Claire!" I looked back and saw Elron chasing after me.

"What?!" I half-yelled.

"Come inside. We can talk it out."

"No,why should I come? He has already ridiculed me and made me feel less of a human."

"Plea-" I cut him off. "I'm going home."

I felt him grip my hand. I jerked away forcefully and walked to the car.

"I'll drive myself home,you can come home if you want. I don't care again!"

I slammed the car door shut and turned on the engine.

"Claire,think this through." He mouthed.

I pulled out of the garage and drove away.


I don't know the purpose of what my father did. I went back to the house and found Lukas playing with Ella on one side and Liyah with my mom on the other.

"Where is she?" Liyah asked.

"She left." I answered with a shrug.

"She left?"

"Wouldn't you leave if your father in law just humiliated you?" I asked immediately shutting her up.

"Don't talk to your sister like that!" My mom cautioned. Sometimes,I forget I'm the younger one.

"Where is he?"

"He's gone out. I don't know where." My mom answered.

"I'll be taking my leave." I said and carried Lukas.

"Bye-bye Ella." He said when I carried him.


"Hello,Joey,can you come pick me up?" I spoke through the phone while I packed with teary eyes.

I didn't want him to come and meet me here. He didn't even fight back when his dad said all those hurtful things.

"Why what's wrong?" Joey asked. I could tell he was worried from his tone.

"Nothing,I don't want to stay here anymore." I cried.

I managed to drag my luggage outside and placed it in Joey's car.

"What happened?" Joey asked when he began driving.

"I don't want to talk about it please." I said. Luckily,I had changed into more comfortable clothes when I got home.

"Okay,that's your decision." He said and began driving again.

"We're here." He said and pulled up in his garage.

I dragged my luggage out and took it inside his apartment.

"Sorry,it's a bit messy,I didn't expect guests." He scratched the back of his head while saying this.

"It's okay,I've seen messier rooms." I said with a small smile.

"Do you like ramen?" He asked and walked to his kitchen.

"No,I'm fine. But thanks." I said and sat down.


I looked at my phone,it was a call from Elron. I wasn't in any mood to talk to him.

I switched off my phone and began unpacking my things.

"You can take the bedroom,I'll take the couch." Joey said and sat by me.

"But I'm the guest." I wasn't comfortable with him sleeping on the couch. He was a full head taller than me and it would be difficult for him to sleep on the couch.

"I'm fine. Even if I'm taller than you,I'll still fit." He said and ruffled my hair.

I hated being treated like a baby but that's what I need right now. To be treated like a child.

"If you say so then."


Lukas had been crying his eyes out since we got home. I had called her ten times yet,her phone wasn't going through.
I messed up. Big time. I should have stook up for her but I just looked at him when he said all those hurtful things to her.

I knew he wouldn't stop until got what he wanted. Since Zoey's arrest,he had been trying to match me up with some stuck up,pompous woman his partner obliviously fathered or adopted.

"I want mama!" Lukas bawled. My head was pounding from seeing my little boy cry like that.

"Calm down." I said and carried him. He hugged my shirt and buried his face in my neck.

"Mama." He whispered through hiccups.

I needed to find Claire and clear things. And fast.


Hi guys!

It's orientation week at school and I'll be suuuper busy but I promise I'll update on either Friday night or Saturday.

Remember to share and vote.


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