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Tears welled up in my eyes when I remembered what my mother said.

"He's cheating on me with some Irish redhead."

"...Claire?" Elron's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You okay?" He asked with concern. I nodded but my emotions were lying to him. As well as myself. I started hyperventilating and all of a sudden,heat enveloped my body.

"Stop the car."


"Stop...sto..stop the car."

He quickly parked the car and I opened my passenger seat and fell to the ground. Elron held onto my shoulder,probably scared that I would hurt the baby. I flinched away from his touch and hugged myself on the floor. I couldn't breathe and I felt my heart beating in my throat.

"Mom...mom..." I cried out.

"Claire.." Elron said. "Don't touch me!' I screamed. I wanted to be left alone.

"He's cheating on her."

"He's cheating on her. After all he did to her."


"He's cheating on her,Elron!"

He carried me at his back and the tears still fell.
He left the car there and walked home with me at his back.
I didn't know when I dozed off,but I woke up in our bed with him hugging me to sleep.

"I won't let you eat marshmallows and mustard." I said trying to reason with her.
It has been seven months since we found out we were expecting and it had been harder than the previous months.

"No!" She screamed.

Her belly was swollen now and it was kind of cute on her. Her petite frame made her look like a furry ball.
"El,please." She begged me,on the verge of tears. It amused me how she would cry for food.
"Claire,for the love of the baby,I won't allow you to eat marshmallows and mustard."
She frowned and walked out of the bedroom.
Our relationship has developed a lot better but I still haven't told her the "L" word yet.

She's expecting my fucking child though.

She has been going for counselling and the nightmares has stopped a bit. She smiles more and she is able to talk to me now. I got her a phone and she's still learning the ropes of it.

I'm trying my possible best to find a lawyer to handle her case.

I want just common marshmallows and mustard.
My belly had extended a lot and I'm even shocked by it. I feel happy that I chose to keep the baby.
Elron got me a phone and a therapist and to be honest,I'm happier now. The nightmares have stopped a bit and although I have them occasionally,it doesn't make me cry when I wake up.

"If I get it for you,will you talk to me?" Elron asked me.
I nodded happily and stood up from the ground.
"You look like a bunny" I heard him say.
"Hmph." I poured and walked away.

I didn't know why I was having this weird cravings. Like the last time,I wanted butter. Just plain unsalted butter. And what touched my heart was that Elron was with me through all that.

"Here." He said handing me a packet of marshmallows and a bottle of mustard. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. I ate on bite and scrunced my face in disgust. Elron looked at me with an "I told you so" smirk. I wanted to wipe that smirk off but it made my heart flutter at the same time.

"I did tell you,did I not?" He asked me.
I rubbed my nose and smiled at him. He smiled back at me before kissing my nose.

My mom called me a few weeks ago and told me she was filing for a divorce and I was proud of her. It made me feel happy that she was finally taking her own decisions. Elron promised to get her a lawyer that would help her win the case. I didn't want my mom spending another day with that abusive monster but the only thing I feared was that the press would a big fuss about it.

"I got a lawyer for your mom." He said one evening when we were getting ready for bed. "Really?" I asked. He nodded and settled beside me. "A professional attorney who pours her heart out for her work."
He made emphasis on the "her". I was too tired to make any remarks on what he said so I just smiled and slept.


Felix was in his office when he received the divorce letter Anne had sent him. What kind of joke was this? Who did she think she was? He threw the papers into the bin and left his office in a fit of rage. He wanted to beat the daylight out of that slut but when he got home,Gitte was the only woman in the house.

"Wo ist sie?" (Where is she?)

"Sie verließ. Sie sagte, sie würde bei Miss Claire wohnen. (She left. She said she's going to live with Miss Claire.)

Anger filled his heart and he punched the wall before dismissing Gitte. He looked at his bloody knuckles and let out a chuckle. He didn't feel pain. All he felt was pain and he saw red. He needed to kill!

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