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"You fucked it up!" My dad said screaming in top of his lungs. I looked down,at nothing in particular whe tears flowed down,soaking the tissue on my laps.
"I'm sorry,I really am. He said something I didn't like" I said but I knew that would only fuel his anger.

"You dare to fucking talk back?" He asked me while holding onto my hair. I was pretty sure some of the hair was out of its follicle.

"No! No...sir. I'm sorry" I said when he dragged me across the room. My mom looked on with pain and sadness in her eyes.


I felt my head hitting the giant mirror we had in the parlour for some reason. I winced in pain when I felt some of the shards were in there.

"Felix,please!" I heard my mom beg. My dad's attention switched from me to her and before I knew it,blows upon blows landed on every part of my mom's body.

"Dad!" I screamed when I held onto his hand. He threw my hand away,which made me fall even harder,hurting the already bruised skin on my forehead.

I lay on the floor watching my father beat the living daylight out of my mother before I passed out.

I dreamt of a peaceful world. A world where I wouldn't live in constant fear of being beaten to pulp or cleaning up blood or waking up with an aching body or going to bed with an aching groin after a madman had thrusted the living daylight out of me.

I woke up with a splitting headache but I wasn't shocked by the cause of it. I looked at my forehead and tears welled up in my eyes.
My mom had carefully picked out all the shards from my forehead and cleaned it before making me go to bed.

I washed up and joined them for breakfast. The beast eating his food as if nothing had happened last night.

"Good morning mother...Good morning father" I said before sitting down.

I had eaten only a little portion of my breakfast when my father said "Mr. Yoshida and Elron will be here later in the day."
The grip around my spoon tightened when I heard his name. I nodded obediently and continued eating my food.

I wore a red dress with black sandals since I was at home (and my body was on fire). I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't know who it was.

I had used a lot of foundation to hide my bruised forehead. I forced a smile and walked downstairs. My mother looked at me with sadness in her eyes before looking away.

"Mr. Yoshida, Mr. Elron...a pleasure..once again." I said without looking at Elron.

He looked at me when I say by mom and I noticed that he had blue eyes.

"Elron,my sincerest apologies for what my daughter did yesterday." My father said while glaring at me.
"It's okay. I understand" he said in a husky voice.

"What can we do to compensate?" My father asked in his most gentlemanly voice.

Elron looked at me with his deep blue eyes and I felt a shudder ran through my spine.
"I want your daughter...as my wife" he said after a while.

The words slashe through me like a knife. I looked at my mother then at my father. This man would just give me away like I was some kind of car or house. Well I wasn't shocked because this wasn't the worst he had done to me.

"Deal!" I heard my father say enthusiastically.

My heart sank and I could feel warm tears stinging my eyes.
"May I be excused?" I asked noone in particular.

I walked to the washroom and cried my heart out. I couldn't believe my own father would do that.
I mean sure,he raped me frequently and hit my mom and I,but I was still hurt when he accepted without asking me.

When I went out,the two were talking as if they didn't just ruin my life. I was only eighteen. I had my whole life ahead of me and now I had to do this. "Ah! Claire,come sit with us." My father said as if he loved me with every fibre of his being.
I felt his hand holding tightly onto my waist and the friction between the dress and my skin,hurt me a lot.

I looked down the whole time and never uttered a word. My mom seemed invisible in all of this and I knew she felt my pain and fear.

"The wedding will be held a week from now." My father said when Elron left with his father.
I knew my life would never be the same again.

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