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"Good morning." Elron greeted when I woke up.
"Yeah." I responded hazily. I was too tired and I wanted to sleep a little bit more but I had to make breakfast for all of us.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, uncertainty clear in his voice. I nodded and got off the bed. "Ow!" I screamed when I stood.

"Just a bit sore." I groaned when I realised he was looking at me. He nodded and went to the washroom.

"Breakfast!" I yelled when I was done making it.
"Good morning Aunty Claire." Cammy greeted me. I smiled a bit and placed a plate in front of her.

"Mommy said she won't be here for a while."

"Where is she going to?"

"France. She said she going to handle some issues."


I sat down and began reading to pass time when suddenly:


I looked up and saw Elron carrying Lukas. They were laughing as if someone had hit them with laughing gas.

"Want some bacon?" I asked Elron. He smirked and said "I had enough meat last night." I smacked his shoulder and said "There are children here."


"Aunty Claire,if someone says I'll see you in court,what does it mean?" Cammy asked me. I gave her an odd expression and asked her why she said that.
Apparently,her mother was fighting her father over custody of her.

"When did you hear her say that?"

"She was talking to Daddy on the phone." I nodded and went back to doodling with her.

"Mamma,mamma,mamma, see" Lukas yelled.

He held up a picture of doodles.

"Yay for Lukas!" I clapped playfully.

He giggled happily and went back to playing with Cammy.

The whole day was spent sleeping,eating and watching tons of cartoons.
If you live with kids,you become a kid I guess.

"My family will be hosting a dinner in a few weeks and since you're my...wife,you have to come with me."

"Okay,but why...never mind." I answered. His attitude since he returned from work had been weird and I had to pretend I hadn't noticed it.

"Goodnight." I whispered. "Night." He responded.


My heart was pounding as I opened my eyes, and my chest was constricting with fear. I felt like I was suffocating, and I was struggling to find my bearings. All I could hear was the sound of my own panicked breathing and my own heartbeat.

I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead as I turned my head, glancing around the room. Everything was dark and eerie, and I barely recognized my own bedroom.

A low, deep, rumbling growl came from the corner of the room, barely audible but loud enough to terrify me.

After hours of vivid nightmares and disturbed sleep, I finally woke up in the early hours of the morning. My bed was covered with sweat and tears, and I felt depleted and exhausted.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling noise coming from the other side of the room. I couldn't move and could only watch as a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows, coming closer and closer to me.

The figure stood over me, its face hidden in the shadows. I couldn't see its expression, but I could feel its presence. I tried to speak or to move, but I was paralyzed. I felt a sense of dread and terror, waiting for the figure to do something.

Suddenly, the figure leaned down, its face inches from my own. I could feel its hot, moist breath on my skin, and I felt a sickening wave of fear.

I stared back at the figure, frozen in fear. The figure just stared back at me, unmoving. I felt like I was going insane.

Everything around me felt like a nightmare, and I just wanted to wake up and make it all go away. Then, in a flash, the figure disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief and tried to calm myself down. As the shock wore off, I realized what had happened. I'd had sleep paralysis, and in the midst of it, I had experienced a vivid and terrifying hallucination.

I didn't find her on the bed when I woke up.

"Claire?" I called out. Nothing. I called her name again. Still nothing. I could hear sniffles and sobs from the bathroom. I opened the door and found her crouched by the tub. Her black hair was messy and her shirt was soaked with tears. Her eyes were bloodshot and it scared me to wonder the duration of her crying.

"Please make it stop." She begged with a shaky voice.
"Make everything stop. Please. I'm begging you." She continued.
"Make what stop?" I asked in confusion.    She looked at me with teary eyes and I knew something was wrong.

"Get over here as soon as you can." I made a call to my doctor.

I placed her in the bed and sat by her. She kept whispering "Make it stop. End it." Continuously.

"I'm here." The doctor said.

"Proctor,could you check what's wrong with my wife?"

I stood back and watched as the doctor checked her heartbeat,her eyes as well as her pulse.

"She suffered a panic attack." Proctor said.

"Her heart is beating rapidly and she seemed to have also suffered an anxiety attack." I nodded and asked "Will she be okay?"

"Yes,she just needs rest. And may I suggest...a vacation?" He said before leaving.

I looked at Claire one last time before turning to switch off the lamp.

"Don't.....switch it off." She whispered.

"You sure?" She nodded and I obliged.

I didn't know what was causing this and why. But I hope we go to court soon so that we can end this.

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